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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I don't disagree with you in the least that there is a sexual side (or menu side) of the GFE. I just am of the opinion that the GFE is more than just the list of services that's all, and in my experience, the GFE begins before clothes are even removed. Merely providing sexual services and nothing more is not IMHO a GFE. And as a footnote, for those who want just a menu of services, nothing more, there isn't anything wrong with that. One thing about this hobby is there is something and someone for everyone RG
  2. Sheryl Crow-My Favorite Mistake http://www.mojvideo.com/video-sheryl-crow-my-favorite-mistake/78e64325576a509ebaa3 RG
  3. My understanding of PSE is it's more for lack of a better word, sexually performance based type of encounter, like one would see in porn movies. The urban dictionary defines PSE as PSE (pornstar experience) is that a PSE will not talk first like a girlfreind, they just get straight to the sex part, and Never use a condom. that is a PSE. For me though, the no condom part, don't know how true, hope not, but that is the urban dictionary definition But that certainly sounds like services off a menu doesn't it, and leads me to believe it is strictly focused on the sex act (s) only. As for the no tell motel comment, in entirety my phrase was Or if it's just services, would, hypothetically speaking now, since it's not legal, going to a street corner, getting all the services you want from a woman, and doing it in the backseat of a car or the no tell motel qualify as a GFE...don't think so. And I'm not endorsing this practice first and formost because it isn't legal, it was a hypothetical argument The gist of some posts seemed focused on GFE as menu of services only. Does after reading my hypothetical argument in entirety qualify as GFE My argument was trying to make the point that if a woman is picked up for the sole purpose of services off a menu nothing more, that to me is not a GFE, a PSE, maybe, but not a GFE Now if a lady provides a GFE, which to me encompasses the interpersonal and social aspects of being with a woman over and above the sexual, whether at the lady's incall, or a hotel, or the no tell motel, that is a GFE RG Additional Comments: A quick additional quote from the urban dictionary on the gfe It states When an escort offers a service more akin to a 'real' relationship rather than just sex. The escort may go with the payer to dinner / the movies etc and engage in conversation, kissing and so forth, before retiring for sex (as what might occur when dating). Men who indulge in such Girlfriend Experiences with escorts are said to be enjoying The Hobby. It would seem from this definition that the gfe is less focused on the so called menu and more on the interpersonal aspect of the encounter RG
  4. Elvis Presley-Hound Dog http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1mvfc_elvis-presley-hound-dog_music RG
  5. INXS-Need You Tonight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Si2ZdcBz8Q RG
  6. Neil Young (last name begins with a Y)-Old Man RG
  7. Frankly, if all guys are just looking for is a list of services off a menu, wouldn't they be further ahead to go for a PSE I still maintain a GFE has to be more than services off a menu Or if it's just services, would, hypothetically speaking now, since it's not legal, going to a street corner, getting all the services you want from a woman, and doing it in the backseat of a car or the no tell motel qualify as a GFE...don't think so. And I'm not endorsing this practice first and formost because it isn't legal, it was a hypothetical argument As for a GFE being more than a menu of services, it being a social/interpersonal encounter which includes sex, how many SP's offer overnight dates, 4-5 hour dates which include dinner out etc etc etc...unless your planning to do on the table at the restaurant, it is more than just sex If just a menu your looking for, maybe PSE is more to your liking RG
  8. Don't fret the three times a day, anyone thinks it's weird is probably secretly envious of you As for the bum...on a woman, head to toe, whatever floats your boat, as long as it's OK by the lady RG
  9. Why when the barrel price of oil is down compared to last year same time, are gas prices obscenely up? RG
  10. Thanks I really am feely guilty about posting it LOL Eagles-Desperado RG
  11. The best encounters I have had, have unfolded naturally, and not focused on just the so called menu, nor was there a pre arranged script of activities. I think the GFE is more about the interpersonal/social aspects of the encounter (and definitely chemistry between both the lady and gentleman, and the ymmv factor)...and when both the lady and gentleman click, well the sexual side becomes more than a impersonal physical activity between two people. And for me at least, the GFE begins when the lady arrives, and even before clothes come off As for a menu, well one well known lady doesn't have a menu, at all, but offers a great and memorable GFE. For me, there is only one menu item essential for a GFE, and that is kissing Some more thoughts RG
  12. Mine, photo of fishing from a boat (no not me), because fishing is my hobby It's also why I don't like the term hobbying when referring to seeing ladies, fishing is a hobby, how can you compare the two I also have had, and it's in my profile page and signature, a cartoon, "The Happy Fisherman" which is a fisherman getting a blowjob from a fish while fishing, kinda seems an appropriate avatar for a fisherman who has a profile on a escort site, not to mention it shows my offbeat sense of humour And the other avatar I've used is a picture of John Malkovich, only because more than a few ladies say I look like him Don't see it myself, but never argue with a lady RG
  13. A thought, and keep in mind I'm no religious scholar We are concerned about an SP wearing a Nun's habit, which is a symbol, yes symbol of the Catholic Church But there are underlying ways of conducting, and not conducting oneself according to the Bible and Catholic Church (probably other churches too), such as adultery being a sin, sex is for procreation, no sex until married In my opinion, if there is really concern over the images of an SP dressed as a Nun, because it is considered offensive, ALL OF US are equally guilty of being offensive by practicing a hobby (hate that term) which flies in the face of Church (and not just Catholic) teachings. Which is more important, the symbology of the Church (ie Nun's habit), or practicing and conducting oneself according to Church teachings. The pictures themselves, don't butter my bread, but different strokes for different folks RG
  14. Too funny And makes me thankful I'm single and no kids (that I know of LOL) RG
  15. Good gawd can't believe I'm posting this, a guy naming himself after candies that are a poor substitute for Smarties This a poor substitute for music I apologize Eminem-Not Afraid RG
  16. Congratulations Angela Always enjoy your posts (and pm's) Keep the writing up, always a joy to read RG
  17. Aaron Neville (last name begins with an N)-Tell It Like It Is RG
  18. Once a day. Check latest posts first, then any threads that have been of interest the preceeding few days, see if any developments And of course, Variation on the Favorite Song theme, and if I get some good emails, a joke or two posted RG
  19. Hope you all have a sense of humour, a little levity needed The Nun's Regret A nun walks into a bus and sits behind the driver and says, "I have just one regret before I die," The bus driver asks "What might that be?", she says "I have never had sex, but I can't have sex with a married man or that would be a sin." The bus driver says, "I'm not married" The nun says, "I have to die a virgin so I will have to take it in my ass". Being the only two in the bus they went to the back and took care of business. When they were done the bus driver says to the nun, "I have a confesion to make, I am married." The nun says "I also have a confesion to make, My name is Rudy and im going to a costume party!"
  20. Happy Birthday Miss Athana Enjoy your special day RG
  21. A few further thoughts. There are a few ladies I have met that I would catagorize as GFE. Some ladies are ladies I want and will see again But something wonderful happens when you meet a lady, that you repeat with. Just had my third encounter with a great lady, and it becomes less of the lady providing a GFE experience, and more a natural encounter with two friends. Certain things take place in an encounter, on the business side. For example, the lady counts her money, bottles are sealed (no matter what I always keep bottles sealed), she watches her possessions (ie purse etc) Well this lady and I have developed a rapport and trust naturally. She said she didn't even notice if the wine bottle was sealed or not, she trusted me. And when she used the washroom, her purse was left out in the room, because she trusted me, and she took the envelope of money without checking to see if the money was all there. And this lady is an experienced SP, not a rookie. In fact she is semi retired, and only sees a few clients now My point is that the GFE can develop with a lady/gentleman from a service provided, to two friends meeting "within the confines of the SP/Client relationship more as intimate partners than SP/Client. Kinda hard to word, because underlying this is a SP/Client relationship, but it is one where the SP/Client are intimate friends RG
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