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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. To Kill A Mockingbird RG
  2. Well for me, and speaking only for me, if a lady gives an age range that would be fine...say for example early thirties, late thirties and so on It is honest without being detailed. Now if someone, just as a hypothetical example who is in her late forties said she's early twenties, well that is fudging it quite a bit :-) BTW and this is just my opinion, and based on my experience and preference, there is nothing unattractive about how old you are...I've seen ladies from almost every age category in this lifestyle from mid twenties to early fifties, but the ladies I see the most are in their thirties and forties. I guess despite what advertising tells ladies, not all men are looking for ladies who are in their early twenties (hope that is worded right) Another way to put it, there is not one ideal woman who is the ideal age for every client out there. Hope that part made sense RG
  3. I've been surfing Lyla, Twitter and Emily Rushton's website today. And the highlight of my day today is seeing some more of Emily's new pictures today. Thank You Emily for posting your beautiful pictures. Said it before but you look absolutely stunning RG
  4. Just a question out of curiosity. Can Bitcoin be converted back to cash or is it one of those things, once bought, you only use it for goods and services that accept it RG
  5. Groceries, stuff for my BLT tonight and cat food RG
  6. About to head out the door, couple little errands to run RG
  7. I'm going to have a BLT on pumpernickel, skip the L and have extra B on it :-) Washed down with beer RG
  8. F is for few as in "A Few weeks I'll be meeting a special lady for a Date of a Lifetime" RG
  9. Finished the laundry, now sitting down relaxing having cup number three of coffee and surfing Twitter and Lyla RG
  10. As someone who is a touring gentleman and my tours have taken me to Toronto :-) my personal preference is by Pearson. It is easily accessible, there are many hotels just as nice as those downtown and a lot less expensive as those in downtown Toronto. Another plus is parking, downtown it can be a problem, and for those driving full size pick ups (I used to drive one), the parking garages may be too small height wise to park your truck. By the airport, at least in the hotels I stayed at, no garages, but parking lots. BTW I have stayed downtown TO as well, but all in all, for convenience, and this just my opinion, staying by the airport is more convenient If anyone wants hotel recommendations PM me, I won't post names publically. You never know who besides clients and companions could be reading. Just my two cents RG
  11. D is for Date Of A Lifetime RG
  12. Happy Birthday Berlin Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  13. 9V battery...turn clocks ahead tomorrow, also a good time to change batteries in smoke alarm and shoe polish RG
  14. Lasagna (the frozen type, too lazy to make homemade today :-) ) Washed down with no alcohol beer RG
  15. I've used it before but I'll use it again.....Victoria's Secret RG
  16. I opened my Twitter account this morning and Em tweeted a new picture from her latest photo shoot. Emily is a breathtaking beauty. And her photos are a true representation of her Thanks for being the Highlight of My Day Today Emily :-) RG
  17. Congratulations on reaching the 9000 post milestone Cato Looking forward to your next 9000 posts RG
  18. Getting ready to head out. Today is the day for my weekly trip to hell Next week, gotta go to hell twice RG
  19. BBQ Full Back Ribs Washed down with a no alcohol beer Mixed berries for desert RG
  20. Airplane!!! And just a couple clips RG :-)
  21. Salt and Pepper Wings w celery and carrot sticks Bleu Cheese dipping sauce (OK Renees salad dressing) washed down with a no alcohol beer RG
  22. Quintessential Girl Next Door RG
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