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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Gordon Lightfoot (well last name begins with L)-If You Could Read My Mind RG
  2. And as usual, we have Seinfeld episodes to guide us in dirty talking, as in other facets of life and RG
  3. Santana-Black Magic Woman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaKnRUfh_5I RG
  4. Weird Al Yankovic-Like A Surgeon http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6kmi_weird-al-yankovic-like-a-surgeon_fun RG
  5. I prefer seeing independent ladies How much of the donation goes to the lady in an agency, and how much is the agency cut, driver's fees, cell phone etc etc etc. It appears to me as an outsider, seeing what a lady's rates are in an agency vs independent, that a agency lady after expenses, would make much less per hour (I may be wrong on this) than an independent...me, for the time spent with a lady, I want her to receive the donation As for security, different ladies have different methods. Some like the guy to provide a reference, email, phone, some have a verification process including your full real name, CERB handle, reference, phone number, and some have only required email/phone/first name. Find a screening method you are comfortable with. My thoughts RG
  6. I agree, a respectful pm (or for that matter email or text) is a must. A person gets one chance to make a first impression, your pm kinda makes that first impression RG
  7. My recommendations are for those ladies that were/are great or good. And for me, I have said this before, and will say again, it is the entirety of the encounter that matters to me, the conversation, companionship, yes, the sexual aspect (but that is only one part) but the time spent with the lady in entirety. Any lady I recommend is a lady I would see again RG
  8. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. The bad, I'm half century old LOL the good, picking up the boat this week, spring is here, the great, glad to be part of this great community RG
  9. Geez, why does this Seinfeld episode come to mind http://www.tbs.com/video/index/0,,42958%7C%7C,00.html RG
  10. If you are serious about owning/running an agency, best thing to do, contact a lawyer. Everyone here can have opinions and their interpetation of the laws, but to be safe, get a lawyer to navigate you through the laws...not just those pertaining to prostitution, but to those pertaining to setting up a business RG
  11. Trustworthy and reputation is used within the context of being in the Lyla community. Do you contribute to this site, or are you a shill poster for example. The ladies don't use Lyla as a substitute for verification/reference checks. I don't think anyone would look up a used car salesman on here to get a deal...trust/reputation is solely within the context of Lyla At least that's how I see it RG
  12. Well for the hotel issue...unless you walk past the front desk announcing you are seeing a lady, no one pays attention to you...how many people do you think come and go during the daytime in a hotel As for the incall, depending on where it is, that can be even more risky. One condo in Toronto, you had to punch in the code to let yourself in, but then walk by SECURITY to get to the elevators And some hotels have access to rooms away from the front desk...there is one in Kingston that does Secret is, when going to a hotel, walk in like you belong there, no one will (or should) question you RG
  13. First, in general, never say never....................... but I myself have given up the dating game, and found seeing escorts much more enjoyable Why ruin it, for both the ladies and myself by complicating it with a relationship...this isn't eHarmony or LavaLife, nor would I try to turn it into a dating service for me And I realize it is at the end of the day, a business But, especially for the great and good ladies I have met, I have the memory of the time spent with them (and the memory is MUCH MUCH more than the sexual aspect) But the money, no memories to that...it doesn't last forever. I would say, within the confines of the escort/client relationship, I've made some great friends, and they are ladies I will want to see again And if they move on to something else in their life, while I'll miss seeing them, I'll be happy for them too Don't know if that makes sense RG
  14. My preference, I like an outcall to my hotel when seeing an SP I can get the room set up (gift bag with gift/donation) sitting on table, have drinks (wine etc) chilling...generally getting the room set for an encounter Then the excitement/anticipation of the knock on the door But the question being asked, I prefer a hotel for incall. I had one incall in a Toronto condo, didn't like it whatsoever, but another incall at a east end Ottawa house was great Guess that was a bunch of ramblings RG
  15. Dwight Yoakam-Crazy Little Thing Called Love RG
  16. Payback for my U2 video huh:icon_wink: Seeing as 5 starts with an "F" Farmer's Daughter-Cornfields or Cadillacs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqsY3I-dGLg&feature=related RG
  17. I'm partial to the outcall myself. I've found hotels, if you request, only require a credit card to make a reservation, but you can pay in cash (some ask for payment upon check in, plus a refundable cash deposit) I prefer the cash option, only because I like to pay cash as I go. I know doing it this way there is no bill coming in the mail in a months time BTW it's not a worry about someone seeing the bill, I'm single, not an issue...just like to pay as I go RG
  18. Nitty Gritty Dirt Band-Fishin In The Dark http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVL2NGpkUGE RG
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