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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. The interpersonal skills, definitely a big big big must have. First lady I saw, second words out of her mouth "gotta pay the bills hun, gotta pay the bills"...a do not see again Third lady I saw, so called conversation was more a Q & A...like an interview. Felt like she had a rehearsed script of questions to ask, certain amount of time for this "conversation", then the business end of the encounter...what she didn't get, the whole purpose, at least IMHO, is the social/interpersonal/communication and sexual encounter with the lady. For me, seeing a lady is much more than sexual...she's a do not see again If seeing ladies was simply sexual, nothing more, then the guy should find the one who does the most menu services for the lowest rate possible. For me, its not the menu, it's the lady, and each and every lady brings her own uniqueness to an encounter RG
  2. And it's great that there are ladies, like Emily, who will provide references for the guys. While most of us treat ladies with the utmost respect and act like gentleman, there are some guys out there that are to put it kindly, less than stellar, and can cause the ladies problems. I only like to contact the lady that I wish to use as a reference ahead of time to ask her permission. I just consider it a polite thing to do. I guess a email out of the blue from a lady to another lady wanting a reference on a guy, well, imho, kinda rude not asking the lady's permission first Some quick ramblings from a guy who has no issues being verified. It makes the ladies safe and that's enough reason to do it...but the added bonus, it establishes a trusting relationship before you even meet RG
  3. Well this came out in 1961 (year I was born) and I think, in April, the month I was born. Sort of, considering my handle, and that I travel to see ladies seems appropriate But one or two I can relate to http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x257nk_brad-paisley-im-gonna-miss-her_fun and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVL2NGpkUGE And ladies, no need to have corrected SP age, we love the real you. RG a 50 year old, middle aged, few pounds overweight and bald guy, but it's the real me
  4. Just keep in mind legalities are different in the United States, you could be breaking the law and facing criminal charges if caught RG
  5. The one time I had an incall to a hotel I just waited in my truck till five minutes before the appointment, went in, got to the elevator and saw the lady. I personally think sitting on a couch in eyeshot of the check in desk is a recipe for a problem happening As for going to the room, or checking into a room, hotel staff see hundreds of people a day, your just one in a hundred. Act normal, when you draw attention to yourself is when staff get involved. Remember, hotels wouldn't be in business if they didn't have customers getting rooms RG
  6. How bout this (Uma Thurman can bait my hook any day) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLZl6R7JGCc RG
  7. You find me a real great paying job, I just might move:icon_wink: RG
  8. There's a Seinfeld episode that covers just about everything in life RG
  9. Your wish is granted Unfortunately where you live no one else plays hockey and there are no rinks around to play hockey on My wish, to live in that penthouse, invite all the ladies to my place for a party where they see that I'm not a snob, and everyone lives happily ever after RG
  10. Your wish is granted you have the energy you had in your twenties...but with the revolution in Saudi Arabia Canada militarily commits to operations in the Middle East, and seeing all this energy, you are drafted to serve your country, and never get to reap any personal pleasurable rewards from it My wish, to own and live in a penthouse in a high rise condo and all my neighbours from the first floor to top floor are SP's RG
  11. Condolences. Didn't know Lana, but my prayers with her family and friends RG
  12. Your wish is granted Sony makes the game system, you get so addicted to the game you stop seeing ladies, getting more gratification from PS IV. You realize, too late that a game system is no substitute for seeing ladies, but alas, no ladies will return your emails/texts/pms, after realizing you were off playing with a PS IV My wish, stay right where I am, I can see ladies in Ottawa and Toronto RG
  13. Solei I like your new website. If I get a little windfall I must take a flight out to Winnipeg, I'd like to meet you RG
  14. Your wish is granted...you have the largest suite available. Unfortunately by the time the hotel is constructed that has this big enough suite to allow you this orgy, all the sp's have retired, and all your left with is a Playboy and your hand Me, I wish that I sell the condo in Ottawa for a obscenely embarrassing profit (Donald Trump would be proud of my business prowess), and I move to Toronto and get a nice condo dirt cheap RG
  15. Your wish is granted...unfortunately the ton of money you get belongs to the Russian Mob, they get it back, and your claim to fame is becoming the star (in name only) of a Law and Order episode. My wish, to live closer (or in) either Ottawa or Toronto to be able to hobby more frequently RG
  16. Your wish is granted, you have mind control powers...but you live isolated alone with no one around for thousands of miles Me, I wish for happiness RG
  17. You know, it's the person inside that matters. Plastic surgery is a personal choice, and one that I can't, nor would, tell a lady to do. Likewise, there is pressure for men to look a certain way...well I am who I am, and confident enough in myself to not to go see this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDk_ZfYuyfY&feature=related Do I need improvement, well physically I could stand to shed a few pounds, genetics has made me follically challenged, but I'm happy with the man inside and can look at myself in the mirror RG
  18. Sons of the Desert-Whatever Comes First http://www.metacafe.com/watch/sy-10889367/sons_of_the_desert_whatever_comes_first_official_music_video/ RG
  19. What got me to thinking about this and starting this thread was a number of things. When I took the plunge so to speak and saw my first sp, to me, in my mind, it was simply a case of anonymous sex for money, nothing more. Also, during the time I was researching escorts, and google came up with all sorts of sites, the only site I was on that showed a atmosphere and environment of mutual respect was CERB, the others basically fed into the idea that it is paid sex for money that is all And for most of my encounters, first it's nice to be alone with a lady, phone off, outside world gone for a couple hours or more...an escape so to speak. But as I pleasantly found out it's more, much more than sexual, there is the social/communication interaction...the connection made between two people. Granted, a couple encounters haven't been that way. But for most of them I've been fortunate enough to be with ladies that I can have that sort of interaction with. And with one lady, when I saw her the second time, she opened up more about her personal life, like she was talking to a friend. I guess the point I'm so long windedly trying to make is that it can't simply be a case of services-time for money. Not unless the ladies are real good actresses. By the same token, I'm not naive, I know that the lady wouldn't be there without being compensated...I do know it's their livelihood. I guess I would call it a "paid friends with benefits relationship I like seeing ladies. Some ladies are/will be repeats, and that has to do a lot more with the social/communication/interpersonal interaction than the sexual side. I also like meeting new ladies, just something in their website/profile/posts catches my attention. But I'm under no illusion, I'm not looking for Ms. Right. But the ladies have my respect, they aren't nothing to me after the encounter, even if I never see them again. And the community atmosphere on CERB versus the other sites, IMHO, feeds into that positive lady/gentleman relationship So what is the SP/Client relationship, simply time-services for money, or more. To me it's more, I like to think of it as "paid friends with benefits" There, thats a long winded rambling RG
  20. It could be a "life happens" scenario. If she is recommended, and you would like to see her, re-book. Could have a multitude of reasons why she couldn't have made the appointment, roll with it, re-book. That's my advice RG
  21. How could I, a fisherman, forget this one http://www.metacafe.com/watch/sy-18502621/brad_paisley_im_gonna_miss_her_official_music_video/ RG
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