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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Some more thoughts. I'm a mixture of both. I have one lady, who in two weeks I will have had the pleasure of seeing for the third time. There are a couple others I will see again, because the time with them the first time was great. And then there are others who because there was either no chemistry or the encounter was plain out bad, I'd never see again. And for me, the time together is far more than the sexual aspect. The chemistry/conversation/social aspect...don't know the right word to encompass all of it is just, if not more important, at least for me, than the physical I do see ladies I haven't seen before, because variety is the spice of life so to speak...but I do some checking first (ie CERB), to make sure our time together will be mutually beneficial. But there is also a different, but great feeling waiting for a lady you have seen before. Some ramblings RG
  2. I'm just curious as to why the focus on seeing an escort nationally as opposed to engaging in sex tourism...I assume that is taking a trip internationally to engage in sex. If just taking a trip qualifies as sex tourism, then every encounter I have had required a trip, to Hamilton, Toronto, Kingston and Ottawa. For seeing an escort internationally, it does depend on where. If it is going to a country where it is a case of woman, or girls are exploited by others, with little or no chance of legal sanctions, I'm definitely against it. By the same token if someone is seeing woman or girls in Canada who are exploited, definitely against it. And in the case of girls and boys (my definition, those who are under age) any guy who would even see one needs to be strung up...I don't care if in Canada or worldwide, pedophillia is wrong. Hurting kids (and underage they are kids IMHO) by getting your sexual gratification from them is sick. Thats one reason my comfort zone for seeing ladies is 25 years or older, but I digress. One thing about seeing ladies in Canada, you have resources, like CERB, and the ladies' websites to help provide you with an educated opinion about whether the ladies are consenting or being exploited. There are some where I look at the profile, red flags and alarm bells go off, and I stay away. Others, you can see that the lady is established, and you are entering a consenting mutually benificial arrangement Some ramblings over my second cup of coffee RG
  3. Willie Nelson (last name begins with N)-Blue Skies RG
  4. Agreed, just looking forward to Tuesday, and the election being over RG
  5. You know, the more I think about it, maybe the Liberals had the info in their back pocket...Layton and the NDP are taking votes away from the Liberals, they could have tipped the Sun (a conservative paper). We all think the Conservatives did it, and the Liberals hope to reap the rewards But it really is a sad commentary on life that the public is likely more concerned about a massage that happened 16 years ago, than in current public discourse on issues. RG
  6. I personally think the Conservatives have had this information in their back pocket for awhile...something to save for a rainy day, like when the NDP is their political threat. As for the Sun releasing the information, do you think their source was someone in the Conservative Party On another note, back in the day when Layton was caught by the police getting a massage, it's interesting that the story didn't break then. Layton was a real thorn in the side to the police, yet the police showed professionalism and didn't go public with it. The Sun was pro police, anti Layton back then, if released the story would have run. Just a thought or two RG
  7. Well I don't have calls to my home (I prefer outcalls to my hotel) but for me at least, one thing being missed out on, is that building excitement waiting for the soft knock on the door...for me it's all part of the experience. But that's me, don't know if that is everyone RG
  8. Congratulations Malika on your 500th post Keep writing, enjoy reading your posts RG
  9. Nicolette Larson-Lotta Love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reSa2ipIH8s&feature=related RG
  10. Me, going out fishing on a regular basis does it for me...of course I get funny tan lines...like on my head/face...I wear a hat, no tan, but face, tan (btw I'm bald) Always, always, I use sunblock...70 SPF, especially after a melanoma scare a few years back Remember ladies, no tan, no matter how you think it makes you look, is worth getting skin cancer for...and you don't need to be tanned to look beautiful...you are all beautiful already RG
  11. Nick Gilder-Hot Child In The City http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=El6iQ2_dvlc RG
  12. So I'm not the only one that thinks Meg looks like Ann Margaret And for those who haven't met Meg think of Ann Margaret as a blonde This will give you an idea RG
  13. If I'm reading the report right, he is considered a Long Term Offender. That means he probably did his full sentence inside prison, once released on warrant expiry (by law he has to be released) he then is under supervision in the community for I believe, ten years. But if any ladies are concerned, pm me, I have some tips, and they are not vigilantism, but can keep you safe RG
  14. Couple more comments, I've said them before, I'll say them again 1. I don't see ladies I'm embarrassed to be seen with in public, or embarrassed/ashamed if someone I know found out I was seeing. 2. Trust is a two way street. If the lady you want to see you don't trust with your handle (a made up name btw for a virtual world) not to mention in cases of full verification (name, phone etc) why should she trust you with her very safety...her life in fact 3. Further to point number two, if you don't trust the lady to begin with, why even see her, it would end up being two people mistrustful of one another which can't lead to having a good time together 4. What great calamity is going to fall if the lady knows your handle/name etc etc...blackmail...most of us aren't rich enough to make it worthwhile (not to mention how can you be blackmailed for seeing beautiful women...ok, I'm single, not married) Are you a public figure, she'll know as soon as she sees you anyway Not to mention, at least in the case of outcalls to your hotel, there is a record of who you are, when you registered/checked in Just some more thoughts, sorry for repeating myself RG
  15. Well I don't see the resemblance myself, but at least six ladies have said I look like him.................................................................................. so it would have to be John Malkovich Still don't see the resemblance though RG
  16. I have a little disposable income each month (great to pay off a truck loan) which allows me my once a month encounter with a lady...sometimes I can swing two encounters RG
  17. I'm like Gentleman 11, my age range for ladies is 25 up. I'm fifty, thats my comfort zone And no way will I see a 18-19 year old teenager...at that age, for me, just way too young RG
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