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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Almost went through this recently. The lady had emailed me, letting me know she was about to retire and move out of province. A goodbye encounter was scheduled. Well the date of the encounter was mixed feelings for me, looking forward to seeing her again, but also knowing it was the last time I'd see her. Well the anticipated knock on the door, she shows up. During the course of our evening she tells me her plans fell through, and she isn't moving. But she is no longer escorting as a business, but only as a hobby with a few select men. Then she tells me I'm one of the select few men (very ego boosting btw) she will see I'm sure she will retire completely one day, but I hope that is a long ways off RG
  2. It's sounding like preferred customer status is being thought of like another expected menu item. And I never said it wasn't a business, but it's a business like no other (actually the term industry was used) As per a PM I now prefer the term mutually beneficial understanding. But not all businesses offer preferred customer status, since the comparisons to other businesses is being made. I go to the grocery store, groceries cost the same whether my first visit or fiftieth And gas prices aren't reduced at the gas station for regular customers compared to first time customers. I go to get my haircut (what's left of it), at the same place. And my hobby, fishing, no PCS at the tackle stores I frequent, any expenses for repair/maintenance of my boat, no discounts at the marina etc etc etc. No deals, no preferred customer status. Point being made, not all businesses offer PCS, why is it expected that ladies (some who likely live paycheque to paycheque) should offer it. And why should ladies have PCS policy, they, just like all of us, have bills to pay at the end of the month, this is their livelihood, and their income. Personally, if a lady at the time of an encounter provides something along the lines of a preferred customer status, she alone should just provide it, without saying you have reached PCS. But as a so called menu item I personally don't agree with it. When I see a lady again it certainly has nothing to do with any PCS...I see a lady because I want to see her, pure and simple RG
  3. which scared everyone
  4. My dream job, when I was in school, was to be a pilot...alas had a curve thrown at me, it wasn't meant to be Now, my dream job, retirement...that dream job is, if all ducks in a row, about 4+ years away, worst case 9 years away RG
  5. It's happened with a couple of my characters, but still, it has about a 80% correct guess rate (sometimes correct on the second guess btw) Did it ask you to submit the character's name when it couldn't guess But still fun RG
  6. Boy, after the previous two posts why does this blast from the past come to mind http://vimeo.com/11196196 I myself was rejected from eHarmony RG
  7. Your not the only one scared of clowns RG :-)
  8. England Dan and John Ford Coley-I'd Love To See You Tonight RG
  9. Congragulations Angel I enjoy reading your posts, and looking forward to reading many more RG
  10. That damn "Y" again LOL...but no Young Jeezy (what's a Jeezy anyway LOL) Yanni-The Storm RG
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUYNtc9ZFIE RG
  12. A phone call no SP wants to get from a client Stevie Wonder-I Just Called To Say I Love You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwOU3bnuU0k RG
  13. Guess great minds think alike Isabella :-) RG
  14. Well for me I'm not taking it for some "team" I'm looking at meeting a lady that interests me, for me. Don't know if that is a question of semantics. But I see ladies for me, not for some "team"...hope that makes sense RG
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