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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Congratulations Castle Enjoy reading your posts, look forward to reading many more RG
  2. I realy think it depends on the individual person, I know some who swear by it, and others like me, who say it's an excuse to use your arm for a pin cushion LOL and provides no benefit...it's been at least ten years, likely longer since having the shot, and since not taking it, I've been flu free Probably explains why I also have almost a year of sick leave built up RG
  3. Years ago I got the flu shot, within 24 hours I got the flu Never had the flu shot since then Not saying they are bad, but it didn't work for me But I can't remember the last time I got the flu....fishing pox on the other hand....LOL :-) RG
  4. As a single guy, I find myself not so much needing an excuse (no one knows) but I plan ahead and let family members know I'm not available on a certain weekend. Believe it or not, with an elderly mother, I do find my time taken up with family responsibilities. But I let family know a certain weekend is a "me" weekend (see not really lying), so don't voluntold LOL me for anything, I'm not available RG
  5. Eagles-One Of These Nights http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmmWJBwxvz0 RG
  6. Elvis-Jailhouse Rock I was nice, didn't put in his last name, avoided the dreaded "Y", and there is only one Elvis RG
  7. Apologies for this one Wham-Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go RG I'm sorry, sort of :-)
  8. I seem to be pretty unscathed by flu/cold bugs...touch wood I read somewhere that that blue cheese contains molds that have flu/cold bug fighting properties...don't know if true or not, but I do eat blue cheese and blue cheese dressing quite a bit Also I regularly drink orange juice, and take vitamins RG
  9. I've never seen this before so I thought it might be something new for most of you too! Collingwood Ontario was once known for it's shipbuilding. The Collingwood Shipyards built huge Lakers and they were all launched sideways, usually about 12 o'clock noon. School children would get out of school early, walk with their teachers, down the main street of Collingwood to watch the latest ship being launched. an amazing sight. As you can imagine the set-up and launch was finely tuned and a dangerous thing to do. Many workers were injured or killed during this event. The shipyard closed many years ago and Collingwood's major place of employment disappeared forever.
  10. Sheena Easton-Strut http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcAJ9siMseA RG
  11. Happy Birthday Angelica Enjoy your special day RG
  12. There's that damned "Y" again :-( Yanni-The Storm RG :-)
  13. Normally I'm not the type who likes reading death type news stories, but this monster is dead and thats good news http://news.ca.msn.com/top-stories/cbc-article.aspx?cp-documentid=30820991 RG
  14. Well I'll offer a guy's, well this guys opinion, even though you asked for SP's opinions Only offer those services, or menu items that you feel comfortable providing. If you don't want to offer certain services, you have a right not to If you'd like to try certain services, but haven't done them before, and the guy you are seeing would like that service, tell him up front you're inexperienced at it, but would be willing to try...honesty the best policy For those who believe that paying a lady entitles them to every service under the sun, well the money is for the lady's time A quick rambling Hope it helps RG
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