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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. For me, the highlight of the encounter, with the great ladies I have met, as corny or dumb as it sound...the entirety of the encounter, and it unfolds naturally, no script and no expectations The build-up of excitement (heart just pumping away) waiting for the knock on the door and then meeting in person the lady you have only emailed/texted/talked on the phone too. The pleasant conversation with a real person, not a two dimensional sex object, but a living breathing person The lying in bed, kissing and cuddling Yes, the sex is part of it, but as I discovered, the best encounters I have had have been much much more than about sex. RG
  2. Nancy Sinatra-You Only Live Twice Now I feel like watching a James Bond movie RG
  3. I have signed the card, and my family knows my wishes. I would much prefer my body once I die be used to help as many people as it can, instead of being buried in the ground rotting away good to no one RG
  4. She is hot in an outdoorsy kinda way, kinda imagine takin her fishing RG
  5. Eagles-Hotel California http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCklH9gQAAg RG
  6. If the lady requests it as part of the verification, and I really wish to meet her, I will provide it I've only been asked once to give my name (in addition to a reference) and was comfortable doing so. I'll admit providing my full name, the first time to a lady, well when requested, it was provided, but omg,someone really knows who I am now. But you know, it must alleviate any concerns the lady might have on meeting someone privately for the first time and helps quite a bit in establishing trust...and I got to meet and have a great and memorable encounter with a wonderful lady too. My thoughts RG Additional Comments: A quick additional thought. Really when you analyse and think about it, why not provide the information. The paranoia about being blackmailed??? Ladies will make much more by being SP's than if they blackmailed (assuming they find a guy rich enough to blackmail, or in a position to be blackmailed) a guy. Not to mention word would get out, and the lady would soon find herself unable to get clients. The risk, in reality, is much more borne by the ladies than the guys Just thinking about it, the only reason for verification is a tool for the ladies' safety, and once done, it help establish a trusting relationship between the lady and client, and allows the lady to feel safe, secure and relaxed. Just a quick additional rambling RG
  7. It will come on too early in the morning to watch for me...I'll be in bed If I am awake, I'll be getting ready to go fishing, or maybe see a lady Normally I have to be dragged kicking and screaming to go to a family/friends wedding, why watch one on tv And as for Kate, yes attractive, but not as attractive as alot of the ladies I've met since taking up this wonderful hobby RG
  8. Sheena Easton (well last name begins with E)-Strut http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcAJ9siMseA RG
  9. It is old...don't even think cell phones (or texting) invented and I had hair back then too LOL But it is funny even today RG
  10. Hall and Oates-Maneater http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8i0f_hall-oates-maneater_music RG
  11. Whats wrong with wassup http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDTZCgsZGeA Sorry, couldn't resist RG
  12. Shania Twain-Love Gets Me Every Time http://www.artistdirect.com/video/shania-twain-love-gets-me-every-time/9485 And shymale, you are right she is sexy
  13. Common courtesy and realizing "life happens" to everyone helps alleviate frustration I once was quite a few hours late for an encounter...but when the police close the 401 quite beyond my control. I have had postponements, not cancellationsfrom a couple ladies, because life happens I had a lady arrive late, because of traffic I had a lady about two days prior to our encounter ask to change the time (originally 6-8pm, change to 3-5pm)...life happened to her, but schedule changed, it all worked out I only point out these examples because they did happen. And it's not always the guys that cancel or no shows. And it's not always because the guy or lady is ignorant. Life does happen, circumstances arise that are unexpected, but we all try to make the best of bad situations And I would guess, judging by the calibre of the posters on CERB as an example, that no malice is intended. Just if you know a curve is thrown, let the lady or guy know as soon as possible Some ramblings from a guy who has thrown a curve, been thrown a curve, and you know what, it all worked out, it's all good RG
  14. Initial contact I like either by email or pm Text I prefer to phone call because I may be around family/friends and can't talk, but I can respond to a text I haven't got the knack yet for the text short form so mine may ramble a bit And I will phone if the lady wishes, but only if she says it's ok to call, you never know if it could be an awkward time for her to answer a phone call RG
  15. Hank Williams -Your Cheatin' Heart http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/FDR94QueZ-I/ RG
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