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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. There are two such women in my civilian life that I'd like seeing if they were also escorts...but I'd certainly, if this ever happened, let them know up front before we meet that we already know one another, and who I am. If after that they were still ok with an encounter, well I know damn well I'd have big time butterflies in my stomach waiting for the knock on the door, and I'd fall down answering the door, 'cause I'd really be weak in the knees. RG
  2. What's the right way to take your post, can't believe we all took it the wrong way RG
  3. Still shaking my head in disbelief at your comments, calling them disturbing is an understatement to say the least You would surprise a lady you know/knew (outside of hobbying) to have an encounter with her...if you didn't know it before, you should know that all encounters are to be consensual. You are taking away the lady's consent when you book an appointment with someone you know, while she doesn't realize that she knows you from outside escorting...it is a violation pure and simple But most shocking is making a ladies life hell. I have had ex-g/f's and bad breakups, but I sure wouldn't make their life hell. Grow up and move on And to say you'd make their life hell is offensive to every lady. The implication you are making is being a SP/MA is wrong, and to be ashamed of. And it is only by the grace of god that the ladies you have seen don't have a past with you outside of hobbying, because if they did, you'd likely make their life hell It also is offensive to most of the hobbiests, who treat the ladies with the utmost respect. A lot of ladies require references/verification. It's not because of the majority of guys are respectful, it's because of the minority who have underlying disturbed, hateful attitudes (and maybe actions) towards the ladies. Still in shock and disbelief RG
  4. Yes, and I didn't miss the point. My point, if I read his post right, he mistrusts his friends because one friend betrayed him. My point is that your friends can support you in bad times. The one (now ex) friend, who betrayed him is leading him to mistrust his other friends, friends who if he trusted could be there for support. And in no way am I knocking therapy, actually in this case it's probably the best. RG
  5. You have to do what your comfortable doing. Me when it comes to discussion and debate, different opinions are welcome, it would be a pretty boring world if we all agreed 100 percent on everything. As long as people show respect for others opinion, and they of yours, and treat everyone with respect, I have no issues RG
  6. Ah, but ancient Chinese proverb, to take no action is an action LOL And me thinks your less worried about being roast chicken than getting your goose cooked RG
  7. A quick added comment, when I was betrayed, I didn't see a therapist, but you know who was around providing support, my friends BTW not knocking therapists, actually might be a good idea, just for me at that time my friends were my support. RG
  8. Betrayal is hard to get over, been betrayed know how it feels But, like most people, you will have very few "true" friends in life. You may have a lot of acquaintances but very few true friend Don't let the one bad apple in your life destroy the friendships you do have, they didn't betray you, they don't deserve to be treated with mistrust. The only absolute way to ensure you never get betrayed by a friend again is to be 100 percent alone with no friends at all. My thoughts RG
  9. Just a topic for discussion. Is the relationship between a SP/Hobbiest (and from now on I'll use the term lady and gentleman) strictly a business relationship, or more. From the outside (ie as one who sees it without participating in it) it may seem like a strictly business relationship. Customer pays in exchange for services and time. But, I find it hard to compare in any way shape or form the relationship a lady and gentleman have to let's say, your mechanic, who you pay to fix your car (service) and time (hourly rate)...no comparison...at least in this guy's opinion Is it a cold hearted business on the ladies' part. Real good play acting while she's seeing the gentleman, making him feel special, just to get money, but good riddance when he leaves, he's nothing to her after the encounter...hope not but I don't know. Is it a cold hearted activity on the part of the gentleman, so he can relieve his needs, without the complications of a relationship, and she is nothing to him but a notch on his belt...a trophy at most. Hope not, know it's not for me, but I can only speak for myself Is it a mutually beneficial activity. Yes, there is the business aspect, payment for time and services rendered. But the time spent, is there a real connection, the gentleman and lady do get to know one another, a bit. And a bit more in the case of repeat encounters. I personally liken this activity to friends (within the confines of the sp/hobbiest relationship) with benefits, the benefits twofold...income for the lady, companionship for the gentleman. Food for thought RG
  10. I use my cell phone which is also my home phone (gave up having a land line about 6-8 months ago). And yes, I'm single, but for me, if I wasn't single I wouldn't be here. Not worried if the ladies have my phone number, frankly I'm cool with verification so if requested they get my name, email and handle Any lady I have doubts about giving that information to, I don't want to see anyway, and trust is, imho, important when seeing ladies. RG
  11. And a real great lady too RG
  12. Somewhere in Ontario, near a lake (for fishing) but within driving distance of Ottawa, Toronto and Hamilton to visit my favorite ladies RG
  13. A lot of people don't understand or don't realize, but it's like losing a member of the family. My cat died on my lap a year ago January at 11 years old...still miss him. Took me a year before I was ready to get another cat. The hardest part was the first few months expecting him to run to the door when I got home. Now when I get home I find my socks in the living room, my shoes seem to keep changing location, and I find cat toys in my bed when I go to sleep at nights RG
  14. I don't think anyone thinks Quebec is going to disappear to Europe or where ever. I liken separatism to a divorce. Yes the woman or man as the case may be is still there, but not together, and yes, it is emotional, both divorce, and separatism RG
  15. Please no clowns http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McdL21gQDvo&feature=related RG
  16. Only thing about me, I look better with my clothes on than off...on those grounds alone I'd probably be rejected from the poker game LOL RG
  17. Need someone to teach me how to play poker, not much of a card player RG
  18. Maybe not a useless comment http://agco.on.ca/en/services/licence_socialgaming_GPB.aspx From the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario website http://agco.on.ca/ RG
  19. As a guy who prefers outcalls to a hotel, couple comments, not judging. First, why worried about ID/Credit Card for checking in. A hotel's business is providing rooms for people. There isn't a big red tattoo on your forehead saying hobbiest LOL. Just check in as it is a routine matter of action...they aren't going to haunt you buy saying you stayed with them, not to mention most hotels have privacy policies in place Second. The credit card matter seems to cause some people concern...it shouldn't. I have checked with quite a few hotels, and as of yet, they all accept cash. What you do is reserve a room using your cc. But when you check in, you pay for the room in cash, plus leave a refundable deposit. Just email the hotel you are planning to stay at if they will do this, like I said, haven't met a hotel that won't. Getting a hobbying cell phone, go to Mac's Milk, Beckers, some gas stations, wireless wave,etc, buy a pay as you go phone no sweat. As for your question about unlucky, chalk it up to experience. There is a learning curve, certainly. Bottom line, all you are doing is getting a hotel room so you can see a SP. The hotel doesn't know why you are there (and they really don't care as long as no damage), and you are just one in hundreds of people the hotel will see that day RG
  20. I guess that depends on who the lady is in your personal life you know? But worried, it would be equally awkward for her as for me, 'cept I'm single and most of the women I know, married...not worrisome for me And I would say 99.9% of the women I know, no, stay away RG The other 0.1%, I hear that knock on the hotel door, I'll answer it and let her in (there's one or two I know that could butter my bread) But for those in a relationship, worried it's their SO knocking at the door I'll share this with you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ntnt6PeQqGQ RG
  21. From this guy's perspective, that has to be tempered. I always view any gfe as within the confines of the SP/Hobbiest relationship. I'm cool (pretty much) with receiving texts/pm's/emails from ladies. But irrespective of how great a time I've had with a lady, I text/pm/email with discretion. Unless both the lady and the guy are completely comfortable with friendly communications and being close, outside the confines of SP/Hobbiest, it should be done with discretion And where does the line between friendly communications and close ends and becomes keeping tabs on someone and being too close. RG
  22. Happy Birthday Eva Enjoy your special day RG
  23. My take on it, a true GFE involves the entirety of the encounter, the whole social dimension of the time spent together...I'd liken it to a date. A true GFE IMHO is when the two people can connect...talk. There is to me at least much more to seeing a lady than just the sexual aspect of the encounter. On the encounters (3 btw) where there was no such connection, well I remember the encounter, but no memories. The rest, no only do I remember the encounter, it was a memory too. RG
  24. Personally, in my opinion, the people of Quebec have chosen to stay in Canada, look at referendum results, and with the recent election, overwhelming support for a federalist party, not a nationalist/separatist party. There is likely a small element of the Quebec population that wants a independent Quebec. There are a few more that don't want independence, they want sovereignty association. And finally there is what I think is the majority that want to be part of Canada. I think the independence/sovereignty association movement was a card played by Quebec to maximize benefits to Quebec without them actually separating I wonder what would really have happened if Quebec threatened independence, Canada turned around and instead of fighting to keep Quebec in Confederation, said your free to leave. My guess, they wouldn't have left. It's a opinion which I have no facts or research to back up Bottom line, I'm glad Quebec is a part of Canada, we are richer with Quebec (as with all provinces and territories) than without RG
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