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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. You know your old when talk of cougars makes you think back to Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom RG :-)
  2. Ring of Fire....well riots bring on fires, to say the least Gordon Lightfoot-Black Day In July RG
  3. Tony Orlando and Dawn-Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree RG
  4. Well he was right about one thing, you weren't worthy of a man like him...you deserve someone so much better than him If he was uncomfortable or couldn't continue in a relationship because of your profession, you two should have parted ways...informing others, demeaning you, well that says more about him, and to put it mildly, it says he's a jerk Treat people the way you would like to be treated, that's how I try to operate. Sorry you went through that RG
  5. Well a song about a Indian Johnny Cash-The Ballad Of Ira Hayes RG
  6. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=261 RG
  7. Well it's not a stretch from U-Boats to battleships Johnny Horton-Sink The Bismarck RG
  8. Wouldn't the Nike logo be better...their motto is, "Just Do It" LOL Additional Comments: Emma You are absolutely correct. I know for myself, when there is a lady that interests me, two things that don't influence me in contacting her is her menu (if indeed she has one) and whether shaved/unshaved. But my comments are just a personal preference, but they aren't deal makers/breakers, in fact they don't factor into my reasons for contacting a lady at all RG
  9. There is nothing left anymore to learn the hard way. Things that you buy now won't wear out. Your supply of brain cells is finally down to a manageable size. You no longer think of the speed limit as a challenge. Your investment in health insurance is finally paying off. You can quit trying to hold in your stomach no matter who walks into the room. Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember them anyway. You can sing along with elevator music. Your joints are more accurate meteorologists than the guy on the television. Your eyes won't get too much worse. Kidnappers are not very interested in you. People call you at 9 p.m. and ask, "Did I wake you???? " You can get into a heated argument about pension plans. You can eat dinner at 4:00 in the afternoon. In a hostage situation you are the most likely to be released first. No one expects you to run -- anywhere. You are no longer viewed as a hypochondriac.
  10. All time favourite costume. Back in the 60's when Batman (the campy one on tv) was on, my brother and I had Batman and Robin costumes, that were made at home . I was Batman, obviously my brother was Robin. RG
  11. Trooper, that's what a State Policeman is called. They police the highways Well truckers have another name for troopers or police, they call them bears Convoy-CW McCall http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWO_AIh8drk RG
  12. Worst Christmas, well it wasn't about presents, it was the year mom and dad split up...actually around November. Christmas very bleek that year, no amount of presents were going to make it good Best Christmas and Christmas present, eight years ago. In the fall we were told my nephew, a premie, just born, had six months to live. Well the family will be having Christmas, and my nephew is going to be there, and it's his eighth Christmas...love it when the doctors are wrong, and at least we found out before his first Christmas RG
  13. I know when I've stayed at a couple hotels, one in Ottawa, 2 in Toronto, you have to pay for parking in addition to the room. And in one case, the one hotel in downtown Toronto, the room is pricey enough, $35.00 night for parking over and above. The other hotel by the airport, $7.50 night, not so bad. Downtown Kingston hotels, same thing, pay for parking But just paying for parking is becoming the norm...except so far, in Hamilton at the two hotels I stayed at And one thing I do to try to keep my costs stay down, unless required by the lady as part of security/verification, is not use the phone in the hotel, instead use my cell phone I'm fortunate that I don't take my computer or need internet while away A couple quick ramblings RG
  14. As for the first question, I've always paid cash, up front. But you can ask the lady ahead of time if she will accept email money transfer. But whatever, always go by the lady's preference in payment. Oh, and no bills larger than fifties. A lady on here said she was paid by counterfeit $100.00 bills, in short, not paid at all. As for gift/tip. What I do, normally, is a gift card plus the donation in a gift bag, and have it sitting on the table in plain view when the lady walks in (most of my encounters are outcalls to my hotel room) At the end of the encounter, I'll give the lady a tip As for gifts, check the lady's website, she may have a section where she gives suggestions for gifts. And gift cards are a good option I won't tell you how much you should spend on gift/tip, that is personal between the lady and you, or should be Hope that helps RG
  15. Congrats WC. Isabella is right, your posts are respectful. Always enjoy reading what you write Look forward to many more posts from you RG
  16. For what it's worth. I enter into each encounter, knowing full well that the lady is seeing me because she is receiving monetary compensation from me for the time spent together. For most of the ladies, and that is because the ladies are great at what they do, they make the time wonderful and memorable. Yes, I like them (well most of them), and that is because the lady's personality comes through and the lady is likeable,not just as a SP, but as a person. The lady may genuinely like you as a person too. And yes, some friendships can develop. Yes maybe you even think you are in love with the lady and she with you. Ask yourself this question, would the lady see you if not compensated for her time. In short, outside the SP/Client lifestyle would you two see each other? BTW this is not a cold hearted analysis of seeing ladies. This is recognizing this lifestyle for what it is. This is a lifestyle that is mutually beneficial to both the lady and gentleman. And love is much more than a couple hours intimately in bed together. Love means for better or worse. Could she take you at your worst, or vice versa? Love means a life together, which is far more than a intimate escape For me, even with my favourite ladies (yes plural) seeing them is my monthly escape. I get to look forward to meeting a new lady, or see a lady again that I haven't seen in awhile. Getting back into a committed relationship, well the escape is gone, and the magic and escape of those few monthly hours is replaced by the day to day routine of a relationship. I've quit the dating/relationship thing, and much prefer this escape. Why give up the escape to go back to the routine of dating/relationships Hope that rambling makes sense RG
  17. Gift cards can be the way to go. Look at the lady's website, she may have favourite stores she shops at. A gift card to one of those stores. RG
  18. I like Nicolette. She makes insightful knowledgeable posts. Always enjoy reading what she has to say. Nicolette is one of the ladies that makes CERB the great board it is. RG
  19. Another rumble.... Kitty Fight Song Oh don't groan, you all probably got a little grin on your faces RG
  20. It just doesn't seem that way because we often forget a lot of the stuff we know LOL From a guy on the older side of life RG
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