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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Peter Gabriel-Sledgehammer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqyc37aOqT0 RG
  2. A is for Afterglow That feeling, combined with the lingering smell her perfume, after a great encounter with a great lady I had that feeling this past Saturday night I haven't washed since then, so the aroma of the perfume won't be washed off (just kidding btw) RG
  3. Hell I'd sleep with my boss just to sleep with her...she's hot Would you give up things important to you (along the lines of King Edward abdicating the throne for Wallis Simpson) to marry the one you love (that could mean giving up seeing SP's, your job, house, investments etc) RG
  4. Mike and the Mechanics-All I Need Is A Miracle RG
  5. Probably Apple has the warranty void sticker because they want customers to pay $$$ to Apple by bringing in their computers in to get a new battery replaced. Just a thought RG
  6. Eagles-Lyin' Eyes http://vimeo.com/26773330 RG
  7. Sha Na Na-Blue Moon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NyK3df0xaw RG
  8. Not sounding glib Megan, but it just may be the battery is shot from being wet and it needs to be replaced. The good thing is your computer is still working, albeit plugged in. Don't know if that helps RG
  9. One of the questions I've had, and never had answered, is why do you need a religion and/or church to practice believing in God. Isn't that a personal matter between you and God And like you Soleil, not being preachy, pious, and not being critical, nor mocking it is just for me one of those unanswered questions about religion I have. RG
  10. Me, I'm Agnostic (not Athiest). Brought up Christian (United Church) but some personal experiences made me not believe in the Christian version of God. I don't have a mapped out idea of what exists. I do believe that life, earth, this universe etc did not happen by accident. There must be some higher power that created it But is it a loving God, that I don't believe I do believe in treating others as you would like to be treated I don't belittle someone for their beliefs if they aren't the same as mine And I'm glad we live in a country where, for the most part we can practice our religious beliefs And nuff said on that Here endeth the sermon LOL RG
  11. Eagles-Hotel California http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1971g_eagles-hotel-california_music RG
  12. Emmylou Harris-Together Again http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RG1qTFZSiAM RG
  13. Congratulations Angela, always enjoy reading your posts (even the ones groaning at my bad jokes LOL) Look forward to reading many more RG
  14. Rod Hart-CB Savage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LK3SWTuY3FY A funny one RG
  15. Sam Cooke-You Send Me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqzv1ZS6uZs RG
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