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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. No good comes out of interfering, I second Megan's opinion, stay out of it My 2 cents RG
  2. But you have Trojans to protect you...oh wait, you can get threatened by Trojan Horses, you use Trojans to...oh wait, I'm soooooo confused But wait, a Trojan to fight off the Trojan Horse RG :-)
  3. I just modified mine, still indicates Smalltown Ontario but that I travel. As for interests, mine is more humorous. But when I initiate contact with a lady, I have read her profile, website, her posts on CERB (that's a good way to know if you will click), not to mention emails/pm's. So far it's worked for me RG
  4. You know your old when you were in the Canadian Forces when the Soviets were in Afghanistan (not to mention the Forces didn't even have CF18's yet) RG
  5. it hit me!!! Would a john even be concerned about a gift or tip if seeing an escort. Sorry, the John Next Door thread is in my head That treats and gifts for an SP is a topic for discussion shows how most of the gentleman regard the ladies, with respect. And they want ideas on providing a little something more than just the donation. I'm sure Melissa Farley doesn't even have a clue that there is such respect among ladies and gentlemen, and this is a mutually beneficial activity. Sorry to intersperse this thought, but like I said, it hit me And I wasn't sure which thread to put it in Carry on with the discussion RG
  6. I've posted this before, but somehow it seems like it fits in (no pun intended) with this thread. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hh4yp07UKEg RG
  7. Well my home phone is also my hobby, er, lifestyle phone LOL I use Virgin Mobility, on a pay as you go (phone card) I picked mine up at Wireless Wave Store locator for WW in Ottawa http://www.wirelesswave.ca/stores/ontario/city.asp?City=Ottawa Good luck, no matter what phone and plan you use Virgin (ironic company name considering what I use it for) works for me RG
  8. In my limited experience, safe only has come to mean cbj and in the case of one lady, no kissing on the lips (she says that is reserved for regulars) Every lady I've seen only allows cfs, and I'd run like hell if she allowed bbfs I suppose not allowing cof, cim, covered daty could be included. Every lady and gentleman has to do what is in their comfort zone though and not cross any ladies' comfort zone. When two people are intimate, no matter a husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend SP/client, there is always an element of risk. You only truly know your own sexual behaviour and history, even your SO, well you are taking his/her word for it, and how many affairs (no judgement being passed here btw) go on each and every day, without the partner knowing? Some quick ramblings from someone relatively new to this lifestyle, waiting for the coffee to brew (slow pot) RG
  9. How about something along these lines My name is roamingguy I like a GFE I'm looking for a two hour outcall to my hotel I'm comfortable with being verified. Do you require verification/references I enjoy the entirety of the encounter, the initial meeting/conversation as enjoyable as the sexual side of the encounter (who'd have thunk that) I prefer to let the encounter unfold naturally instead of a preplanned script Some quick lines, which if they sound familiar to some ladies, it's the gist of emails I send when wanting to get to meet a lady RG (btw in emails I sign my real first name)
  10. This should be sent only to those whose level of maturity qualifies them to relate to it... 1960: Long hair 2010: Longing for hair 1960: KEG 2010: EKG 1960: Acid rock 2010: Acid reflux 1960: Moving to California because it's cool 2010: Moving to Arizona because it's warm 1960: Trying to look like Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor 2010: Trying NOT to look like Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor 1960: Seeds and stems 2010: Roughage 1960: Hoping for a BMW 2010: Hoping for a BM 1960: Going to a new, hip joint 2010: Receiving a new hip joint 1960: Rolling Stones 2010: Kidney Stones 1960: Disco 2010: Costco 1960: Parents begging you to get your hair cut 2010: Children begging you to get their heads shaved 1960: Passing the drivers' test 2010: Passing the vision test 1960: Whatever 2010: Depends
  11. u is for unclogging the sink: something I did today, since my next encounter is a few weeks away RG
  12. Officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed, and of course, thats Adam 12 "Adam 12 a 211 in progress, Adam 12 handle code 3" And why does this song just seem appropriate for this thread RG
  13. Q is for quim-wedge you can learn new words every day RG
  14. And isn't it interesting, there is no stigma, no people ready to jump to the rescue (said sarcastically) when consenting adults have sex.....except when it involves prostitution. I guess it's evil for a lady and gentleman to have sex in exchange for money...then it's a case of a prostitute and john and that is exploitation of a woman at the hands of a man!!! (again, sarcastically) But if a lady is asked out for dinner, like on a date, and one thing led to another, well that would be ok And until Melissa Farley came along, I thought I was reimbursing the ladies for their time, not buying them. And whatever happened was mutually beneficial and agreed to by the lady and myself. Sure glad Melissa has enlightened me to the badness I was doing, and straightened around my thinking. Just kinda feel dirty and ashamed now. BTW my comments are sarcastic, and I too know I'm preaching to the choir Melissa, the Victorian Era ended a long time ago. Your not out saving anyone, your imposing or trying to impose your beliefs on others. My rant ended RG
  15. I remember in university computer science was a major, teaching things like and and in my statistics course the computer part of the course was typing on a keyboard that inputed into a mainframe, and the answers came off a printer, there was no screen. And you only got so much computer time, after that you had to pay to use the mainframe As for the cassette tapes Sara, did the computer look something like this I have a flashback to those my last year in high school RG
  16. In a prison cell and your cell mate is a 450lb gorilla named Bubba Sorry, it's early (for me), waiting for the second pot to brew RG :-)
  17. My cat every now and then likes to have a little sip in the morning just to get him going for the day, especially if he gets up a little too early RG
  18. Adam Ant-Goody Two Shoes http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2ofd_adam-ant-goody-two-shoes_music RG
  19. I like Old Dog enjoy his posts and contributions to the board, not to mention I like his sense of humour too RG
  20. Dolly Parton-Here You Come Again http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAplYnqLjXw RG
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