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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. P is for the Pocket Fisherman and no, not this thing RG
  2. Only because I remember a dancer at the Bare Fax who danced to this song RG
  3. I don't know why some people like to make judgements on others. Why some people show less sensitivity to the plight and suffering of others I don't know. Maybe they've been blessed with a life that hasn't thrown them curves, and can't empathize with someone that has been thrown curves Maybe they have been thrown curves, but had a support system of family and friends to help deal with the curves, so they figure, I dealt with my problems, anyone should be able to. Personally, I was very fortunate to have family and friends for support and wonder how life would have been without the support. But I don't assume that everyone in the same boat has the same support. Maybe the person made a mistake (we are human after all), and that mistake took control of his or her life (ie like trying drugs or alcohol) Maybe, and unfortunately the media in part plays into this, there is the marginalizing and dehumanizing of certain groups of people. People get labelled with terms that allow mainstream (I hate the term considering the topic) society to not be as sympathetic to their plight. If the headlines read Pickton killed woman, instead of Pickton killed prostitutes, well the label prostitute allows for dehumanizing. Likewise, focusing on Amy Winehouse not as a young talented singer, but as a troubled drug addict, makes the loss for some, less of a loss. Or hypothetical, if media reported about a homeless man killed, might make the back page, if it was reported a man killed (forget adjectives) might make page one or two On a note some gentlemen here could relate to, what if someone got killed after seeing an escort. It would likely be considered a "john" getting what he deserved, not a case of a man getting killed. So if reading about a labelled person, a label that dehumanizes them somewhat, forget the label, the adjective, focus on the most important label, which is person, woman, man, because that is who you are talking about. So when people make comments about other people, whether drug addicts, alcoholics, SP's, clients etc, remember, you haven't walked in their shoes, you don't know their story. And it could be but for the grace of god go you or I No matter who you are commenting about, you are talking about a human being, a person, and he or she deserves all the respect that comes from being human being Hope that long winded rambling makes sense RG
  4. First, I do respect your opinion that cheating on your lover is wrong. But, first off, if that is the case, that is between the SP and her SO, just as it is between a hobbiest and his SO Two, how do you even know her relationship status, SP's don't put that information on their websites or profiles. It isn't our business, it's their private life Three, the SP may also be in an open relationship...she may have multiple partners and her SO may have multiple partners, and the SO may know his wife/gf is an escort. But even if he doesn't, that's not your concern Fourth, you are not her partner/bf/SO, you are a client Fifth, if you want to take the cheating on your lover to a absurdity, if you equate being an married SP seeing a client is her cheating on her SO, then the reverse has to be true too, a married client is cheating on his SO by seeing a SP, well are the SP and Client cheating on one another when she sees other clients, and he sees other SP's.....give me a sec, getting a headache now, need a tylenol LOL...absurd arguments do that to me LOL I would only worry about your own relationships, and enjoy the time you spend with a lady. Don't complicate it with what really are non-issues Just my opinion RG
  5. Rolling Stones-(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_VbImuG71M RG
  6. Huey Lewis and the News-The Heart Of Rock & Roll RG
  7. First off, each and every lady is unique, get five different ladies all offering the same "menu" of services, you'll get five different and unique encounters. One lady isn't at least in my experience thus far, a clone of another, and that's a good thing And even if you repeat with the same lady, each encounter will be different (and evolving as you get to know one another) Yes, if you are menu focused, look on the lady's website/profile. But, and I agree with Cat, if you want to get an idea of what makes the lady unique, and whether you two will click, read her posts, email/pm back and forth etc. And let the encounter unfold naturally, no scripts, because half the fun of the encounter is the surprise of not knowing what will happen once the door opens, and she is invited in. One last thing, when I go see a lady, I go to see her for her. I'm not going in thinking how she will compare to another lady I have seen, if that makes sense. Some quick ramblings RG
  8. Even us guys have hair disasters, mine came in stages, I'm at stage 3 As for ladies, blondes, brunettes, redheads, long, short or in-between, it's all good, no preference RG
  9. Congratulations on reaching the 500 postmark :-) Castle. Enjoy your posts, and look forward to reading many more RG
  10. Righteous Brothers-You've Lost That Loving Feeling http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhs3Rj71gpo RG
  11. Some 'er, footwear, and it works too OK the last one has nothing to do with footwear, but she looks like she knows how to handle a rod RG
  12. Really a no brainer for me, I'm on CERB, but don't even have a Facebook, Twitter or MySpace account RG
  13. Not much better than a "y" :-) XTC-Dear God RG
  14. Danni Leigh-If The Jukebox Took Teardrops http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjv7dztAlxA RG
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