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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. And it would be two weeks, one week for posting inappropriate messages, one week for having someone else (my cat) access my account, sort of a multiple account notification infraction LOL RG
  2. I've got a cat like that too. Keep worrying he'll walk on the keyboard, gobbly gook message will come up and then the curser will be on the submit button, and I'll get a two week ban from CERB RG
  3. I've heard the term "model looks" girls before, so when I ask this, it's a more rhetorical question than anything. What exactly is a "model looks" girl. A woman who could be on Victoria's Secret, Sports Illustrated, Playboy etc etc etc magazines/catalogues. Or a lady that models high fashion, going down the runway. EVERY lady I have had the pleasure of meeting is beautiful. And it was much more than looks and services, it was, as Angela said, the whole package. RG
  4. You know, gotta love CERB, provides a wealth of information to questions that you'd be afraid to ask in public RG
  5. and There's a Seinfeld episode that covers just about everything in life Sorry, but if you can't laugh you'll cy RG:icon_biggrin:
  6. Billy Ocean (last name begins with O)-When The Going Gets Tough http://www.wat.tv/video/billy-ocean-when-the-going-34cq5_2g9el_.html RG
  7. Your wish is granted You can turn rocks into diamonds,....but the Diamonds vocal group from late 50's to early 60's, not the gem To do so you are forced into lifelong slave labour in a quarry the only music is coming from many many Diamond clones...you go insane My wish, to have much much much more money, and every day is Saturday, so I can see ladies 362 (time off for XMas Eve/XMas and Boxing Day) days a year RG
  8. Speaking for myself, I have never terrorized/harassed/degraded/demeaned another human being in the past. Why, have you? And frankly I resent the assumption on your part that that sort of behaviour at one time or another is normal, and we all have done it Like I said, this isn't about forgiveness, this is about warning flags going off because his post indicates some chilling thought processes at work. Yes he apologized, but the underlying thoughts are my cause for concern a person's thought processes don't just go away with an apology. As for this thread going on, had you let it lie, instead of posting, this whole thread would have quietly gone away. RG
  9. I like the ladies I see, I respect the ladies I see, but I love the no strings attached RG
  10. Should I cash in all my RRSP's, have a week long sleepover with a few ladies picking the nicest hotel I can find...not to mention putting that tab on the credit card, since the bill will never come in RG
  11. Just a quick interjection here. I for one couldn't get in a relationship unless it was monogamous (and that's both ways)...although my dating days I'm done with them So meeting escorts is not the way to meet the woman of your dreams, since by definition escorting is not monogamous. It is, or should be a fun, no strings attached activity, but no expectations of a monogamous/exclusive relationship should be had And if the guy wants a relationship with an escort to "save her", the ladies chose this...they don't want to be saved. They want to be treated with respect. This is their life, their livelihood. RG
  12. The phenomenon of man made global warming is proved. The government spends billions upon billions to prove it But it comes at a cost, the government dips into pension plans, and ups taxes so no one can retire until they drop dead I wish I had a brand new truck, and no debt, and can retire with a full pension RG
  13. You know, at times like this, I'm glad I have a few years under my belt, my experience has led me to give up on finding a relationship, and instead I meet great ladies for a two or three hour escape. Yes, maybe I'll be in love for those two or three hours, but on the drive home, the love is gone, I'm left with a fond memory (in most cases), and in exceptional cases, know a few ladies I'd like to see again Really, my emotional connection to the ladies is I like them and respect them and have memories of our time together RG
  14. This thread was slowly going to bed till it got resurrected today. To paint it in plain terms, for me, and probably most everyone here, yes posting the words is bad enough, but what is disturbing to me, and everyone else, is the thought process going on to even lead him to think such things, much less post it. Forgiveness isn't the issue here. His post fires up warning flags of a hateful man having no respect for woman. RG
  15. Don't be hard on yourself, your not a wuss, your shy. And sensuality...well I call it the entirety of the encounter (all aspects pleasurable) doesn't make you a woman...it means you are learning to appreciate the companionship of a woman for more than just your sexual gratification If it helps, I guarantee, absolutely guarantee that you let that towel drop, you'll have fond and pleasant memories of the encounter long after it's over, if you don't, you'll leave with the memory wondering what if... But do what is comfortable for you, just a little friendly advice from a guy who wishes he started this twenty-thirty years ago RG
  16. Your wish is granted, unfortunately the caps all came off the bottles and the beer went flat, and there is no electricity, so no fridges to keep the beer cold I wish I had started hobbying at a much younger age RG
  17. Have you thought of the massage, but instead of wearing boxers, wrap a towel around yourself...you might find yourself "inclined" to let the towel be removed from you, and enjoy a full massage. Not knocking you being shy, but sooner or later in life, in your personal relationships, you'll have to take off the boxers so to speak, and you'll find it's better sooner than later Why not,with a professional MA, try the route with a towel. And you might be pleasantly surprised and pleased, if you allow the towel to come off...and if you find you are too shy during the massage, the towel stays on. Seriously, not criticising, just hate to see you deny yourself pleasure and human companionship because of shyness...and only you can overcome it Good luck whatever your choice is RG
  18. That may be in my game plan in my future...one thing about seeing ladies is exploring aspects of sexuality that may never have been possible in normal relationships But, with that aside, still, just seems it would be uncomfortable, maybe hurt just thought someone out in CERBland might know RG
  19. The other day, a woman at work made a point of showing off that she has a ear stud (well guess actually tongue stud) in her tongue. And she was bragging, saying how much her boyfriend loves getting a bj from her since she got it. I really feel old and maybe missed the boat but to me, I'd think (from the guys point of view) it would be uncomfortable, maybe even hurt. Not to mention health/hygiene issues for the lady. Can anyone explain how having a tongue stud enhances a bj Opinions from both ladies and gentleman welcome. RG
  20. Just something else to keep in mind, (and boy, am I glad I plan ahead). Just checking hotel rates on the internet on the off chance price may have come down at the hotel I'm staying at...well I am seeing another great lady this weekend, room reserved well in advance. Rates haven't gone down, but there isn't a room to be had in the town. Had I left arrangements to the last minute, well I'd be scrambling for an outcall location, and one probably second or third class at that Just a comment RG
  21. Also keep an eye open for touring ladies, some do go to Thunder Bay RG
  22. Personally, I think it's dangerous for both the client and sp to fall in love. It's usually, at least I think it would be, one way, and under circumstances, jealousy could develop. This isn't Pretty Woman, you aren't Richard Gere and she isn't Julia Roberts If you ever get the inkling you are developing feelings for the lady beyond what is expected in a SP/Client relationship, you should stop seeing her, and see some other ladies. At the very most, I could see liking of one another developing into friends, as long as both individuals respected boundries, such as realizing she will see other guys, you will see other ladies. Seeing ladies should be fun, not complicated with strings attached. It also shouldn't be an emotional burden for the ladies. For me, I view each encounter as a two or three hour escape with a special lady. Some I may want to escape with again (for a few hours), others once is enough LOL And any "relationship" is strictly SP/Client, with any friendships formed within those parameters. It doesn't mean I dislike the lady, or she dislikes me, it means accepting the boundries, but instead of pining for her, appreciate the time you do have together, plus any memories of that encounter It shows respect for her, and is healthy for both of you This guy's viewpoint RG
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