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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Well another song about Alabama, and no, not from the group Alabama Allison Moorer-Alabama Song RG
  2. Like it or not, SP's assume far greater risks than gentlemen do. It seems some guys are concerned about "their" privacy, but a real concern for the ladies is their safety. Verification is a tool the ladies use help ensure their safety, and part of that is providing your name. But really do you need the lady's real name to see her. And no reputable lady asking for verification is going to use it for any purpose other than to verify you, there is nothing for them to gain by outing you. And most of us have a little disposable income for this lifestyle, not enough money to make us targets of blackmail if the lady had our information And I've never been asked to provide a landline phone number, just a verifiable cell phone number As for the long distance call, any in my case are done on cell phone, and don't show up on a bill. Some quick thoughts RG
  3. Samantha Fox And just for a little trip down memory lane http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYDa8_Bq1HQ And for those who'd like to lurk in the Batcave Batman (Adam West) Robin (Burt Ward) Batgirl (Yvinne Craig) or Commissioner Gordon RG
  4. When I see a lady who requires verification/reference, first and foremost, I ask the lady who (I hope) will provide me with a reference, her permission. Kinda rude, imho to use a lady you know for a reference without asking her first, and by asking, she won't be surprised getting an email from a lady asking about me. And I have seen some ladies, and during the course of our encounter, they have mentioned some ladies I might like to meet for future encounters. And some ladies, when I've asked for a reference have in fact said words to the effect, yes a great lady, you'll like her. The ladies that bad mouth other ladies put a bad taste in my mouth (one comes to mind...nuff said) and probably do more to make me want to meet that lady. But it seems for the most part, the ladies seem to be mutually supportive of one another, and want them to have safe and pleasant encounter. And they also want the gentlemen to enjoy their encounters with all ladies. But I do have two questions directed at the ladies, for information. First, if a client of yours, especially a repeat one (and you know what type of guy he is in terms of likes/dislikes) requests a reference because he wants to see another lady, and you know this lady is definitely not his type (not that she's bad, but the guy and her wouldn't click) would you let him know. Second question, if there is a lady that the guy has seen, and provides a reference, and I'm trying to phrase this right, but she is new to the scene, not established, would a reference coming from her be as good as one coming from an established well known SP A quick after work rambling, with a couple questions thrown in And to the ladies who have provided me with a reference, a big thank you, it is really appreciated RG
  5. Must have run into this group when in Mexico Edward Bear-You Me and Mexico RG
  6. Instead of this talk about going down south, how about going down Bruce Springsteen-I'm Going Down RG
  7. Jayne Mansfield...not just because of her, but her daughter, Mariska Hargitay is sexy too (don't know if that's a good reason) Now to the tv show House Dr. Cuddy (Lisa Edelstein) Thirteen (Olivia Wilde) Dr. Allison Cameron (Jennifer Morrison) RG
  8. Orleans-Dancin' In The Moonlight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fd-op21k1es&feature=related RG
  9. In terms of learning about sex, well yes, read my share of Playboys, Penthouses and Oui in the day...not to mention watching Charlie's Angels and Wonder Woman LOL In terms of sexually appropriate behaviour, well first, in terms of learning how to act appropriately with girls my influence was my father. You treat females like a gentleman, hold the door, carry their groceries, give up your seat etc etc etc. When it came to dating, you just had the same mindset, be a gentleman. You brought a gift (as the ladies here can attest, a lesson I haven't forgotten) You bought dinner. Out of respect, you met the parents (talking about high school days now) on the first date. When it came to sex, you initiated with a kiss, and the lady would let you know if more than kissing was welcome And after sex, you treated the lady with respect. I was given sage advice, when it came to the locker room talk. Would you talk like that about your girlfriend if she was present in the locker room. Clearly, at least for me, no I wouldn't. In fact that's part of the reason I don't do reviews (play by plays) they sound more like locker room talk to impress the guys. I like writing a recco, it doesn't need to be graphic, but conveys that I met a great lady...however I digress. Anyhow, my quick take on it Don't know if that helps at all RG
  10. Well tired of running, but you know who is up...Shania Twain Shania Twain-Up http://www.popmodal.com/video/1117/Shania-Twain--Up RG
  11. I'm almost afraid to post after seeing Iron Maiden-Running Free So afraid, I'm "Running Scared"-Roy Orbison RG
  12. Edison Lighthouse-Love Grows Where My Rosemary Goes RG
  13. And when your in prison, you remember and should appreciate that you were born free Born Free-Andy Williams RG
  14. OMG what have I created...a little humour in a post about what RIM is doing for blackberry users, and joke after joke Seriously,for blackberry users, read the link, it may be of benefit...everyone else, joke on RG :-)
  15. They probably won't send this over Blackberries, because as the joke goes, what did one blackberry say to the other...nothing LOL...oh stop groaning But here is a news report off msn.com http://tech.ca.msn.com/rim-offers-free-apps-after-service-cuts-29 Just in case no one knows about it yet RG
  16. Just a quick thought, as I've seen this thread. It seems some are equating incall vs outcall as incall means at the lady's home and outcall is at the gentleman's house. Incall can mean at an upscale hotel the lady uses, for example while touring, and outcall at a likewise upscale hotel the gentleman is using. And even if at a lady's or gentleman's home/apartment/condo, that doesn't mean a seedy run down place. Just saying, that's all RG
  17. These prison songs want me to start rocking So Jailhouse Rock-Elvis Presley RG
  18. I received an e-mail from Emily a few weeks ago, letting me know of her schedule to come to Kingston on October 12th. Without hesitation, and with memories of our last meeting still fresh in my mind, I scheduled an encounter with her. An added bonus, as if seeing Emily again isn't bonus enough, her tour schedule worked perfectly for me, since I was in Kingston on a course at the same time. It's now the day of the encounter,I'm sitting in the classroom, my heart just pitter pattering away and butterflys in my stomach in anticipation of seeing Em again. Everyone in the class must have wondered why I had a smile on my face. If they only knew what my upcoming evening plans were. Emily texted me the hotel information, and just before I was to show up, I contacted her and she gave me the room number. I got in the elevator, my heart really pounding now. I got off on the floor and walked down the hallway. I knocked on the door, it opened and there was Emily, looking as young and beautiful as ever. But don't be intimidated by her beauty, she puts you at ease right away. She invited me in, and greeted me with a hug and kiss. Emily had the lights in the room dimmed, with candles lit, making for a very romantic ambiance She ushered me to a chair, offered me a beverage (she remembered from our last encounter that I am a non-drinker). Then we sat down together, catching up on old times. Emily is a very down to earth lady, a good conversationalist, and has a great sense of humour. Well as things progressed, she got a twinkle in her eye and said she provides life experiences (a big understatement btw) With that, we moved from the chair to the bed. Once there, Emily turned to me, with a very seductive smile on her face, and said she gives "skydiving lessons". Would I like a lesson? Yes I replied, wondering what she had in mind. Well after that, things are a blur, a happy foggy blur. Well not really, yes happy, but there is no fog or blur, but details of the "skydiving lesson" are private between Emily and me. But take my word for it, the "lesson" was a very memorable life experience. I certainly am looking forward to seeing Em again, for some more life experiences and more memories If Emily does a tour to your city, whether Kingston or elsewhere, do yourselves a favour and meet her. She is a wonderful lady, a true GFE and provides wonderful and unforgettable life experiences. If your like me, if you see Emily once, you'll want to see her again And to Em, thank you for a second great encounter (and the skydiving lesson). It was the highlight not only of my week, but my last two months. I'm looking forward to our next time together. In the meantime memories of our encounter will have to do. And a big thank you for remembering me, and letting me know your touring schedule. E-mails from you are always welcome.
  19. And a song about coming home from prison Tony Orlando and Dawn-Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree RG
  20. Mikaela Darth Vader Sith Lord or The Emperor RG
  21. It is compensation for the ladies' time. If all client 1 wants is one thing, for a hour of the ladies' time at reduced rate vs client 2 wanting a hour long encounter including more than just the one thing paying full price, the lady is further ahead to see client 2. Her compensation for the same period of time will be higher. Doesn't make sense for the lady to offer one service only at reduced rate. She is shortchanging herself As I see it RG
  22. Uma Thurman...although it was a hard choice seeing Michelle Pfeiffer was also a pick Who would you let drive your truck (from Ice Road Truckers) Lisa Kelly Maya or Alec RG
  23. Speaking of trains, how about one specific train Orange Blossom Special-Johnny Cash RG
  24. The only difference (at least in my experience and practice) with ladies I see again (and obviously there is a reason for that, I like them) is the gift and tip improve. Oh, and the interpersonal dynamic changes, it is more like friends with benefits than a simple SP/Client encounter. But I still pay up front and expect to have to pay up front. Why someone would want to burn an established good "relationship" for the sake of a few dollars escapes me. A quick thought RG
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