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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Well it's been awhile since this thread has had posts so I'll give it a bump Fawcett, Farrah A thread bump 🙂 RG
  2. Just recently on Netflix I watched Operation Finale about the Israelis' grabbing Adolf Eichman. And The Angel about a Egyptian who spied for Israel about Egypt's war plans. Need to watch that one again, pay even closer attention RG
  3. Went to buy groceries today including a six pack of 0 percent alcohol beer. Going through the check out at Sobeys which recently began selling beer and cider. All buyers of beer and cider must have age of majority ID So me, 57 years old had to produce ID for 0 percent alcohol beer. It was so absurd , not just that it was no alcohol, but me, along with many other buyers are so obviously in excess of legal age (nicer than saying old) need to show ID But the highlight, being carded at my age. Something teenagers dread, something older folks look at as "hey we look that young" LOL RG
  4. Better yet, don't travel to the United States. It sounds like Trump has made going to the USA, the so called land of the free like entering a country behind the iron curtain, where you are guilty until proven innocent, and Canadians are welcome with an interrogation by law enforcement modeled on the Stasi. Maybe somewhat of an exaggeration, but not too far off Frankly I don't envy those who have to go to the US RG
  5. Wasn't sure to post here or in the Health and Wellness Forum because for me this will be a health related purchase. Anyhow for Christmas this year I'm going to buy myself for a Christmas present a quality blender. Since I had my Stroke a little over a year ago it was my wake up call to change amongst other things my eating habits. And in the morning usually my breakfast is a smoothie. Fresh fruit (frozen the night before), skim milk (only able to drink in a smoothie otherwise YUK!!! lol) maybe rolled oats, or peanut butter or spinach for protein well you get the idea The blender I have, a cheapie (relatively speaking I guess) Black & Decker is giving up the ghost. Guess almost daily use for a year is too much for it. But it's getting time to get a new and improved blender. So my question, which blender would you recommend? Almost daily use, blending amongst other things frozen fruit, and won't break the bank. I'm not spending around $1000.00 for a Blendtec blender. Opinions please, and Thank You RG
  6. Have you looked through the New Brunswick forum, both the recommendations section and providers schedules and announcements. You might find a lady you'd like to book a date with after looking there A thought RG
  7. From Russia With Love (IMO the best James Bond movie of them all) Sean Connery (IMO the best James Bond) RG
  8. Thanks TM. Glad to be back. I do miss the good old days...and not just because of my posts but everyones' posts RG
  9. This JMO of course but when looking for someone to see it takes some effort. If you're looking for a quick and easy way (translation using minimal effort) to see someone then don't be surprised if your results are not good Finding a companion you'll have a good date with takes effort on your part. Read her website. See if just on reading it you think you two would "click" for a date. Also check while reading her website little details that can be red flags. Her photos, how current are they. Give two examples. Recently there was a lady I was thinking of seeing (and I saw her before back in 2010) I looked for her website and when I read it, it was virtually the same. Including the photos. It is 2018 and she was still using her photos from 2010, with no recent pics. Another example, virtually the same. A lady I had booked a date with back in 2010 (she advertised herself as a mature companion) but she had something come up and the date fell through (life happens). But I thought I'd contact her for a date now. Before I sent an email though I checked her website, and she too was using the pics she had in 2010. No recent pics. Photos JMO should be recent, and eight years is not recent. If you think the photos on a lady's website are fake do things like a search on TinEye. It can tell if the image(s) show up anywhere else on the Web. If it does it could be a case the lady stole another lady's photos. Likewise if the writing on the website looks familiar, like it's a website you've seen before but belongs to some other lady do a plagiarism check. There are a lot of plagiarism checkers on the Web and they're easy to use. Just as an example, one time I was looking at a lady's website because I was thinking of booking a date. When I read "her" website it looked like someone else's website. I checked and it was. She copied, verbatim, another lady's website. Only differences, hair colour, pics, city and rates. I let the other lady know that her site had been copied. As for this prize, no I didn't and won't ever book her Now why the issue on fake photos and plagiarism. Using fake (translation stolen) photos and plagiarism means the lady is a thief. Aside from giving this lifestyle a bad name if they are prepared to steal (I emphasize here fake pics and plagiarism is the stealing of photos and someone else's words and thoughts) to promote themselves then who else would they steal from...you, a client? I stay away from those ladies end of story Finally and this takes a bit of a mental note. Sometimes there is a lady I'd like to meet but it may be down the road (granted I do long range planning in booking my dates) So I read her website. One thing I note is her age. Now one case I was going to book a lady who was 25 years old. But at the time she said she's back in school and her time limited so we couldn't schedule a date. This was around 2011-2012. I looked up her website recently and besides having the same pictures, she's still 25 years old. I get that some companions have their "companion age" versus their real age, but they still should age a year at a time, even if their companion age is younger than their real age. More red flags to "not aging" than adding a year to their age every year. Anyhow a couple quick but long winded thoughts A rambling RG
  10. Since I started in this lifestyle (July 2010) ninety nine percent of the ladies I've met have either been through Lyla (CERB) and more recently Twitter. The (to put it nicely) disappointments have been dates (well one date only) booked through CL and one of the sites (international mostly U.S and Canada) that had a Toronto section. Booked a lady who turned out to be the second worst date I've had since partaking in this lifestyle (it takes a lot for me to consider a lady a bad date, she has to really be working at it BTW) One more thing, sometimes depending on how a companion and you get along, she may tell you of a couple ladies you might want to book a date with. I know of three ladies (not on Lyla and I don't follow on Twitter) that I'm going to book with...well once this temporary hiatus is lifted (family issues) Anyhow sticking to Lyla and Twitter (includes doing your homework) and I've had good dates. My bad dates have been, thank goodness, few and far between As for LeoList, what's that LOL A rambling RG
  11. Trying to grow a beard and it's coming in (sort of) but not even two weeks. And from what I've read you need to give it a full three months to try. So from that perspective actually good news, I think I have a shot at a good beard. But it's coming in grey hair, just grey hair...I feel so old (I know, don't say it, I am old 😂) I don't know what to do, shave it and be clean shaven or buy (cringe) some beard colourer to cover up the grey. This beard idea is turning into more work than staying clean shaven What to do, What to do RG
  12. roamingguy


    Only chips I didn't and still don't like LOL 😆 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRYDQOv-GkQ RG
  13. If these are ladies you for fact know (or know of) in PEI and/or Nova Scotia you may wish to contact them directly to let them know their name and photo is being used on LeoList (Nunavet section) And besides doing a Google picture search you can also try TinEye Reverse Image Search A couple quick thoughts RG
  14. https://globalnews.ca/video/4547045/kanye-west-visits-president-donald-trump-in-the-oval-office-in-snl-cold-open Enjoy the video😂 Sorry OK Not That Sorry RG
  15. Well this one relayed to me by my cat on Friday when he had to have a cone put on his neck after getting a preventive flea treatment. As they say a picture is worth a 1000 words. The good news, his miserable attitude gone today after the cone removed, now he's purring and snoring on the back of his...'er my recliner RG aka Nabob's Dad
  16. Glad I'm not on Facebook. Now another reason not to sign up and get a FB profile BTW this show on Netflix may be of interest "Terms and Conditions May Apply" Thanks for this Phaedrus RG
  17. Vets visit for Nabob (my cat) He got a preventive anti flea treatment while there. Not expensive but the last thing I purchased. RG
  18. I don't blame anyone for being curious and I remember when I started on Lyla, well then CERB it felt good no longer being moderated and then going to General member, Senior member, Elite etc etc etc. But it does seem there is no clear cut methodology being used but likely due (I'm guessing here) the old format and the new format mixing (is that worded right?) I certainly get why members are curious, I think we're all just spitballing guesses here. The one who knows for fact though is Mod and he's the only one who can provide answers Just a rambling speculation on my part though RG
  19. Flashbacks to the good old days when if you got your post nominated you got a great big checkmark beside the post✔️✔️✔️ Sort of like those except bigger and only one no matter how many nominated a post I miss the good old days...OK not really. In the greater scheme of things it didn't matter...just kind of made you feel good for a moment or two, now the moment is long gone😥😂 And no I'm not really crying or even sad😁 A Happy Nostalgic Rambling RG
  20. roamingguy


    Chips, pretzels, whatever I like from a bag...except for popcorn, that in a bowl That is when I last had that type of junk food. And for chips, Ruffles plain. As for dip with chips, either homemade, made with sour cream and onion soup mix, or Helluva Good French Onion dip or if I want something different, Renee's Blue Cheese dressing. Oh I miss junk food since I started eating right almost a year ago...sad not sad LOL RG
  21. According to this guy in the game of Dog vs Cats it's cats win.....LOL😹
  22. Well I don't know if it rises to the level of "things that suck...." more like can people really be this stupid and ignorant and not in a good way LOL Anyhow doing some long range planning and looking at hotels to stay at. Reading the reviews on one hotel's site (btw the hotel is located by Pearson International Airport) and one reviewer said hotel OK except for the sound of airplanes taking off and landing. WTF!!! if you don't want to hear airplanes don't stay near an airport. It would be like going to a fish and chips restaurant and complain it doesn't serve Big Macs. Guess there is review culture mentality even outside this lifestyle...that's what sucks RG
  23. If cats and dogs could text
  24. Groceries...well fresh fruits and veggies (I like my fresh fruits and veggies to be, well fresh) And a half chicken for lunch, I'll have the leftover chicken in a sandwich or two Then to Timmies for a large dark roast coffee RG
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