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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Don't have any recommendations as I haven't had a duo yet...but August is coming up and I have one planned, but this might assist you http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=43237 RG
  2. I keep reading in posts of guys seeing ladies because they are well recommended/reviewed, and not wanting to TOFTT Personally, I see ladies because of a combination of factors, (their website/profile, posts, any emails/pm's and yes, I look at the photos too.) In short I see ladies because there is something about them that made me want to meet them. Yes, in some cases I do read reco's/reviews, but always in the back of my mind is ymmv/and chemistry, sometimes people click, sometimes they don't, and it isn't a deciding factor for me Do guys have to have a lady to be well reviewed/recommended before they will see her, or do they go in with the attitude of they are TOFTT? Or do they plan an encounter with a lady simply because they are interested in meeting her? Not starting an argument, starting a discussion, that's all RG
  3. I know I may be in the minority of guys here, but living in smalltown Ontario, to see ladies I need to travel to the "big" city. For me to see a lady requires advanced planning on my part, to free up a weekend, and make sure I don't get any family commitments made on my behalf for that weekend. Most of the time it works out well. Once I had to cancel (well in advance) because some family members from out of province were flying in same weekend, and it was planned last minute by them. The other, well another family member needed my truck on a specific day (same day I had planned to see a lady), but I let the lady know and was able to bump the encounter to one day later Just from this guy's point of view RG
  4. Agree the no show has to be the worst. I've never no showed, but a couple times for reasons beyond my control, I've had to cancel (prefer postponed, because I do reschedule), or have been late. Likewise, I've been cancelled on (with ample notice btw) and had a lady show up late (with notice btw)...sometimes life happens, and things just can't be avoided I know for me, since a two hour encounter is what I book for a first time, on those rare occasions when I did cancel, I rescheduled and made it a three hour encounter. And ladies who cancelled and rescheduled, well they make the rescheduled encounter an unrushed encounter But mutual respect, or as MG says, lets try to be kind to each other RG
  5. My favorite beer, well as someone who can't touch alcohol of any sort, in any quantity (even things like vanilla extract) this is a great substitute for real beer, has absolutely no alcohol...makes me feel like I can sit at the grown up table LOL RG
  6. That look, when you look in her eyes, she in yours, not a word spoken, then you kiss Removing her clothes, slowly When you come to a point in your mutually beneficial understanding (that is better than the term "relationship", thanks Gabriella) and she asks and allows you to do something to her that she likes, but requires trust, and she reciprocates, doing something that she doesn't normally do, but does it for you Waking up in the morning in bed in the arms of a woman you spent the night with, and you both have smiles on your faces (no morning after regrets) Just a few RG
  7. While I agree the phrase "willing" doesn't sound good, keep in mind a couple things. First, to publicly discuss an issue which has to be troubling for him, takes a great deal of courage. He should get a kudos for that alone. Second, his age, 21, and third his posting history (2 posts) Some people find it hard to convey thoughts to words. But if you look at the entirety of his post, the gist of it to me at least, he is worried about trying intimate relations because of the fear of rejection and that whoever he tries to see will tell other people about his condition. His choice of word "willing" does on first glance seem bad, but in context I take it as he wants to see escorts because the escort wouldn't tell others of his condition and an escort might not be as likely to reject him out of hand because he has herpes. And the inference from that is clear, he would tell a escort of his condition Look at the intent of his words and post, I certainly don't think he intended any disrespect to the ladies. And really, if he wanted avoid all the criticisms, he could have avoided posting altogether and kept it a secret As I see it RG
  8. Nitty Gritty Dirt Band-Fishin' In The Dark RG
  9. Well this is probably too late in coming for today (finally found something on the web not selling help) but for future flights, this might help http://matadornetwork.com/bnt/5-simple-ways-to-conquer-your-fear-of-flying/ As for taking the train option, here are some links for you http://www.suite101.com/content/eastern-canada-train-travel-to-toronto-ottawa-montreal-halifax-a246015 http://www.viarail.ca/en/trains RG
  10. but I almost wasn't able to post because my cat did something like this and my post would have been more like this RG
  11. I don't know, the Barbara Bush, the David Suzuki and the Charlie Chaplin, certainly would spoil the mood for me with those names (and faces) running in my head while down there RG
  12. Sorry about your fear of flying. It won't help you now, but maybe in the future, try train travel if you hate flying. I know one person who's fear of flying was from hearing the noises, and seeing things like the wings flexing (btw completely normal, if they didn't flex, then you got worries). She also got upset when these things popped out of the back of the wings (flaps, completely normal btw) and a thing popped out of the front of the engine on landing (thrust reversers, also normal) I know it can be hard, but sit back and relax (maybe get an aisle seat, not window) and look forward that in a couple hours you'll be home safe and sound (and I'll say a little prayer for you that you have a safe and uneventful flight) Take care RG
  13. That pesky damn "Y" Yellowjackets-Claire's Song (probably Claire left after hearing it LOL) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxVgxcm2egY RG
  14. ZZ Top-Sharp Dressed Man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-y33Uq6HGs RG
  15. Thanks a lot, googled it, even had a picture just gross Never have waffles again, and no, have no desire for a boston pancake either RG
  16. Earth Wind and Fire-Boogie Wonderland http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8g3n_earth-wind-fire-boogie-wonderland_music RG
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