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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Just a couple quick thoughts Normally I'm an outcall type of guy. But on a very few occasions I have done an incall. On some of those occasions the lady had a separate bathroom in her condo/apartment/house whatever just for clients to shower in so it always would look fresh and unused, the same as when I've checked into my hotel room How do clients not know however that the lady didn't get the bathroom quickly ready for her next client, dry towels, freshly cleaned shower etc etc etc. As for seeing other clients, this is her profession, how she pays her bills. If you truly like the companions you see you should be happy they have other clients to see (how many here read and/or write recommendations, that in part is so she can get other clients and other clients can meet her) As long as you are the one and only client she is focused on during the time of your date, she isn't focused on anyone or anything else all is good. A couple quick thoughts thrown in for what it's worth. And just my opinion of course A quick rambling RG
  2. Just a couple quick thoughts. Have a website which includes amongst other things, rates, screening/verification requirements, contact info (email/text/phone)…..well I'm sure you've seen other ladies websites to give you an idea of what they contain. And include the link for your website on your Lyla profile. Also I don't know if you are on Twitter but if so include the link to your website on your Twitter profile. Also post regularly on the New Brunswick Schedules And Announcements forum on Lyla. But also to get visibility on Lyla as a whole post in other forums, like General Discussion Area All Of Canada, Fun Threads, Health And Wellness etc etc etc. It may not make sense at first but posts in those forums give potential clients an idea of your personality and whether he'd "click" with you. Can't speak for everyone but in my early days (and even now to some extent) that played more of a part in who I wanted to see than just announcements and recommendations. Anyhow a couple quick thoughts over cup number one Good Luck A Rambling (or two) RG
  3. Queen Bohemian Rhapsody A Tweet on Twitter made me think of posting this RG
  4. Well never say never but the furthest east I've gone (in terms of this lifestyle) is Gatineau Quebec. I've gone further east (Kentville NS but that was for a funeral) But who knows, maybe one day RG
  5. On this cold (weatherman says 8 but it feels colder) grey spitting rain windy day I must say yes I'm enjoying this day. Now home, about to have lunch, then a coffee But important, I'm enjoying the day RG
  6. Well again the obvious...obviously, back on Lyla LOL But was looking at a couple boat manufacturers' websites, still giving serious thought to getting a boat in the New Year. This time it would be just a basic 16 foot aluminum fishing boat, nothing fancy like I had before. No plans to fish tournaments so I wouldn't need something fancy. With that said now time to go to the bank, grocery store and then gas station to top up A rambling RG
  7. Now after a couple years owning a car I wasn't sure what the going rate was for an oil change on a V8 pick up (what I drive now) Maybe prices have legitimately gone up, I recall my Dodge Ram V8 was in the $40-$50 price range and that was a few years ago. But from now on I'll take my truck to the local garage, there were a few chances to stiff me if they were dishonest, they kept the bill low and got the job done. Honesty pays off in the long run RG
  8. Feet up, beer in hand and watching Monty Python's Wife...sorry Life Of Brian on Netflix Still funny after all these years RG
  9. I agree, they still (good business practice) should have honoured the bill as a thank you for questioning the price. After all if I hadn't pointed it out I could have received free oil changes for life. something I didn't pay for (price is $500.00) and given on how long I'm likely to have the truck would be a long time. But the local garage I dealt with when I had my POS car is going to be seeing me again. They didn't defraud me, but they didn't show good customer service either IMO. RG
  10. Any major repairs I'd go to my local garage, they're honest and aren't looking to stick it to you. As for Canadian Tire I'd rather go to a dealership. Years ago I used to go to the local Canadian Tire to get oil changes and any maintainance for my Dodge Ram. One visit they said my water pump needed replacement (over $500.00) and I asked for them (before the appointment) to machine the brake rotors. Well got the bill for oil change and machined rotors. Got home, looked at the rotors, didn't look machined to me. Went back, asked the manager of the garage. He said there was nothing left to machine. Fair enough, then tell me that, I'd get new rotors (which I did) but don't charge me for machining rotors that you didn't machine...that's theft and I detest being stolen from So that was the last time I used Canadian Tire...anywhere. A local garage was recommended to me, my first visit the owner/mechanic pressure tested my water pump...absolutely nothing wrong with it. Canadian Tire was looking to steal from me by replacing my good water pump with a new water pump. And no charge for the pressure testing. He also got my business not just putting in new rotors but for approx. ten years (till he retired) I was a regular customer Anyhow I avoid Canadian Tire long story short. And you want to lose me as a customer/client, fleece me, you may get short term dollar gain but long term I'll go elsewhere. I hate being stolen from, and thats also why even if it's dealing with a large business (like a dealership) I'm honest, otherwise I'd feel no better than a thief. A long winded rambling RG
  11. Lyla is a good site. Pick the province/city you want to see a companion at, both in the announcements section and recommendations and that should give you a good starting point to find a companion Another site you might also want to try is Twitter. Between Lyla and Twitter you should be able to find a companion. The one benefit of Lyla is it's Canadian Good Luck A rambling RG
  12. From what you've said here I would move far away from this escort. First thing is that it isn't a romantic dating lifestyle, it is paid companionship. You may develop friendships but first and foremost it's a business, she receiving compensation and in exchange she gives her time and companionship. The second thing, it's very inappropriate for her to be contacting you for a booking, the client contacts the companion. She just knows how you feel about her and is using that because, to put it bluntly, because she likes the size of your wallet. Block her number, her email etc then she can't text or phone you and avoid her. Long term it'll be for the best Good Luck RG
  13. Got the oil changed in my truck today. When I got the bill, $0.00. Didn't seem right to me, this was the second time I got an oil change for free and I was perplexed to say the least. So I questioned it. Got told I had oil changes free for life. I just bought the truck in February and remember clearly declining the oil changes for life option. Well it turns out the previous owner had oil changes for life, but it's non transferable. But the first oil change was a freebie I was entitled to. But today my bill went from $0.00 to $83.00 😲 because I questioned what seemed like a freebie I shouldn't get But taking a freebie which I knew I wasn't entitled to would be no different than stealing. But if I had kept my mouth shut....no that would be defrauding the dealership and make me a thief A rambling from someone now $83.00 poorer LOL RG
  14. Read the Rules and FAQ section you'll likely find it in there. Actually what would have been better would be to PM cerbmod and ask him instead of making a new post referring to a post/thread you started but it got pulled. Even if you don't know why you know at least the post violated Lyla rules RG
  15. Maybe it's just me but isn't it ignorant of a person to not clean out the lint trap after they finishing using the dryer. Sign clearly posted in the laundry room "Clean Out Lint Trap After You Are Done" The person who uses the dryer before me never cleans out the lint trap. Just ignorant in my opinion...people should clean up after themselves RG
  16. Well obvious number 1 is I'm on Lyla again, with Breaking Bad on tv in the background while waiting for my clothes to dry...yes Sunday is laundry day Shortly heading out to get some groceries....I like my fresh fruits and vegtables to be fresh RG
  17. Best way to screen???....well as a client (potential client) who is the one who initiated contact (yes remember it's the clients who contacted the lady, not the lady who contacted him) the best way to screen is the one that works for the lady. If her screening requirements aren't comfortable for a potential client, he shouldn't waste her time by even contacting her. Beyond that not my position to say what screening method is best, just if I want to see a lady I'll give her all information she requests My two cents A rambling RG
  18. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/cannabis-canada-border-agents-lying-saskatchewan-1.4884680
  19. I guess that's pretty true, me too right this instance LOL Me, I was window shopping (seeing as I have Windows 10 guess pretty true) on my laptop for boats. Thinking of buying a boat in the New Year, so just looking now at different brands and models for my purposes Since I don't fish in tournaments anymore and would just be a retired weekend fisherman (translation I can fish 7 days a week come Spring-Summer-Fall) I just need (well want) a basic boat for fishing. I do envision me taking a trip to Toronto in January for the Toronto Boat Show to look at what's out there. Of course this trip is contingent on certain family obligations clearing up A rambling RG
  20. Back again to this thread Gassed up the truck (had to drive to Oshawa and back yesterday, and not for fun) Then bought a six pack Becks no alcohol beer Now back home drinking a Timmies dark roast (oh yes, I guess the absolute last thing I bought today) A rambling about nothing I guess...well except the beer, it's one of the four important food groups RG
  21. The other day I picked up a bottle of beard oil (recommended if you're trying to grow a beard) The brand is "Just for Men" That leaves me with a vexing question, is there a beard oil "Just for Women" 😲🤢😲 LOL Oh stop groaning, while it wasn't great it wasn't that bad either LOL RG
  22. No its still there Go to top of the page (left side) when you open/log on to Lyla Reads left to right BROWSE ACTIVITY FAQ immediately below that Forums Chatbox Clubs Gallery Leaderboard Chatbox is second from the right RG
  23. While it's true you can buy a cheap flip phone with nothing on it for trips to the United States and keep the smartphone at home US Border Services can also check your credit cards for purchases (under the guise of looking for buying cannabis, but what else is on their agenda?) As for checking a phone, it isn't just apps, it's access to emails, texts, your contacts etc. If I travel I choose to give consent for a search when I'm crossing the border into their country, that's fair enough. But the people on my contacts list, that I've shared emails with and or texted with, all Canadians, and they don't travel, didn't consent to their names, emails, phone numbers etc being given to law enforcement, much less a foreign country (yes the United States not being Canada is a foreign country) And think of all information that can be gleaned from accessing your credit history by accessing your credit card. Some laugh at this and don't realize just how intrusive searches like this really are. And once U.S Border Services has it, no matter who becomes President next election, it's here to stay. After all Canada and other countries don't vote in the US elections OK my rant is over, I'm happy to be Canadian and can't see any reason now to go to the US any more RG
  24. Breakfast out today so bought breakfast. And then due 😋for a treat of cheese curd so went to the cheese factory picked up a bag of fresh curd. While there got some cheese too...salsa cheese and mozzarella with jalapeno and red chilli's (not for children LOL) No not eating all this cheese in one sitting, this will last about two weeks, well except the curd, it's dinner RG
  25. Gassed up my truck, bought some groceries (mostly fresh fruits and veggies because I like my fresh fruits and veggies to be.....well fresh) and then across the street to the pharmacy to get beard oil (yes haven't given up the ghost on growing a beard.....yet LOL) RG
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