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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. There is a difference between sending pms/signing a guestbook with messages and maybe flirtation and sending solicitations The ladies should feel free to do the former, if it is with a member they feel comfortable enough to send messages to. But soliciting business, that can make a member feel uncomfortable, and maybe pressured to do business. If a lady notices a member has seen her profile, a thank you (at the most) is in my opinion ok. If he wants to see her, he will initiate contact with her. My 2 cents RG
  2. No, thats family, that's wrong IMHO...what's next starring role in Deliverance (the remake LOL) If you found that someone special, would you stop this lifestyle, either as a SP or Client...and would you tell them you partook in this lifestyle, or keep it secret RG
  3. It is a case of YMMV. Two people have to click/connect/have some chemistry and sometimes its a case of oil and water, just don't mix Sometimes one of the parties may be off his/her game...we all have bad days One well reviewed (on another board) lady I met, well this well reviewed lady was for me, a bad encounter...we just didn't click But a bad encounter, in terms of chemistry doesn't mean the lady is bad or you are, sometimes two people just don't click/connect I've only had one encounter that by objective criteria, was bad. The other two, it was chemistry, or lack of it Some ramblings RG
  4. I learned from CERB the proper etiquette in the SP/Client relationship I learned seeing escorts is mutually beneficial The other boards come across (at least IMHO) as an us vs them...CERB, us is the ladies and gentlemen combined...there is no them. And instead of us vs them, we are all opposite sides of the same coin CERB is not a board, it's a community And I learned and observed, that this community is pretty forgiving (except in really drastic cases where a ban is warranted) of members who make faux pas for lack of a better word. Some quick thoughts RG
  5. I like Lee, I like his positive contributions to CERB, his participation in the music thread, and being part of the CERB community RG
  6. Angela said it best, yes it is rude, very rude, especially under the circumstances you describe RG
  7. I was sitting in the arm chair at my hotel room last Saturday evening, my heart thumping as the time was approaching 6pm. About 550pm, I could hear the elevator reach my floor, my heart pounding going into overdrive...false alarm. Then 6pm, I heard the elevator. A couple of seconds later a gentle knock knock on my door. I answered, and there to meet me, the lovely Mia Bella, even more beautiful in person than in her photographs. She greeted me with a hug and kiss. We had a pleasant conversation and got to know one another a bit over drinks. And then, well what happens behind closed doors stays behind closed doors. I will say Mia is playful, and when she giggles, well thats a good thing. I enjoyed our encounter, and she is a lady I definitely will see again Thank you Mia for a great time
  8. The guy should be seeing ladies he trusts. If there is that much mistrust, maybe he should see another lady. And if that much fear, maybe this isn't the lifestyle for him If the touring lady didn't show up, she would refund the gentleman's deposit. As for the wife's address, the reputable ladies here aren't looking to contact wives and break up marriages. Sorry, but lets not feed into stereotypes here And I'm not bashing, just commenting RG
  9. Just a quick additional thought popped in my head. When a lady tours to a city based on encounters, who turn out to be no shows, not only does she lose the income from that tour, she is now at a loss as she paid for the cost of the tour, without any renumeration to justify the cost. She would be further ahead to go to a city where her expenses are justified as she sees gentlemen who happily pay her donation (which is her income for her livelihood) instead of being last minute cancellations. For guys who cancel, how would you feel showing up to your workplace at your expense, only to find no work there...and most of you don't need to fly and book hotels out of your own pocket to do so What if guys had to pre-pay the lady her donation, and it was non-refundable. Maybe that would stop last minute cancellations RG
  10. Keep in mind that a touring lady bears the expense of touring, not the gentlemen. She has to pay for airline tickets, hotels, meals (and sometimes lost luggage)...actually considering the cost of touring, gentlemen should appreciate that ladies don't raise their rates when touring. And the cost of touring I can appreciate, as I drive depending on city, anywhere from two and half to three and half/four hours, in my truck, which is a pig on gas...my travel costs, about $80-$100. If the expectation is reduced donation when touring a less affluent area of the country, then my question back, why should a lady tour when her income will be substantially reduced...and this is her livelihood. As for blowing a weeks pay, if you can't afford to participate in this lifestyle, maybe you shouldn't. This should be done with disposable income. And the lady, this is her livelihood. She shouldn't be expected to subsidize a gentleman's lifestyle, nor travel at her expense for reduced income Some thoughts RG
  11. While it was fun to see who has visited my profile, first and foremost is the ladies' safety and security. If disabling this feature helps with ladies' safety and security, I'd gladly lose the feature. If the feature can remain while protecting the ladies, great. If not, well losing it is a small price to pay to protect the ladies from stalkers CERB should be a welcome and safe place for everyone involved in this lifestyle Some quick thoughts RG
  12. If marriage was the great end all that the majority of society makes it out to be, why is there a roughly 50% divorce rate...hardly what one would call a success story And I know a lot more people in unhappy marriages (part of the other 50%)...there has got to be nothing more lonely than being married to someone you don't love, nor want to be around Some ramblings from a single guy RG
  13. Congratulations Emily on 2000. Always enjoy your posts, looking forward to reading 2000 more RG
  14. First off, IslandIndependant, apologies for my earlier response. Seriously I don't function well without a morning pot of coffee, and should have waited till I got home from work before replying I read the lines starting with "If a man is paying..." and honestly, it sounds, even now more like some guys who have made posts that are disrespectful towards SP's For me, and I'm sure for a lot of the gentlemen here, seeing a escort is more than just about sex. Yes, most definitely, sex is part of the encounter, but not the whole encounter. I like the entireity of the encounter, the initial meeting, conversation, sex, kissing/cuddling Another way to put it, I like encounters of two to three hours. I'm fifty years old...do you really believe I have two to three hours sexual stamina at my age?...no, I like the company of women for more than just sex. I don't know whether you have such a narrow shallow view of escorting because it was your mindset before entering the profession, or you have only met guys as clients who view you solely as a means for their sexual gratification. But it should be mutually beneficial. And that, for me doesn't mean money for sex. It means money to compensate for the lady's time, with the benefit of no relationship complications. What happens during the time can be mutually enjoyable and pleasurable. Seeing ladies shouldn't be a zero sum game...that whatever the gentleman gains is at the lady's loss Some coffee laden thoughts RG
  15. Roy Orbison-It's Over http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMc263klrMQ RG
  16. I wish I was a pilot...even a private pilot. Medical reasons blocked that as something I could do...so alas, I fish RG
  17. Andy Gibb-I Just Want To Be Your Everything RG
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