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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Sheena Easton-Strut http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcAJ9siMseA RG
  2. No...I'm afraid of clowns LOL... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McdL21gQDvo Well maybe, a little fear in your sex life might spice things up Would you take a favorite SP out on a date to a company/work Christmas party, and introduce her to everyone (by name only, not occupation LOL) RG
  3. Definite maybe I might Depends on cleanliness of washroom, whether anyone I know is around, and how many other people are around RG
  4. Alvin and the Chipmunks-Beat It http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5vb9w_alvin-the-chipmunks-beat-it-michael_music RG :-)
  5. If I'm reading your post right, instead of regrets, contact the lady again if your ok with being verified and you still want to see her. Explain to her your being spooked and understand now why she requires verification. Provide the information, I'm sure she'll be understanding, and you can have an encounter with her Whatever happens, good luck RG
  6. Well for me, if it is my first time with a lady, I like to have a two hour session...and no, not because I'm some marathoner. It allows time to meet, get acquainted, sex, kissing/cuddling. The risk run is this, if you don't click, then it could be two long hours...but if you do click, well one hour goes by pretty fast, and even two hours will be over pretty fast When I see a lady a second time or more, I usually, no change that, always thus far have a minimum three hour encounter. And just as a little sidebar, with repeat encounters, the dynamic changes, it becomes less sp/client, and more like a friend...with benefits RG
  7. To answer your questions, well first you have received good answers already 1. The ladies provide latex in my experience. Any special requests (ie size, let the lady know ahead of time...btw something I don't have to worry about LOL) 2. Some SP's do have age restrictions, some don't. Best way to to find out is either read the lady's website/profile, or email her and ask 3. Awkward after orgasm, no....And as for MSOG well I'm 50, and lets put it this way, if it was a baseball game, I'd only be able to go to bat once LOL. Really, my advice/opinion is this, enjoy the entirety of the encounter. Sex is part of it, but enjoy the lady's company for the entire length of the encounter, before, during and after sex. Also, just because you are paying for the lady's time, you still treat her like a lady, with respect and courtesy. And definitely respect the lady's boundries. RG
  8. Oh crap!!!...that damned "Y" again Well for that "Y", you get Yoko Ono-Walking On Thin Ice (probably something I'm doing by posting this "song" LOL) RG
  9. Santana-Black Magic Woman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaKnRUfh_5I RG
  10. I hope one day seeing ladies becomes as mainstream as using dating sites And it wasn't all that long ago that you wouldn't mention seeing someone through a dating site. So maybe seeing ladies will become more accepted, or maybe I'm just a cock-eyed optimist, who knows If and when you do broach the subject with your kids, the only thing to keep in mind, once the subject is broached, it's out there. Much like the horses and proverbial barn door. So be sure it's the right time Whatever happens, good luck RG
  11. Well for me, the MMF idea has never, even remotely been on my to do list Not judging here, if it floats someone else's boat good. But for me, it doesn't even get the boat off the trailer LOL But great thing about this lifestyle, there is something and someone for everyone RG
  12. Nooooooo!!!, that's family, that's just wrong...not to mention hearing dueling banjos playing Now, for the guys...would you have sex with a 400 pound guy who has no neck and lots of body hair , hung like a horse, od'd on viagra...and be his boy toy for 24 hours...in exchange, once the 24 hours is up you get 5 million dollars, and every woman you desire is yours RG
  13. Not arguing, just email transfer is money electronically transferred, whereas my phrase cold hard cash is the bills in hand (or in envelope) RG
  14. Nope...well maybe, he's getting older, wait, nope, I'm getting older too But on a similar vein, would you go in the ring against Chuck Norris, Steven Segal and Jean Claude Van Damme, for a million dollars, only proviso, you have to last 3 minutes RG
  15. Now come payback for yesterday my friend :-) Wham-Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go RG
  16. Maybe vulger, maybe not Blunt, yes Do a search for SP's providing pse, then ask them in pm/email what they would provide RG
  17. If a fellow CERB member who is the supposed victim of this scam won't post it, really, should it be posted at all??? He as a member of CERB has (or should have) posting privileges. Sorry, but I know of a case of a third hand review (actually a bashing under the guise of a review) of a lady (who btw is one of my favorite ladies) and the "reviewer" has never even met the lady. So second, third, fourth etc etc accounts of incidents don't carry much weight as far as I'm concerned RG
  18. Agreed, if you had to, email transfer the way to go if cold hard cash is not an option But I've found the ladies I see like cash in an envelope, so thats the way I'll run RG
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