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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Maybe it's to re-live their teenage days. How bout doing it in a boat though RG
  2. For me, first and formost, is personality. It comes through in the ladies' posts, pm's, emails etc Second is appearance, and that is looks/weight/hygiene. The looks, she doesn't need to look like a model (not that I'd complain if she did), but a nice smile, pleasant personality, hey, that's what first and formost butters my bread. Weight, the term bbw is used, and I'm not turned off by a bbw (actually there is one I plan to contact in the future for an encounter) But someone morbidly overweight I'll be honest, no, I wouldn't be attracted. But a drop dead gorgeous lady, 10 out of 10 in looks, but personality, cold, not attractive either and I wouldn't want to see her either Some musings RG
  3. The top of the bed Head can be at the headboard, or feet can too Or sideways for something different Its all good RG
  4. I'm not a flag waver of any of the parties. Contempt and corruption have happened with both the Conservatives and Liberals The NDP, never Official Opposition before, federally...wait and see. But provincially, the NDP, the party of the working man/woman...well in Ontario they had lay offs, sorry, a Social Contract, and alienated their biggest constituent, the unions. Party ideology sometimes takes a back seat to the reality of governing, and the nature of our parliamentary system of government allows majorities this almost absolute power...and absolute power corrupts absolutely RG
  5. Well there is one thing about the election that makes me, as a Canadian, very happy The Bloc including it's leader is all but gone...a party dedicated to the break-up of Canada. That is good for Canada as a whole Some musings RG
  6. Yes go vote I voted early last weeks...there was a line-up We can complain all we want, but there are people in countries like China, North Korea etc etc etc who would love to trade places with us to be allowed the right and freedom to vote No matter who you support, vote...it seperates us from a democracy and shouldn't be taken for granted RG
  7. I'll coin one (at least I think I coined it) KCCC Kissing, Cuddling, Conversation and Companionship I know this acronym is not sexually oriented, but any gfe imho has included all of the above, and as I found to my delight, seeing ladies is so much more than just the sexual aspect RG
  8. Congragulations Nicolette. I enjoy reading your post. Keep on writing RG
  9. With all the talk about age preferences I'm going to walk a tightrope with no safety net here by asking this question With all the concern on age, I wonder how many ladies put on their profile/website a younger age than they really are because they think guys are automatically turned on by younger ladies, but they think the older they get, the less attractive and desirable they will be to men? BTW at least for this guy age and desirability are not mutually exclusive RG
  10. Thanks for the news story, that's great news As for your question how he died, I think reading from the BBC report The al-Qaeda leader was killed in a ground operation in a mansion outside Islamabad in an operation based on actionable US intelligence, CNN reported. it was a military operation. But I'm watching the news now for details Glad the piece of sh*t is dead RG
  11. I don't think Ottawa is oversexed compared to any other major city, just that alot of the ladies and gentlemen of CERB are from Ottawa. Best analogy is if you went to the site, rhymes with CERB, but begins with T, you would think Toronto is oversexed. One thing about going to that site beginning with T, is you'll also find out how great CERB is, and the other sites at best rate a distant second This coming from a guy not in Ottawa btw, but I do visit Ottawa, as well as Kingston, Toronto and Hamilton...guess I'm an Ontario boy RG
  12. Well one thing about me is I have enough self confidence that I don't need to write a review that reads like a guy bragging in a locker room. I write a recommendation (if ok with the lady) just to let the lady know my time with her was appreciated, and she is attractive and desirable, while at the same time letting other guys know there is a lady that is worth getting to know. Detailed play by play, well at my age, to make that type of reading worthwhile, it would have to fall in the realm of fiction LOL. And when it comes to the ladies I see, again I have enough self confidence to see who I want to see, not who is some other guys' idea of the perfect lady. When it comes to my type of lady, two criteria, she has to be female and 25 and up. Nuff said RG
  13. Kyra Wholeheartedly agree that there is a difference between a reco, and a reference, but I was using the terms only because a reference (at least imho) is the ladies equivalent (for lack of a better word) to the guy's reco. But I definitely see and appreciate the difference and the ladies safety is paramount vs the guys enjoyment of the encounter (hope that makes sense) Being honest with your time with a guy in a reference is good, as is also alerting ladies of negative feedback of the same guy from other ladies. I've also read some reviews (me I prefer a recommendation), it's almost like locker room bragging talk. Thanks for answering the question, you got what I was asking And btw, the question only started going around my brain when I read a nasty review (it was beyond just a bad review) of one great lady I have seen...just wondered how many start following the bad review with bad reviews of their own, or won't recommend/review after seeing a bad review And thought I'd see the ladies side of the coin with references. That must sound like a mouthful of a rambling Thanks RG RG
  14. Sheena Easton-Morning Train (9 to 5) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3z9dx4U3gw RG
  15. How about in the case of a gentleman who you had a good date with, but you find out after the fact that he has been red flagged, but your date was good, no complaints...would you provide a reference for him, or would the fact that he has been red flagged by others deter you from providing the reference BTW, my curiosity stems from what is IMHO a almost nasty review of a lady I have seen twice (and about to see for the third time)...and I wanted both the guys perspectives on giving recos/reviews and ladies perspectives on references if their first hand experience is good, but others write that they had bad experiences RG
  16. Something about Wonder Woman and being tied up with the golden lasso of hers...I don't know if it's a Wonder Woman fantasy though, or a Lynda Carter fantasy Then, although not super heroines, they were crime fighters, the original Charlies Angels (Farrah Fawcett, Jaclyn Smith and Kate Jackson) Guess I'm aging myself here RG
  17. I always go ahead with a reco if my time with the lady was good And as for bad days at work analogy, well I respect that this is the lady's livelihood, which is why I don't do bad reviews (just no reco/review at all) I was just curious if previous bad reviews impacts a guy writing a good review/reco if he had a good time, and likewise, if a lady had a good time from her standpoint, and in her opinion, the guy is reference worthy, would she hold back a reference if other SP's reported the guy as a bad date, for lack of a better word Agree with you, in all cases, ymmv, there is a chemistry/connection element with encounters RG
  18. Happy Birthday Angeltbay Enjoy your special day RG
  19. This topic has been in my head for the past few weeks. I saw a absolutely bad (bordered on nasty) review of a lady I have seen (actually I have seen twice, and about to see for a third time). My question, both to the guys and the ladies. If you saw a lady or gentleman, as the case may be, and your time with her/him was worthy of a good reco/ or a good reference, but you found out others posted a bad review of the lady, or in the case of a gentleman, he had bad reviews from another lady (ladies) would you still provide a good reco/review for the lady, or reference for the gentleman. I know in my case, any reco I write is based on my time with the lady. Just wondering what everyone else's opinion is RG
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