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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Well being a client, no LOL but I'm not into videotaping so it's not something I'd request from an SP...so no But on a related subject, for the ladies/gents, if you had a long time client/lady that you've been seeing, and had a bad encounter (bad day at work, ie showing up late that sort of thing) would you continue to see him/her, or would that end the SP/Client relationship for you with that person (btw, it wouldn't end it for me) RG
  2. I've seen a number of ladies who have full verification requirements. That was my real name, board handle (plus pm from that board), phone, email, and reference. One lady I wanted to see required my workplace phone, but no reference...but since I work in a shared office, I declined. No encounter btw, and no hard feelings. Giving her my office number was outside my comfort zone, and me not giving it was outside her comfort zone, but no hard feelings I find it a strange reaction for the lady to be rude about you declining your work info. Gentlemen must respect a lady's boundaries...but likewise, a lady should also respect a gentleman's boundaries. If neither the lady or gentleman can work it out, part on amicable terms. But in no way should anyone question the lady's right for verification. No matter how much some guys protest about privacy concerns, the lady is always at more risk. And complying with verification sure is a great ice breaker to establishing trust Some quick ramblings RG
  3. Does it go something like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVs-CUlH2-I And done by such a young sweet and innocent girl as Madonna RG :-)
  4. I honestly can't say one favorite But in the top ten, you guessed it, coming from me, a song I can relate too RG
  5. I'll ask a dumb question, can you nominate just one person, or submit as many nominations as you like Thanks RG
  6. For me, one reason, besides discretion, that I don't disclose to family/friends is I would get responses to the effect " why are you seeing prostitutes. I know this nice single girl, just perfect for you, why don't I fix you up" Myself, I've done the dating thing, including more than a few blind dates, and two g/f's that I really was serious about, but to be polite, it didn't pan out. Now I enjoy the no strings attached companionship from seeing ladies. Is it real, well I look at it as real for the 2-3 hours we are together. I don't expect anything beyond that, nor should a lady expect anything more beyond that either. Under the heading never say never if something clicks, a chemistry develops and the both of you are developing more than a sp/client relationship, well if and when that bridge gets crossed...and part of crossing the bridge is introducing the lady to family/friends, I'll deal with it But for now, this lifestyle is for me, a pleasant once a month indulgence. It's not for family and friends to comment on, and likely to try to tear apart RG
  7. You should have seen the size of the one that got away (fishermen and woman understand) RG
  8. Apologies ahead of time :-) Doris Day-Que Sera Sera RG
  9. I know it sounds bad, but no I wouldn't Would you invite an SP/Client you know very well for a non business (ie this is at a friendship level, no money exchanges hands) Christmas Dinner....or better yet, a Christmas party, introduced of course as a friend, and your family/friends there RG
  10. If your curious about your rep points, and where you got them, pull up your profile, click on statistics, then click on find all posts by.... It'll list all posts you wrote, the most recent first. Click on each post, see if it got a nomination or rep points RG
  11. Yes sir...the best is with a lady you've seen before, and you both click, and you see again. It is as close to having a lover and friend in this lifestyle as you'll get, imho. And for me, like cub, it is a wait of a few months between encounters, and absence does make the heart grow fonder Some ramblings RG
  12. As long as your teeth aren't done like Jessica's (don't watch the show, but did a google image search of her) LOL, that colour red would look good on you But so would blonde, or brunette, ah, what do I know, just a confused guy I am, but whatever you pick, it will look good RG
  13. Shakira-Hips Don't Lie http://www.spike.com/video-clips/g9i4nc/shakira-hips-dont-lie RG
  14. Uncle Kracker-Smile http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=5322920n RG
  15. SheDaisy-Little Good-Byes aw darn, someone has a y to deal with LOL RG :-)
  16. Mike and the Mechanics-All I Need Is A Miracle RG
  17. Just a dumb question, does each CERBite nominate just 1 lady, and 1 guy, and then once nominations are posted, you vote...or how does it work Only ask because there are a few ladies and gentlemen that I can think of off the top of my head for nominations RG
  18. Agreed. And just because someone disagrees with you, doesn't or shouldn't equate to disrespect. We can all have different opinions, and voice them...just because two people disagree on a matter shouldn't lead to anger. It isn't diss'ing the person, just expressing a different viewpoint, that's all RG
  19. No, first the only sibling I have is my brother, second, it's family, third, NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!.....nuff said Now to up the ante...would you deprive yourself of any and all sex (including masturbation) for just one month for $500,000.00..................................... but if you so much as stroke yourself a couple times, (and that includes under the guise of washing, so to get the money, you'd have to be a dirty boy or girl) not only do you forfeit the $500,000, all your worldly possessions (home, car, investments, toys are forfeited too, plus you can never see a SP/MA again in your life Would you, and could you do it with that stipulation RG
  20. NOOOOOO!!!!!!......................................... Nuff said Would you (or could you) deny yourself of any sex (including masturbation) for one month for $500,000. And no, you can't cheat, like putting a cast on it, or on your hands, or both RG
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