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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. XTC-Making Plans For Nigel http://www.totallyfuzzy.net/ourtube/xtc/making-plans-for-nigel-video_3a06be6c2.html RG
  2. Actually, if you look at this site, there is an area for escort and ma discussion, it is discussed by city. The general discussion area is the free for all area imho (as long as not offensive), if not covered under a different area of the board. And unless there are specific rules saying no posts about personal matters, or cats, or whatever, whats the big deal If you don't want to read the post, then don't. But judging from some of the threads (the one about recovery, one about cancer, and std's for example) if they were really so inappropriate to post, why did the thread go on...obviously they resonate with members Posts like these don't take over the board at the expense of escort/ma discussion, they compliment it. My two cents RG
  3. I confess, I subscribe to WFN (World Fishing Network) on cable All this talk of American Idol I had to focus on something fishing related RG
  4. One thing about CERB is the sense of community. Yes serious issues are discussed, some lighthearted ones (thinking of the joke section and music section), recos/reviews...but with some differences of opinion, we are a community. And that sense of community makes a person feel safe enough to bring up a non escorting relate subject, the feeling that he/she is talking amongst friends. If that sense of community goes, whats the difference between CERB and T***, C****, and other sites which are a distant second to CERB imho It may just be a fluke that all these topics came out at the same time, but at least the members felt safe enough to share here RG
  5. If I don't reply immediately when the phone rings, I can't...either I'm driving and can't pull off the road, or people may be around when the phone rings Like I said, I do prefer a text, but phone call if preferred by the lady, no problems RG
  6. Actually I think it was text messages. BTW I delete my texts after an encounter, but hell, what a legend I'd be if my friends knew the ladies I was seeing...but then again I'm seeing the ladies for me, not to impress anyone else, so I'll keep on deleting And I'm a single guy too, only one that could get jealous is my boat LOL RG
  7. Maybe this video will help Sorry, couldn't resist posting RG
  8. I was advised never to take time off sick unless I was well enough to enjoy it. So on a sick day, go fishing Seriously, if I'm really sick, I'm either sleeping, watching tv, not to mention lots of orange juice and homemade chicken noodle soup (and yes, I can cook up a good soup) RG
  9. Hall & Oates-You Make My Dreams Come True RG
  10. Heart Attack info on New Aspirin Read and heed! This can't be read TOO many times!!!!! This is good info. We did not know that you should not lie downwhile waiting for the EMT Heart attack info NEW ASPIRIN/ Serious stuff, no joke!! Just a reminder to all: purchase a box, keep one in your car, pocketbook, wallet, bedside, etc. IMPORTANT READ...... Something that we can do to help ourselves. Nice to know. Bayer is making crystal aspirin to dissolve under the tongue. They work much faster than the tablets. Why keep aspirin by your bedside? About Heart Attacks There are other symptoms of an heart attack besides the pain on the left arm. One must also be aware of an intense pain on the chin, as well as nauseaand lots ofsweating,however these symptoms may also occur less frequently. Note: There may be NO pain in the chest during a heart attack The majority of people (about 60%) who had a heart attack during their sleep, did not wake up. However, if it occurs, the chest pain may wake you up from your deep sleep. If that happens, immediately dissolve two aspirins in your mouth and swallow them with a bit of water. Afterwards: CALL 911 - say "heart attack!" - say that you have taken 2 aspirins.. - phone a neighbor or a family member who lives very close by - take a seat on a chair or sofa near the front door, and wait for their arrival and... DO NOT lie down A Cardiologist has stated that, if each person, after receiving this e-mail, sends it to 10 people, probably one life can be saved! I have already shared the information- - What about you?
  11. I like the excitement of meeting a new lady...nothing like meeting a lady for the first time, you may have seen her pictures, read her posts (real good way to get an idea of her personality btw) her recos etc....but the anticipation of that knock on the door, then the knock and the meeting...the ultimate blind date But repeats, well I'm going to have my first threepeat (her words btw) in four weeks, and I know if my second time meeting her was any indicator, our third time is going to be great!!! I now am very selective in who I see (based on posts, pm's, emails, not to mention websites and photos) after three encounters which were less than good (but that's the learning curve) So short answer, definitely repeats, but I like seeing new ladies too, I just do my research as best as possible so I know that the time spent together will be a good time RG
  12. I'm not a smoker, but I have seen ladies who do smoke. Only found out from my acute observation skills, because the lady did not smell of cigarettes, and she was a lady I liked to kiss As long as there is no cigarette smell, it doesn't bother me BTW this lady I'm repeating with RG
  13. No one will be able to pin me down on what music I like now :-) Tchaikovsky-1812 Overture (Finale) RG
  14. I just hope when this is discussed , no one, gentleman or lady, is thinking "he sees lots of woman because he sees escorts" or " she sees lots of men because she is an escort" That element has to be taken out of the discussion altogether. When it comes to talk of std's no one talks about the single unattached guy on the dating scene,seeing more than one woman, or the woman that sits at the bar waiting to be picked up, or the married man/woman seeing someone on the side, and he/she is seeing a few people. Point is, std's are caused by sex, whether with wife/husband gf/bf single woman/man, or escort/gentleman Making the escort industry a focal point of the discussion of std's reinforces the negative stereotype that mainstream society has of escorting. I hope that came out right RG
  15. The only absolute 100 percent surefire way to avoid any and all std's is to avoid any form of sexual contact. Even monogomy, while theoretically it works, since the only person you know is yourself, can have risks (how many affairs take place in marriages???) BTW I avoided dating (and sex, except for the palm sisters) for three years, and guess what, avoiding intimacy with a woman is very difficult, if not impossible to do Just saying RG
  16. Rod Stewart-Do Ya Think I'm Sexy http://video.mail.ru/mail/222.hf/103/1748.html RG
  17. I'm basing my response in general to your first post starting this thread I have recently seen a lady for a service, and after the service she had asked me to post a review here for her. It is not the first time. It shows poor class and puts me in an uncomfortable position. Although the service was fantastic, I will not give this person a review now. I will never try to negotiate your rates, so please don't ask me to post a review. I will never see that person again! You state the service was fantastic. But her asking for a review you find in bad taste Just as guys need references to see some ladies (and for us it is our escape for a few hours), a recommendation/review helps the ladies with their livelihood, yes keep in mind livelihood. Have you ever seen a lady who required a reference? If so, how did you get it. I'll bet you asked didn't you Any lady I have written a reco for (btw there are two forthcoming, not forgotten) it is because I had a good time, and believe another guy would have a good time if he saw her, and I would see her again Whereas a lady providing a reference is also putting her reputation amongst other SP's/MA's on the line when she vouches for you Finally, if you want to see a lady, do you look at her recos/reviews. If so, who writes them? Other guys, who may very well have been asked by the lady. I would say if you had a good time with the lady, write the reco. It benifits the lady yes, but also the guys out there too Only if the service provided was sub par or the lady doesn't want a review would I not write a review Not arguing, just my two cents RG
  18. Something I do, is two weeks before the encounter I'll email/pm/text the lady to confirm that I'm still a go for the scheduled time and date. Then the week of the encounter, maybe 3-4 days ahead of time, a second confirmation email/pm/text to the lady, and the day before, final confirmation You never know, her computer or cell phone might crash, and she loses the information. I find it has worked well for me Just a thought RG
  19. I used to get them something terrible, now, not so often and not so terrible. First, I'm a coffaholic...and yes, if I don't get my fix, I get a headache from caffeine withdrawl...thats why I need at least 2-3 cups to kick start me in the morning. But I also got headaches from other factors...the cure, I stumbled upon by accident but makes sense. First avoid cold. Just think of eating ice cream too fast, you get a headache...heat works (at least for me) When I get a headache now, I have a hot bath, water as hot as bearable. I climb into the tub, get most of my head under water (not nose or mouth lol) and have a relaxed bath...the heat usually eliminates the headache RG
  20. Chris Isaak-Wicked Game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6e4pWVTiVlw&feature=related RG
  21. Best wishes on a speedy recovery One thing, even though a bit of a trip, in cases like this, getting into the hospital sooner than later is always better Good luck, prayers are with you RG
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