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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Jet Boy and Jet Girl probably like jets Song associated with jets...jet fighters to be exact Danger Zone (from Top Gun) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPYF2p-cGx8 RG
  2. I tried just for you Meg but......... And you don't want to see the ass side, not a pretty picture LOL RG :-)
  3. Just a question out there for the ladies. If the guy was comfortable with you continuing as a escort if you got involved in a relationship, would you be equally comfortable with the guy continuing to see escorts if in a relationship with you. Just asking a question, thats all RG
  4. Scribbles, your not alone, I don't know either. I'm going to say no...but entirely for another reason. I've been through the dating game, including breaking up with my fiancé (long story short, she got pregnant by another man, but still wanted us to get married) and a nasty break up with a girlfriend who then stalked me...but I digress For me, participating in this lifestyle is my substitute for dating. Has all the pluses of seeing woman, without the relationship strings attached. With very few exceptions, I like the ladies I meet, and most I will see again It is my once a month escape to see a lady again that I like, or a lady I'd like to meet. For me, if I was involved in a serious relationship, and this is just me, it would have to be exclusive and monogamous. First, and this is more rhetorical thinking outloud, is it fair to ask the lady to give up being an escort because we are now in a relationship? Likewise, I truly do enjoy seeing escorts, more than I imagined I would when I first thought about it. Could I give up seeing ladies if I got involved in a relationship, would I be able to make that sacrifice? All of this is said with the caveat never say never. But I prefer the no strings uncomplicated world of seeing escorts. And I can't see complicating it by getting involved in a relationship But one final thing to add, there are no ladies I've seen that I would be embarrassed or ashamed if seen with them in public. In that aspect, I do not see escorts as different than other ladies, nor do I see them as not deserving of a loving relationship. But for me, at this point in time, I'm not looking for a relationship, whether with an SP or a lady outside of this lifestyle. But had I started this lifestyle ten-fifteen years ago, my answer could very well have been different A long winded rambling RG
  5. I make sure the heat is turned up in my hotel room, and (when I get one) jacuzzi is ready to go (couple ladies I know like jacuzzi rooms) I like my hotel room to be a warm and inviting place RG
  6. Something else, with an incall, while the lady should be discrete in her encounters (ie don't have one client after another showing up at her hotel room, draw attention of housekeeping to say the least, or if at her home, one car shouldn't be pulling up as another leaving, well we get the idea) the client should be equally discrete. He shouldn't be standing around,waiting in the lobby, looking at his watch, maybe carrying a bouquet of flowers (or something else that centres him out) with him. He should arrive go right to the elevator and go, just like he belongs there, just another customer. And even if the staff on duty don't recognize you, for all they know you checked in when they were off shift Discretion is everyone's responsibility A quick rambling RG
  7. Congrats Old Dog...enjoy the posts, and the laughs Looking forward to many more RG
  8. "I Believe In A Thing Called Love"...well you know what, a couple others thought it would keep them together Captain and Tennille-Love Will Keep Us Together RG
  9. Another song with a dark theme through it Bruce Springsteen-Darkness On The Edge Of Town http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzS2Vug-esA RG
  10. Cher-If I Could Turn Back Time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEszTzdUMcY RG
  11. But at least we know what she was singing...if indeed she was singing and not lip syncing Nancy's dad wasn't a half bad singer in his own right Here's a couple from Old Blue Eyes My Way http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aht9hcDFyVw and Something Stupid RG
  12. Sugarland-Down In Mississippi (Up To No Good) RG
  13. Speaking only for myself, either shaved or trimmed has nothing to do with wanting a prepubescent look. It is more enjoyable when engaged in oral not to have a mouthful of hair. And my experience with seeing ladies is they prefer a guy to shave his genital region, not because they want a prepubescent boy look to guys, but they just don't want a mouthful of hair. In fact one lady I see regularly thanks me each and every time for shaving Some evening ramblings RG
  14. Lets get this train back on track LOL Instead of Ashlee Simpson, how about Jessica Simpson- These Boots Are Made For Walkin http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x48p6d_jessica-simpson-these-boots-are-mad_music RG
  15. Oh please...this is supposed to be a serious thread, don't mock it with mockery LOL :-) :-) :-) (actually sorry I didn't come up with that one) These guys took singing to a new high in lows Lets all lip sync along to Milli Vanilli-Blame It On The Rain RG
  16. The Hammer...anything like MC Hammer-U Can't Touch This RG
  17. Wonderwall, how 'bout plain old wall Pink Floyd-The Wall RG
  18. And what is a New Rose....a flower so, how about Eric Heatherly singing about Flowers on the Wall http://www.evtv1.com/player.aspx?itemnum=1095 RG
  19. I'm going to say true Angela And I've got to say you can be remarkably warm in a tent and sleeping bag in the winter, only know because had to do it with the Forces in Winter Warfare course True/False-most of us Cerbites minds are in the gutter when on CERB, but in a respectful way, not that there is anything wrong with that :-) Oh and Touch is right, I have been in a cockpit of a 747, but it wasn't like this http://www.evtv1.com/player.aspx?itemnum=1095 RG
  20. Maybe if the store had out a collection jar for a food bank or shelter or something else, right now, to help those less fortunate it wouldn't sit so wrong with me. This is just to help a corporation make more bucks off a holiday which is over two months away. Contributing to an animal shelter, well I took a feral kitten off a shelter's hands last year, and paid for it ever since LOL Perhaps if we all remember it is better to give than receive, and we didn't need a holiday to practice it RG
  21. Just came back from grocery shopping, egg nog out already. Haven't had Halloween yet, now a Christmas drink out already Getting way too commercialized RG
  22. I'm going to say false I have been in the flight deck of an airliner (747) while it was in flight RG
  23. Johnny Rotten, wasn't he part of the Sex Pistols Sex Pistols-God Save The Queen (you might want to mute your speakers for this crap) RG
  24. And a song by a Johnny about a Johnny Johnny Cash-The Rebel Johnny Yuma RG
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