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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Asking a fisherman about the biggest lie? BTW we don't call them lies, they are fishing stories RG
  2. As a sidenote, one of my favorite ladies I saw first time at an outcall to my hotel. I picked the hotel off the internet (looked good) but unbeknownst to me, it is kinda, for lack of a better word, cozy, going through the lobby. The hotel is in her hometown and she knew this. I had a clothing request (dress/high heels) Well there was that knock on the door, and this beautiful woman greeted me. But she wore running shoes, sweatpants and sweatjacket, hair pulled back. She looked more like she was going to the gym than going to an encounter Two encounters with her later, she dresses along the same lines, not attracting attention, well except for this guy waiting for the knock on the door, and our upcoming fourth encounter But she always comes with a smile, hug and kiss, and a happy and pleasant disposition RG
  3. I don't know, but I think most (if not all) ladies prefer cash. Cash is king, makes things easier . Why complicate what should be simple RG
  4. Allman Brothers-Ramblin' Man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WGVW7byRCA&feature=related RG
  5. And another box of kleenex ??????? Warm wet washcloth feeeeeeeeels so much better RG
  6. Well I have taken acid (well citric acid as in lemon juice, does that count) but never have I ever been to China RG
  7. I'm mostly an outcall guy, seeing ladies at my hotel room. I've gotten to the point I prefer the lady to show up wearing what she feels comfortable in For the incall encounters that I do have, what the lady wears depends on the lady and mood...dress, or lingerie or whatever else pops to mind (as long as the lady is ok with it)...but sometimes being surprised is good too. But the most important is to be greeted with a smile, and the feeling she wants to be there with you A quick morning rambling while the coffee is brewing RG
  8. Don't some truck stops have motels? RG
  9. That's because if I'm not seeing ladies, I'm thinking about them But I've been on CERB a weeeee bit longer, Feb 2010 And post count would be waaaaaay down except for jokes and the variation of favorite song thread LOL (actually more truth to that than you know) RG
  10. Now we know what went on in the Batcave when no one else was around Batman & Robin - Episode 5: The Picture - watch more funny videos RG
  11. I'm not disagreeing that the risk is reduced if both the lady and gentleman are both practicing safe sex, but really, if you practice 100 percent safe sex during your encounters according to your criteria, you should be able to minimize your risk to your comfort level But on a lighter note RG:icon_biggrin:
  12. Meg Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel Seriously, I agree with you 100 percent RG
  13. I remember as a boy watching the cartoon Hercules. Then it was entertaining. but now, well was there a "special" relationship between Hercules and Newton...he seemed to prefer Newton's company over Helena's Hercule's arm around Newton, and Helena, again, alone RG
  14. I'd stay with PP, nothing wrong with that name, and it is well known But if you do change, I'd avoid Peter Pan My quick 2 cents RG
  15. Not trying to sound funny here, but really, the only true 100 percent guaranteed safe sex is masturbation. Even in committed monogamous relationships, well affairs do happen What I would suggest is instead of focusing on ladies who offer safe gfe experience, when you see a lady who interests you, have a 100 percent safe encounter ie no kissing, no daty (unless with a dental dam) cbj, cfs (I'd be surprised if a lady didn't provide this and if she provides unprotected fs, RUN) Also, the ladies on CERB are a good place to look, read the profiles/websites/reco's of ladies that interest you and go from there Good luck RG
  16. One year ago, yesterday, was my first time with an escort. The first lady, by all objective criteria was terrible, on a scale of 1-10 a 1, and that's only because I can't give out a 0 LOL But I wasn't deterred by that first time. I have had the pleasure of meeting many great ladies. I also discovered to my surprise seeing ladies is much more than just the sexual aspect of the encounter, it is all aspects of the encounter. The social/interpersonal are at least for me as enjoyable as the sexual (who would have thunk that) The first time was the big hurdle for me, having never done it before. The only good thing about that encounter was it got me over that hurdle. But every encounter, I look forward to the knock on the door, or driving to an incall with my heart thumping in anticipation. To the ladies I've met, thank you And how did I spend my anniversary, with one of my favourite ladies, Meg. RG
  17. I've had a few Paperboy-sucked, always getting ripped off by the manager (shouldn't have to go into debt to keep your job, especially as a teenager in high school)...didn't stay in it too long Summer Job with Ministry of Natural Resources-pay sucked ($10/day-6 days week) but fun. Did labour type jobs, clearing brush, learning how to fight forest fires, building trout spawning beds etc...any job MNR needed unskilled labour for, we did it. Poor pay aside, it was fun...not to mention I lost my virginity that summer :-) Army Started off in the reserves, great summer job, and job through high school year (got whipped into shape FAST!!!, come school year I could smoke guys who were on the high school track team ...got the opportunity to go with the Regular Forces in Germany, took it. Came down to staying with the Regular Force (would have been directly taken on with the Regiment, had to stay as Infantry with that Regiment, no other trade) bi-passing Cornwallis or going to university...I went to university. Final job, once out of university, well some ladies I've told privately, lets just say I'm in the Federal Government in one of the departments under Public Safety (no, not a cop LOL), 26+ years of doing it, glad I'm approaching retirement RG
  18. Little River Band-Reminiscing http://www.mytitanium.ca/?utm_source=moneymart.ca_homepage_TopNav&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=TopNav RG
  19. Otis Redding-Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay RG
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