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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Eddy Arnold-Cattle Call http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHE496Z-Sf0 RG
  2. Gee your list is almost the same as one I'd put in Angela Only watched Maude for Adrienne Barbeau though...honest Mary Tyler Moore, back then, kinda had a thing for her Charlie's Angels what wasn't there to like Black Sheep Squadron (also went by Baa Baa Black Sheep) Love Boat...kinda had a thing for Lauren Tewes too. Didn't care for Columbo, and didn't watch the Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts Anyone mention WKRP In Cincinnati? RG
  3. Echoing what Samantha said, I don't think anyone judges (or should judge) someone for participating in this lifestyle. We are all consenting adults, and all have our reasons for being here. A person's relationship is a private matter between you and your SO Any posts made were in response to the question posed at the beginning of the thread, no judgements should be taken from the replies, well at least from this poster RG
  4. For me I evolved in choosing a lady to see. When I started it was looks and "the menu" that was the reason for selecting a lady and that was it. First, it is personality/intelligence/sense of humour. Someone who is pleasant, you can have a conversation with and is relaxed, not uptight. Finding out what the lady's personality/intelligence/sense of humour is like...well reading the posts on CERB provide an insight into the lady. That's why most of the ladies I see are from CERB. A couple I'm going to see are non-CERB, but e-mails back and forth give an insight into the ladies' personality. One I wanted to see, based on website/looks I'm not seeing, a one word sentence response to an email, gives me the impression she is very businesslike, but not very interpersonal. And as for the intelligence, I'm not talking rocket scientist here, but someone you can have a decent conversation with Second, it is the lady's rate. I'm not cheap, but on the other hand, a lady that charges say $2000.00/hr hypothetically speaking, that's way out of my price range...and for me, waaaay too much Third, the menu per se...not a big matter for me since I like to have the encounter unfold naturally and what develops develops, no scripts. But I do like kissing, actually of all menu items, even though I'm not a menu focused guy, that ranks as number one Fourth, looks, well like all guys I'm visually focused, and it factors in. But it's not the most important. Actually in terms of "my type" it turns out I like woman (well always have LOL), different body types (from skinny to busty) blonde, brunette, redhead, long hair, short hair and in between, and so far from 25-50. Can't quantify what looks attract me, I'll just know when I see her. As a little sidebar comment, tying into personality and the lady's rate. There are two women, I have yet to meet. Both attractive, both on the higher end rate wise (nothing wrong with that btw) One posts on CERB and makes intelligent witty posts. The other, also attractive, but not on CERB, no post history, don't know what she is like personality wise. I will see the one lady, who does post, since I have somewhat of an idea of her personality. The other one, since I would be basing an encounter just on looks alone, I'll see someone else. Some after work ramblings RG
  5. The Bourne Trilogy of movies The original (Sean Connery) James Bond movies...especially From Russia With Love Only around Christmas, The Alistair Sim Christmas Carol...in black and white Godfather's I and II The Longest Day Saving Private Ryan Just some I can think of right now RG
  6. And the difference between one and two Dirty Harry's can be damned important too The only one that can carry off Dirty Harry's character with that sense of style is Clint Eastwood, IMHO RG
  7. Thin Red Line is another war movie hard to watch Another one, a police movie, based on true events, that's hard to watch is The Onion Field RG
  8. That perma grin has been on my face since I began this lifestyle a year ago, every month looking forward to seeing a beautiful lady :-) and in two weeks seeing two beautiful ladies :-) :-) Actually my life has been much more satisfying since seeing ladies Well hell, maybe seeing five might be on my to do list RG :-)
  9. With the movie threads, here's one. What movies can only be watched once. I'm not thinking of bad movies, just hard movies to watch. In case your scratching your heads, here are two that I could only watch once Schindler's List Platoon Both critically good, but not entertaining, if that makes sense Any others RG
  10. Well I guess I'll have to put a menage a cinq (5???) on my to do list, but that might cost me 6 months salary LOL Or at that point is that no longer a menage, but an orgy Ah, for this old pup, a menage a trois is probably my speed limit Two weeks and I find out RG :-)
  11. Me too...oh wait, thats going to happen in two weeks, my first menage, ever RG
  12. What Tratelle said, it's happened to me too. Either refresh the page or exit CERB :-( and then log back on :-) RG
  13. Angel I always find this works for me, in fact without it I don't work at all :-) RG
  14. Some movies have already been mentioned, but no remakes of The Godfather Trilogy-and as a sidenote, they should have quit at Godfather II Godfather III imho a waste of 2 hours of my life LOL Casablanca and the Maltese Falcon mentioned...but no remakes of the African Queen (don't know if that has been mentioned) Platoon Apocalypse Now The Longest Day Kelly's Heroes Where Eagles Dare Guns of Navarone The Odd Couple (both the movie and tv series) And those Star Wars 1 thru 3, OMG couldn't they have made the movies a little bit better, worthy of prequels to Star Wars 4-6-just my opinion Just some ramblings RG
  15. Emmylou Harris-Together Again http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RG1qTFZSiAM RG
  16. Glenn Miller Orchestra-Chattanooga Choo Choo http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1971g_eagles-hotel-california_music RG
  17. Eagles-Hotel California http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1971g_eagles-hotel-california_music RG
  18. Wow!!!...thank you everyone for your comments. Very much appreciated Can't believe I hit the big 3000 post mark already, seems just yesterday I was a wet behind the ears newbie learning the etiquette for seeing ladies. But if it wasn't that damned addictive music thread, my post count would be waaaaaaay down :-) And thank you Malika for noticing my post count RG
  19. America-Ventura Highway http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5I0d29s6GCc RG
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