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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Smartie, oh sorry, M&M's, sorry, Eminem-Mockingbird RG
  2. READ BEFORE WATCHING attached video...... During the late 60's, most television programs and commercials were live. There were no "pre-recorded" programs. There were some obvious problems with this method. No "retakes" and "bloopers" were a regular occurrence. We have to assume he quit right after the commercial -- one way or another. This is no blooper! This guy was just very upset with his boss and told it like he thought it was. What a great job of ad-libbing. He never misses a beat while the camera man is just about to lose it. The commercial got on the air ... but only once. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=7fc_1254794177
  3. Congratulations on 2500 Berlin Always informative...look forward to reading many more of your posts RG
  4. Allman Brothers-Ramblin' Man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WGVW7byRCA RG
  5. Well she let me know she is a meat eater...and no, no jokes So some advice from the ladies (gentleman's input also appreciated) Is the Keg ok, or would a more upscale steakhouse be appropriate for the dinner date aspect of the sleepover Thanks in advance RG
  6. Well Jack sort of got caught up in a sex scandal, and he became Leader of the Opposition. If Harper or a member of the Conservative Party got caught in a sex scandal...well there will be hell to pay Personally, I think public outcry on any so called scandal is more on the hypocrisy of the offence (ie being anti prostitution publicly and in policy and privately seeing ladies for example) A quick 2 second rambling RG
  7. Dolly Parton-Here You Come Again http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdQxseZJLdk RG
  8. I frankly don't understand his reaction AT ALL!!!...that she is trash and should die What did Malika do that warrants someone hating her so much that he wishes death on her. How can that reaction be understood Why should Malika have to be forthcoming about her religious beliefs, any more than any other lady. No reasonable gentleman cares, it's only an issue for the nutbars that the ladies run into from time to time Malika, I'm 100% behind you on this, IMHO you did nothing wrong. The guy is just out there, maybe something to warn the other ladies on the SP only site RG
  9. Sara I think the issue is the unfounded hatred this man (not gentleman) showed. Never in my life was I hurt this way by words...the lashing and the disgusting look that I saw in his eyes was brutal. Yes, something my friends will call me a Witch and I will joke with them about burning witches and the Burning Times...but I know it's just by fun...but when someone look at you with a look like this, saying that you are trash and should died....The pain that flew inside me was brutal I understand that not everyone is fond of religion or beliefs and I respect the fact that this man doesn't believe in the same things that I do... Maybe she should have kept the tarrot cards and pentogram hidden (but that's a seperate discussion) and if me, it wouldn't matter. But to call a lady trash, and should die, sorry but there is no excuse for that behaviour. Not in the hobbying (hate that term) world, not in the mainstream world From what was posted, I can't defend this guy's actions at all...if it bothered him he should have politely declined the encounter and left RG
  10. A quick additional thought. There is an adage that once something is posted on the internet, it is always there (or words to that effect) So it is understandable that some ladies like that bit of anonymity. Even with their profiles and websites down, who knows who saved what to their computers, and who knows who has the technical savvy to recover old deleted websites off the internet. RG
  11. For me, whatever spiritual/religious beliefs someone has is not important, as long as someone doesn't try to impose their beliefs on me, and they don't use their beliefs to hurt anyone Frankly I'm surprised at this guy's reaction, no need for him to be ignorant. Your spiritual/religious beliefs shouldn't be of concern to him, would a cross on your wall cause him distress BTW, to answer your question, any SP that catches my attention and I think I would enjoy spending a couple hours with, I would see her, whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Wiccan or one of the many faiths/practices that provide a person some spiritual comfort and guidance A quick rambling from an agnostic RG
  12. Pink Floyd-The Wall http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7537901785624234406#docid=-8247628678689126352 RG
  13. Pete Condolences. My thoughts are with you and your family RG
  14. Never happened to me, but then again I see ladies out of town, be it Ottawa, Kingston, Toronto or Hamilton. If I ran into a lady, I would be discrete, not acknowledge her publicly, but contact her afterwards via text/pm/email just so she knows I wasn't being rude. If a lady sees me, and is likewise discrete, completely understandable. If she gave a friendly hello, well I would recipricate But the best rule of thumb, discretion RG
  15. With threads about being outed in public, and face pictures, a thought occurred to me. How do the ladies feel about dinner dates. I know some offer them. But how do the ladies feel about being seen in public with a client. If family/friends showed up, would that pose a problem for them For me, I'm including dinner out with a sleepover I'm arranging. But the dinner out while suggested by me, is only being done with the lady's permission. And we are going to be in Toronto, and not her home town, at my suggestion. Just so she doesn't run the risk of being seen by family/friends with a client and having to do some explaining Just a question for discussion RG
  16. Understandable for ladies to want to keep their faces hidden...and for the ladies I have met where I didn't know what they looked like ahead of time, it was a pleasant surprise to meet them face to face As for the ladies who post pictures of their face, it is nice to see, and I respect the ladies' decision for showing their faces...but again, as in each and every photo, the ladies have all looked better in person (and they have great pictures btw) But as ED Man says, it's personality that is most important...for me the photos are the eye catcher, but once my eye is caught, I look at the lady's profile/website/threads etc, anything to get an idea if we would be compatable and enjoy each other's company Hopefully one day seeing escorts will become as mainstream and acceptable as on-line dating sites, which not that long ago, was something not that mainstream (or at least not considered that mainstream) As for me, my best features are my posts...if I posted my pictures the ladies would be running away LOL RG
  17. I am in the preliminary stages of planning a sleepover. I'd like to take this lady out for dinner as part of the encounter (btw she is fine with this, I did ask) Can any Toronto ladies (and gentlemen) give me some suggestions for a good restaurant in Toronto to take a lady (me, the Keg is my idea of a good restaurant, but I'm a steak and potatoes type of guy) I'm going to be staying out in the west end near the airport so closer to that end of Toronto is preferable Saw one restaurant, checked the menu, prices not listed...you know the old adage, if you have to ask how much, you can't afford to eat here LOL Thanks in advance RG
  18. Have to agree with you Soleil. Everyone has to do what is right for them. Some ladies (and gentlemen) can carry off having piercings/tattoos/implants while others can't...it is IMHO a reflection of that person's personality. Me, the only tattoo I ever get is if a pen explodes on me LOL But I certainly don't judge anyone for having piercings/tattoos/implants. Just something I can't see myself ever doing RG
  19. Kris Kristofferson-Me And Bobby McGee http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUxfpRg4ngg RG
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