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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Great Big Sea-Night Patty Murphy Died http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0SpwEdU5ak RG
  2. For touring, er travelling gentlmen, well this gentleman, I can't see travelling anywhere from 2 1/2 to 3 1/2-4 hours (depending on city) for a 45 minute encounter A 45 minute encounter is too short for me, mind you a 1 hour is too short for me But I'm speaking for myself only, and only due to my circumstances RG
  3. A congratulations to Samantha and WIT...both very deserving individuals, and both great CERB contributors. Even those who didn't win, remember, being nominated is an honour And for all CERB members, you all are valued in this community Congratulations again to Samantha and WIT RG
  4. Congratulations WIT on winning Valued Member Award And to all the nominees, and even those not nominated, you all are valued members of the CERB community. Keep participating, and making CERB a great community RG
  5. Stray Cats-Rock This Town http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPy2eTPUHAU RG
  6. Youngbloods-Get Together http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVGXaVGD0h0&feature=fvwrel RG
  7. Maria Muldaur-Midnight At The Oasis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3tHYb4_bAg RG
  8. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=104 RG
  9. I personally have no problem with a bar cutting off someone who is drunk My only argument is that as a liability issue, the individual should be liable for his/her actions, it shouldn't be up to the bartender, or whoever If you want to start getting absurd with this idea of liability, what if we said the LCBO and Beer Store were responsible, because they sold the alcohol/beer (even if a few days ahead of time) that a person drank in binge drinking...or stretch it further, how about liability on breweries and distilleries, they made the intoxicating product to begin with And binge drinking isn't new, when I was growing up, many years ago (18-19 yrs old, I'm 50 now) we drank, heavily. And who's fault was it that I got drunk...mine, and mine alone RG
  10. I find there is too much emphasis on blaming someone else If you as an adult drink, why is it someone else's fault that you drank too much If you chose to smoke, why is it the tobacco companies fault you are addicted to cigarettes I could cite other examples but the gist of my argument is at some point in an adults life, he/she is responsible for his/her actions. People of 18-19 years old are old enough to vote Old enough to work They are old enough to join the military and possibly go to war But they aren't old enough to take personal responsibilty when they drink...then it's someone else's responsibilty My 2 cents RG
  11. Congratulations on your milestone Enjoy reading your posts, and looking forward to reading many more RG
  12. I should add to my opinion, that first, a clothing request has for me become not so big a deal...in fact for outcalls to my hotel room, I tell the lady just dress comfortably. And some ladies I know do change their clothes once at the hotel room...well I'd much rather be spending time with the lady than have her go change her clothes to a specific outfit (or outfits). Me, the encounter begins with that knock on the door...once I let the lady in, I want to meet her (or reconnect with her if a repeat), conversation, etc etc etc...and not have her feel the need to get changed into another outfit BTW with one lady, sweats works really good, she does that so she doesn't draw attention to herself when going through the hotel I requested one dress (the lady wears it in her album) for an incall...looks really good from a man's perspective (mind you she looks really good, it is the lady that makes the clothes) but as I found out from her, not the most comfortable, so incall or outcall, no clothing requests (actually that kinda sounds wrong a naked lady walking through the hotel would attract a lot of attendtion LOL)...change that to no special clothing requests anymore from this guy...just dress comfortably. I want to meet the lady, not the clothes she is wearing Some additional ramblings RG
  13. The III I'll read as third so Doobie Brothers-China Grove RG
  14. I guess, just so close to the anniversary of 9/11, a toy (saw the ad on tv yesterday morning first time, very early morning btw) of Saddam and Bin Laden just stikes me as tasteless. And kinda making light of the horrendous evil both these people did But on the same note, why not "toys" of not only Khadafi, but Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Hitler etc etc etc Sorry, now I'm awake, a few coffees in me, it still stikes me as tasteless But that's me RG
  15. Gary Lewis And The Playboys-Everybody Loves A Clown http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtAi58nzAxM RG
  16. Me, in my brand new newbie days had clothing requests (dress and high heels)...one of my favourite ladies didn't entertain that request because the hotel I was staying at was somewhat cozy coming through the main lobby and she doesn't want to attract attention to herself Since then I have learned, let the lady wear what is comfortable for her...she doesn't need to feel awkward or uncomfortable arriving at my hotel Now an incall at the lady's place, with a lady I have seen, I might put in a request But at the end of the day, it's the lady I want to see, and it's the lady who makes the clothes, not the clothes that make the lady So any outcalls to my place ladies, just wear what is comfortable for you, I'm looking forward to meeting you, not the clothes your dressed in if that makes sense Some very early morning ramblings RG
  17. Eddy Arnold-Smokey The Bear Song :-) :-) :-) RG
  18. Eagles-Take It To The Limit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwASii2f5c8 RG
  19. Freddy Fender-Wasted Days and Wasted Nights RG
  20. Congratulations on your 500th post Lee Enjoy reading your posts, looking forward to reading many more RG
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