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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Hell yes :-) And I'd make sure the money was in the bank before I sang, just in case they changed their mind afterwards If your favorite lady said you would look good completely shaved, top to bottom, and she would be yours exclusively, would you let her groom you top to bottom And to add to the national anthem just these clips http://movieclips.com/TFDkq-the-naked-gun-from-the-files-of-police-squad-movie-national-anthem/ RG :-)
  2. My thoughts on the subject, and they reflect my own opinion, not telling someone what is right or wrong For me, seeing ladies is a once a month indulgence, an escape I do it with monthly disposable income I prefer pay as you go, in cash. All aspects of this activity for me are cash I pay the lady in cash I pay for gifts/tip in cash I pay for the hotel in cash I pay for gas for my truck to get to where I'm going in cash etc etc etc If I don't have enough cash, something unforeseen comes up, that month I just will play on CERB, see a lady the following month And as a sidebar, for all those guys who are concerned about discretion and anonymity , what about that pesky credit card record And would the donation rate go up for cc payments to cover the cc surcharge of 3% (I think that's it) Some quick after work ramblings RG
  3. It came as a shock, but sadly not a surprise Even though I didn't agree with his politics, I respected the man for his character and integrity. He will be missed, Canada has lost a great man RG
  4. Shania Twain-Love Gets Me Every Time http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xidczw_shania-twain-love-gets-me-every-time_music RG
  5. Kiki Dee-I've Got The Music In Me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIS8khAZDAg RG
  6. Happy Birthday Soleil Enjoy your special day RG
  7. You know your old when you can actually remember some of these ads (originally posted in joke section) I remember seeing the doctor's smoking camels ad http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=62524 RG
  8. Rodgers and Hammerstein-Some Enchanted Evening (South Pacific) I'm sorry everyone LOL RG :-)
  9. Yes...and seeing as I won the lottery it would have to be a HUGE amount set aside because this activity would be quite a bit more than once a month, and every day would be Saturday Would you provide a photo of yourself to a trusted and one of your favorite gentlemen, or ladies as the case may be, if requested (a photo that could be framed and displayed, not one showing activities during an encounter) RG
  10. I'm assuming the last letter is "D" (Bloomfield) so.......Diana Ross and the Supremes-Someday We'll Be Together RG
  11. Eurythmics-Sweet Dreams http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJE_Sc1Wags RG
  12. Atlanta Rhythm Section-Imaginary Lover http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=po9xobroaSU RG
  13. Eagles-Lyin Eyes http://www.mojvideo.com/video-eagles-lyin-eyes/a5702ebed1db6e0f7cee RG
  14. I'm going to hell for this one I'm sorry, ahead of time Donny and Marie Osmond I'm Leaving It (All) Up To You Kinda a sick song for brother and sister to sing, don't you think http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRLhHE--BxU RG
  15. When I began seeing ladies and a newbie member on CERB, my initial gut reaction to providing verification information was no...it's MY privacy Then, and there is a learning curve here, I stepped back a second and thought this through without the quick emotional (and I think normal reaction) that most guys have And keep in mind for the ladies, this is their livelihood, their bread and butter it's not a scheme for alterior motives First, fear of her breaking up your marriage. What does a lady gain by it? Unless she is emotionally hung up on you, a man she knows only by emails/texts/posts on a board/phone call. She has nothing to gain, except career suicide because if she outs you to your SO, she'll never get a client again Second, who really is at potential risk here. Truth be known, the lady is. She is as much seeing a stranger for the first time as the guy is. And as much as there are exceptions, women are more likely to be victims of physical violence from men, than men receiving it from women (btw not painting all men as violent). Third. Unless your filthy rich, blackmail can't be the reason. Most of us have some disposable income for this activity. If a lady thinks she is going to hit the jackpot well guess again, most of us don't have that type of money. Not to mention again, career suicide for the lady if she tries to blackmail you Now everyone has to do what is comfortable for them, within their boundaries. If there is a lady you want to see, and requires verification, then comply with it. But if the verification requirements are outside your comfort zone, and you are unwilling to provide the information, understand that by the same token, she will have to decline the encounter But, and take my word for it, three times I have been verified. My willingness to provide the required information established trust very fast, and led to an encounter with a great lady, another encounter with another lady coming up this week, and once, like ships in the night, our schedules collide LOL, another lady and I will meet. There are some other ladies, that once a date can be established, I'll happily verify with them too Some quick thoughts RG
  16. Emily You have received not one, but two nominations from established and contributing CERB members...thats good enough reason right there Your contributions on CERB, whether public or private are contributions, and it's the contributing members that make CERB a great board So all I have to say, congratulations on your deserved nomination RG
  17. Don't let this first time deter or sour you. My first encounter was the date from hell, but if my experience is an example, there are many many more great ladies who are dates from heaven RG
  18. Hell yes since any SO's I have are ex-SO's Well guess my cat could watch LOL For the guys, if you have a few favourite ladies, if one all time favourite demanded you stop seeing all other ladies, she will see you exclusively, no charge, anytime, anywhere. But if you don't stop seeing all other ladies, you won't see her. Could you stop seeing all other ladies RG
  19. I like ottawaadventurer because his posts are a positive contribution to CERB RG
  20. Stealers Wheel-Stuck In The Middle With You RG
  21. For the issue of work phone number, and I'm speaking for myself only, I work in a shared office/shared phone number, so a phone call to my workplace would be very awkward. And keep in mind my work life is work, my family knows the number, but only calls in an emergency. And if your not going to phone there, why have the number. Like I said, I'm cool with verification. If asked I give and have given my full name, phone (and seeing as it's a cell, I'll give my mobile carrier company too if needed), email, board (CERB) handle, with pm to confirm, a reference (or references if needed). Underlying all of this is my philosophy that if I'm concerned about a lady knowing this information, then I wouldn't want to see her to begin with. Just a quick couple thoughts RG
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