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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Awe Angela...here's a BIG LONG DISTANT HUG just for you :-) Take care RG
  2. Sadly, another one, died trying to save lives Lest we forget http://news.ca.msn.com/top-stories/quebec-airmans-body-returns-to-base-23 http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/news-nouvelles/news-nouvelles-eng.asp?id=3976 RG
  3. Stealers Wheel-Stuck In The Middle With You RG
  4. Didn't need no stinkin remote Had this LOL RG
  5. Well what first comes to mind when I heard of Pumped Up Kicks was Elaine's dance on Seinfeld, Little Kicks but keeping it musical, martial arts fighters kick. So a song from the past Kung Fu Fighting-Carl Douglas RG
  6. Stay away from CL, there are so many, many, many more wonderful ladies here on CERB. My two horrible encounters from hell, well one from CL, and one from another site I won't name...my experience with CERB is the ladies are great. When you see a lady here on CERB that interests you, contact her (either through pm/email or whatever is her preference) When scheduling an encounter, let her know before hand about being in a wheelchair. Most important to the ladies is that you are a gentleman Good luck and have fun A couple quick ramblings RG
  7. These two guys heard you'd touch their junk and let them stare at your tatas You can see the reaction RG :-)
  8. The pain I can handle, it's the humiliation that hurts LOL But your post/photo is sending confusing messages, because underneath the photo of "this guy wouldn't quit feeling my ass..." is your signature "I think making love is the best form of exercise." -Cary Grant
  9. With my luck I wouldn't run into you though, but this guy instead Not only complaints, I'd feel dirty and violated, not to mention not be respected for my mind RG :-)
  10. If you took another road, it would have led somewhere........................ Somewhere Over The Rainbow-Judy Garland http://www.metacafe.com/watch/859392/judy_garland_somewhere_over_the_rainbow/ RG
  11. The vets of the Canadian Forces have served Canada and the world with distinction and deserve to be remembered and honoured And it isn't just service in the hotspots of the world (Afghanistan, Kosovo come to mind right now), or in past conflicts (WW1, WW2, Korea), what about the humanitarian/peacekeeping/civil aid efforts undertaken (Search and Rescue, ice storm, flooding in Manitoba, Hurricane Katrina, numerous peacekeeping missions etc etc etc) Yes the men and women of the Canadian Forces chose their profession...that doesn't make the sacrifice any less. In fact in makes it more, they knowingly entered a risky profession, a profession that puts service before self Would anyone here make similar comments about choosing their profession, for example , towards firefighters, who died, or suffering health issues, because they go into a burning building saving lives. Some really need to remember Lest We Forget RG
  12. And if it's a stormy day, would it be a Thunder Road Bruce Springsteen-Thunder Road RG
  13. Congratulations NJ on 2000 posts. Enjoy reading what you have to say, looking forward to reading many more RG
  14. Let's see Sara then Holly, then Sara then Holly, and mind you no date yet The only thing predictable about men, well some men, is a short attention spans and being fickle. RG
  15. I had my cancer scare five years ago...doctor saw a mole on my back which he thought was cancerous. Biopsy done...and in spite of freezing, cutting out that mole hurt like hell. Well three long weeks later found out benign, no cancer. I religiously apply 70 block sunscreen when I go outside...in the summertime very frequently Maybe these posts are thread hijacking, but if one life is saved or spared from getting cancer, so be it Good link Kyra, thanks for sharing RG
  16. Morning, every morning...is that a season. My blanket looks like a pitched tent LOL RG
  17. Then some don't Walk, they Strut-Sheena Easton http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcAJ9siMseA RG
  18. I'm giving you another finger for that...a Goldfinger-Shirley Bassey http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MagCoUYvIXE RG
  19. Julia I don't think you know how romantic a coffee at Timmies can be So this lady goes to her doctor and explains that her husband can't get it up like he used to and their sex life is suffering. The doctor asks: "Have you heard of a new drug named Zyban?" The lady says 'yes', but adds that her husband refuses to take pills of any kind, and certainly won't take anything that "will make him feel like less of a man." The doctor advises the woman to slip it into his morning coffee when he isn't looking. The woman is nervous, but the doctor insists: "It will change your life within a day," so she figures she'd better try it. A week goes by and the lady shows back up at the doctor's office and the doctor asks her how it went. The lady heaves a tremedous sigh and explains: "I snuck it into his coffee like you said. And, sure enough, within 15 minutes, he cleared off the table, threw me on it and we had the best sex we'd had in 20 years." Perplexed, the doctor asks: "What's wrong with that?" And the lady schakes her head and says: "I don't think i'll be able to show my face at Tim Hortons again." Seriously, I agree with you, if it were me, I'd ask the lady out to dinner. But the way the thread went it sounds as if there is concern that a bona fide date could complicate and screw up a good hairstylist/client relationship. In this case going out for a coffee is small non committal step which can lead to dinner, movies, and more, or if there is no chemistry, they can continue as hairstylist/client As I see it RG
  20. There's a beautiful naked woman in my room spending time with me, I'm happy :-) Seriously, well I was serious to begin with, tanned, alabaster, or obvious tanned bikini lines, its all good...just one thing, in all seriousness, if out in the sun, put on and regularly reapply sunblock (btw I'd volunteer to put the sunblock on) no tan is worth getting skin cancer over My ramblings RG
  21. And speaking of Boney M, here's a song about bone Hoyt Axton-Boney Fingers RG
  22. Congratulations Bethany on your first 500. Looking forward to reading many more RG
  23. Maybe now that you've asked, she'll just ask a friend or two of hers that knows you...what do you think of that guy...sort of the dating version of verification if you will Or maybe a few things occupy her life for the moment, and she isn't free until a month from now. Or she has to arrange a babysitter (she might have a kid) Don't read too much into it (you really don't know at this point except she didn't say no) when you see her next time, ask her out RG
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