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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. When I email a lady I let her know I'm on CERB and my handle, and in cases where verification is required (some ladies have this requirement) I'll pm them from CERB to let them know it was me emailing them Why anonymity over an anonymous handle, I really can't fathom. And any discounts don't factor in, I don't go looking for them, and as a gentleman who tips and provides a gift, at the end of the day, I give a bit more than just the donation...but that's me RG
  2. Congratulations Phaedrus on 500 Enjoy reading your posts, and looking forward to many more RG
  3. Well L7 spelled out should be L Seven so "n" is the letter, right???? Nancy Sinatra-Bang Bang RG
  4. Stealers Wheel-Stuck In The Middle With You RG
  5. That's what you..er sorry, Bin Laden gets for thinking the pizza boy was knocking at the door LOL RG :-)
  6. I wouldn't push the button just in case. As for the terrorism game, I'd pay the billion. Then I'd get Navy Seals or some other Special Operations unit, they know how to end the terrorist game as has been seen with the end of Bin Laden and the Somalia pirates, and who knows how many others not reported in the news. And recover the billion originally paid out This guy knows how to play the terrorist game too, and the terrorist loses RG
  7. That "Y", that damned "Y"-it tasks me, it really tasks me LOL :-) Yo Yo Ma-Piazzola RG
  8. I use that term all the time...but that's because I really have gone fishin' RG
  9. Sly and the Family Stone-Family Affair http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YZpbYqOw4o RG
  10. I agree with you Erin. Anymore, when I am seeing a new lady, I don't like a preplanned script of activities. I like to let the encounter unfold naturally. And with repeat encounters, as I have pleasantly discovered, they aren't clones of the first encounter, they unfold and are different, and more personable (for lack of a better word) than the first encounter Part of the enjoyment of the encounter is the surprise, wondering how the evening will turn out A quick additional thought RG
  11. Interesting post. And I'll muster in a few thoughts. When I first started in on this lifestyle, the etiquette I gleaned was from various boards and ladies websites. And a lot of the ladies own sites had acronyms of services offered, whether shaved/unshaved/tattoos/piercings etc. Well my first emails in my early days of seeing ladies to schedule encounters were more focused on the "menu" Then, and it took three encounters for me to discover this, that the best encounters came when you let the date unfold naturally, and enjoy your time with the lady. There is a bit of a learning curve, at least for this guy, but I think I learned pretty quickly I find the whole recommendation/review thing kinda sometimes makes me cringe a bit. I don't mind writing a reco...which is basically "saw this woman, had a great time with her, would see her again" But some reviews, well they are graphic play by play details. Well I'm of the school that what happens behind closed doors stays behind closed doors. Not criticizing anyone here, just the detailed reviews, it isn't my thing. But the etiquette in seeing SP's, well I don't think there is any intentional bad manners with the posts. Nor do I think it's trying to demean the ladies. It would be, from my vantage point, communicating thoughts in the terminology of this lifestyle It's still taking me a bit of getting used to and I certainly don't think anyone is trying to offend anyone, or diminish them But I certainly can see and understand your point of view. Some quick ramblings RG
  12. Couldn't have said it any better. When you see someone you know in need, you try to do what you can to help, and do so in for lack of a better word, a personal way. When it is a person, or peoples, that you don't know, you are less likely to help, or the help you provide may be of less effort (ie, donating to United Way, donations to food banks etc) Some quick thoughts RG
  13. Actually I don't get why it's ok if the lady and SO aren't married, but if married to her SO not ok. A SO is an SO, married or not, IMHO But to me a SP's relationship entering the picture is a non-issue, the ladies are doing this to pay the bills But I guess, ideally then:icon_rolleyes:, the only people who should partake in this lifestyle, if relationship status is that important a factor, are single gentlemen and single ladies. BTW said somewhat tongue in cheek and sarcastically RG
  14. Spandau Ballet-True http://vimeo.com/25475188 RG
  15. Date and encounter, while good terms, for me encompass the entirety of the encounter (I know, poorly worded sentence) which includes the kissing/conversation/sex/cuddling etc) Euphemisms, how about physical intimacy. But why euphemise (if that is a word) sex...and just asking, that is all But for some thoughts on the subject here's a link for you http://amog.com/lifestyle/sex-euphemisms/ But the one to avoid, AT ALL COSTS is making love...that'll scare the lady for sure Also, don't be singing this song, there's a reason it's titled "Something Stupid" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wg7rf607kWw RG
  16. A honest client would want them back, not to pass them on, but so he could legally get recourse by going to the source that gave the money to him or going to the authorities. In this case it shouldn't have been up to Emma to forward on the bills. The client is responsible for the donation, and the donation comes in legal tender. And yes, he probably didn't get them from a bank, but a person could unwittingly get money from stores, gas stations etc etc etc, believing full well it is legal tender I'm assuming in this case, in all probability, he knew what he was doing given his reply to Emma But I don't assume that if a similar such case happened with a honest client the client would know if he had legal tender or not. And as said before, an honest client would want to make it right Some thoughts RG
  17. I don't use my credit card to pay when seeing ladies, for me it's pay as I go...but if this situation happened, I'd be going to the bank ASAP, get a credit card cash advance and make it right RG
  18. I was almost ready to give the guy benefit of the doubt, maybe he got the bills inadvertently and believed that they were legal tender...was almost ready to give benefit of the doubt, until he texted you saying he didn't give a fuck. The client IMHO is responsible for paying the donation, and even if he gives counterfeit money (by mistake), he is IMHO responsible to make it right Sorry this happened to you Emma RG
  19. Victoria's Secret and the Ladies of Cerb raw oysters on the half shell and a squeeze of lemon RG
  20. I like Angela because her posts are intelligent and informative, and she is a great lady in person RG
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