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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. roamingguy


    Oh the joys of Hotmail Here are some options for you to try Shelly Copied/pasted from the internet Good luck RG Try the Hotmail Password Reset page. If that fails try the Windows Live ID Validation page. Has your Hotmail account been hacked and/or compromised? Report a security vulnerability to Microsoft If none of the above links are a possibility for you go to the Windows Live Account Validation page. The links available at the security vulnerability page are the best chance to regain control of your account. You can also e-mail and if someone else has control of your account. Additional online troubleshooting steps are on the Microsoft account compromise page: http://windowslivehelp.com/solution....f-145b951dcb41 The Hotmail customer service phone number is 1.800.386.5550. When you contact Microsoft directly also include as many subject lines from your email account as possible. Please keep in mind that there is no guarantee that Microsoft will be able to help you. After getting your account back immediately change your password, security question & answer, and your alternate email address. To change your security question and answer go to Options -> More Options -> View and edit your personal information Please do not forget that it is best not to keep important information in any free e-mail account since there is no guaranteed support for free accounts.
  2. Tammy Wynette-Stand By Your Man RG:biggrin:
  3. Oh yeah, I can see how you could have a weakness for a lady with a British accent:icon_rolleyes: RG;)
  4. Me, if I met a lady I like, and she doesn't mind a recommendation (one of my favorite ladies doesn't like recos/reviews) I'll write one Mine are not a review, a play by play...what goes on behind closed doors is between two consenting adults. Mine are recommendations, basicly I had a good time with the lady, and I think other guys would would enjoy seeing this lady too But when it comes to seeing ladies, reviews don't do much for my decision making. I get a feel of what the lady is like through her posts/profile/website/emails/pm's...and yes, I do look at the pictures as well LOL But I'm not seeing ladies to TOFTT. Seeing ladies for me is for me, not for "the team" whatever team that may be That said, if I had a good time with the lady, and she is ok with it, I will write a recommendation Some thoughts from a guy past his bedtime, but suffering insomnia RG
  5. Oh puke Young Jeezy-Lose My Mind ft. Plies RG
  6. I haven't seen the other two ladies, but I can certainly recommend Isabella. I have had the pleasure of her company, and certainly will take the drive to Ottawa in the future to see her again RG
  7. Not only does this singer's first name begin with "S", the song's title begins with "S" Sheena Easton-Strut http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcAJ9siMseA RG
  8. Well you could live on the edge and use one of these Sorry, couldn't resist, and I say this with my legs crossed at this very moment RG:icon_eek::icon_eek::shock:
  9. But the only one popping into my middle aged brain was Young Jeezy, yuck do I look or sound like a Young Jeezy type of guy, so had to go for last name LOL RG
  10. I think that's another reason for me to give my verification info to the lady I wish to see. After all, if I can't trust the lady with the information, I really can't trust the lady, and I'm developing good instincts on the ladies I see...and the ones I'm seeing I trust with that info. Not to mention there is trust on the ladies' part being alone with me, or any other gentlemen. Not knocking verification sites, but I'm more comfortable giving the info to the lady I'm seeing, not some third party company RG
  11. You add your reco to the already started thread. I add this though, it goes by city. Now, for example, I saw a great Ottawa MA when she toured to Kingston. My reco for her was in Kingston recommendations. So my reco wasn't added the lengthy thread of reco's for her (she's a great MA) in the Ottawa section, it was posted in the Kingston recos since that's the city I saw her in. Hope that helps RG
  12. The person writing the reco/review goes to the city listing that the lady who's reco he is writing about (ie if an Ottawa lady, go to Ottawa, if a touring lady, go to the city where the encounter took place) When he clicks on that city listing at the top comes up that city's recommendations. He clicks on that, there is a blue button saying make new recommendation (He must ensure that there isn't a thread of reco's on that lady, if so, he should add his reco to the thread of reco's) He makes his reco/review. Clear as mud, huh LOL RG
  13. Dwight Yoakam (last name begins with a Y)-Suspicious Minds RG
  14. Sha Na Na-Rock 'n Roll Is Here To Stay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BAImUIzyTU&feature=related RG
  15. The only thing that kinda strikes me as sad is that there even needs to be a thread on proper etiquette and courtesy when texting. Guess I have been blessed since I started seeing ladies almost a year ago now,that emails/text's/phone calls and pm's have all been polite from the ladies to me, and obviously vice versa Kinda sad that manners (in this case in text's) need to be taught RG
  16. Aaron Neville (well his last name starts with N) -Everybody Plays The Fool http://www.videodetective.com/music-videos/everybody-plays-the-fool-video/450240 RG
  17. Quick question about verification sites. And the question is half rhetorical, and not posted for arguments sake, but for my (and other cerbite's) information There are ladies who require verification, but it can be done by providing information to the lady you wish to see. Thus far I've been verified three times, once by a lady I have had the pleasure of meeting, and two other times with ladies I am in the process of scheduling encounters with Why use a verification site which to me is an anonymous third party gathering your personal information Guess for me if I didn't trust the lady enough with the information I'm providing her, I wouldn't trust her enough to see her to begin with Thrown out as a question, not as an argument RG
  18. Well thank gawd I never got married, never got in-laws etc etc etc but, and especially if they the in laws were prudish, get to the bedroom, with your SO, have her sit down, you start jumping up and down on the bed, then have SO start moaning loudly. Wait to see everyone's looks the next morning around the breakfast table But I'm a little warped RG
  19. Just a quick comment, the laws in the United States are different than Canada. You could be breaking the law seeing an SP in the U.S. with serious consequences for you Just saying that's all RG
  20. Congratulations Satin. Enjoy reading your posts. Keep 'em coming RG
  21. Sara's post caught me off guard there, now I remember what I wanted to say. From my perspective, I don't think any woman should have her breasts done to please someone else. If she wants it done, for herself, well, she is an adult and should do what makes her happy. But she shouldn't have surgeries because it will make someone else happy Likewise, I'm bald, and I'm not going to the hair club for men LOL Although I'd love to be able to get laser surgery for my eyes, hate glasses, unfortunately I'm not a candidate for it...but I digress RG
  22. KC and the Sunshine Band-Shake Shake Shake RG
  23. Happy Birthday Angela Hope you enjoy your special day RG
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