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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Timmies dark roast coffee for the drive to hell tomorrow morning RG
  2. I'll put another spin on this. Yes, this is for the lady a business first and foremost. But doesn't she want to see clients who want to see her. If she discloses she is TG and a gentleman contacts her for a date then she'll know he wants to see her. Also, maybe there are potential clients out there who would in fact like to have a date with a TG lady. If ladies who are TG don't disclose how can potential clients meet her, except by happenchance. Is there a right answer to the question, that I really don't know. I can understand from a client's perspective wanting to know. I can also understand why a lady who is TG would like to keep it private. And no, I don't believe a lady is being deceitful if she choses to keep being TG a secret Do I have an answer that makes everyone happy...no. Personally from my vantage point as a client I would like to know. But I can understand why ladies choose not to disclose A rambling for whatever it's worth RG
  3. A Timmies Dark Roast Coffee and Breakfast Sandwich. Going to hell again today, think I'll need all my strength LOL RG
  4. Just watched Non-Stop starring Liam Neeson About an Air Marshall on a transatlantic flight that turns into an adventure ;-) Entertaining RG
  5. That should definitely be reported I'm assuming this was in Halifax, here's the link for the warnings section https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=203 Just a quick question, has she received the etransfer yet...if not, and I'll grant you the odds seem slim from what you said, cancel the etransfer. And don't feel like a sap, been ripped off myself. All this says is she is a thief. Which says more about her than you But there are many reputable and trustworthy ladies out there. I would offer one bit of advice, avoid BP and stick with the ladies from Lyla RG
  6. If it were me, I would tell the co worker that you can get together for coffee or lunch during the week. But you can't be away from your wife on the weekend or after work. That's family time. It's not rude, it reinforces that you are first and foremost married. And this is not looking for more than a casual platonic get together between co workers. You are just getting together to offer support RG
  7. A Timmies dark roast coffee for the road when I head out. Long day today RG
  8. Well companions are citizens too ;-) So lets say many don't trust the police Frankly of late, my skepticism of the Courts is rising but that's another topic RG
  9. Some (not all) threads which may interest you https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=206726 https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=71451 https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=34872 https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=329 One thing to remember about safe sex. The only absolutely safe sex is masturbation. Whenever two or more people are involved intimately there is a risk (yes even in so called monogamous relations, proof, how many married people are here on Lyla yet don't tell their spouse...btw not passing judgement) Use of condoms is risk reduction, not risk elimination Hope this helps A rambling RG
  10. Surfing Lyla and Twitter, reading and replying to emails, updating my Garmin GPS and watching The Night Manager...think I'm going to have to watch episode one again RG
  11. Here you go :-) https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/announcement.php?f=125&a=10 RG
  12. All that means is those posts never got reported or caught by Mod. But Meaghan is quite correct, posts like that are not allowed RG
  13. How can you ask the question about someone when the DNR rules state explicitly (copied/pasted) "This stands for Do Not Review and Do Not Discuss Some people have asked not to be included in the site and asked us to remove any discussions, comments, reviews and even recommendations about them. We must respect these requests and add them to this list. " Just mentioning a lady's name publically in your post (on DNR list)and asking for comments via PM would IMO mean comments about her are being brought up, even if behind the scenes on the PM system And how would anyone know who you are asking about unless her name is first mentioned publically in a post. Just asking the question publically would be against the DNR rules That would be my read on it Of course Mod may have a different opinion and he's the judge and has the gavel LOL A rambling RG
  14. Spectre (James Bond) RG
  15. Gas for the trip home from hell today RG
  16. Timmies Dark Roast for the road...a trip to hell tomorrow. RG
  17. This board contains huge volumes of information as Phaedrus said. Just start looking around the various forums. If you have any specific questions I'm sure you can get an answer or two But to get you started, this forum may help you out. https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=207&order=desc Good Luck RG
  18. Simple comfort food tonight...soup and sandwich Cream of Mushroom Soup and a Grilled Cheese Sandwich Washed down with water For desert...I am bad, a butter tart RG
  19. As beautiful a day yesterday was, today even better...+19 degrees out, sunny and warm....is Spring finally here??? RG
  20. Beautiful Spring Day...walked to the grocery store, then awhile late just went outside for a walk. Now inside, but heat off and windows open getting fresh air RG
  21. Enjoying a cold beer while surfing Twitter,Lyla and watching "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" RG
  22. Gas and beer...this upcoming week isn't going to be fun...two trips to hell now, hence needing the gas, and those trips are stressful, hence the beer RG
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