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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I have seen some ladies who require a reference only, and one lady (a real great lady btw) who requires verification (not only reference, but name, phone, email) The actual process is not that complicated (from my end at least) When verified I believe my reference (another great lady btw) emailed her directly within a day of my request. My name phone and email, when asked, was given without hesitation (yes I was a little nervous, but this lady has integrity and character) The reward was getting to meet this great lady, and my willingness to be verified certainly helped establish for lack of a better phrase, a trusting relationship. But a question for the ladies, for those that require verification, is it advantageous for a guy to get pre verified for an encounter that has yet to be booked. I'm thinking (in my case for example) I plan well in advance. There are some ladies who travel, and at a future date they could be in one of the cities I travel to. Is it better that if I scheduled an encounter that I'm already on their records as verified, or should I wait till a specific date is planned...I'd be interested in knowing Some thoughts and questions RG Additional Comments: One more thing to add...when you are going to use a lady as a reference, out of common courtesy contact her first and ask permission. A lady being contacted out of the blue by another lady about a guy she has seen, well she might consider it rude. Respect works wonders RG
  2. My post did not vilify her in any way shape or form If she is being sexually active with multiple partners she is free to do so However it sounds like Josbu was seeking advice because he (and he can correct me if I'm wrong) had/has feelings for this woman and when one person sees another for a serious relationship, while the other is looking for a casual relationship with multiple partners, someone is going to get hurt No judgements here, just a relationship works only when both want it And I'm basing this on Josbu post, but as we all know, in relationships as in other stories, there is his side, her side, and then the truth RG
  3. Wish I could say I was jumping for joy over my choice, but for me, it's just the less bad of all the bad choices RG
  4. Not faulting her (at least I'm not) for leaving her bf...but from the sounds of it, she has been involved with 3 guys around the same time period. Doesn't sound like a casual encounter, but serious, where people's emotions are at stake. It sounds to me that at this point a guy is setting himself up to be hurt, getting involved with her...at least that's how I see it based on what we know thus far Thank God I gave up dating/relationships and began hobbying...less drama and more fun RG
  5. U2-With Or Without You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmSdTa9kaiQ RG Additional Comments: Only band I know beginning with a U...but hint, 2 is spelled TWO Just don't want to be the cause of the thread ending RG
  6. That's because we have a new player in our midst ABBA Dancing Queen RG
  7. Eagles-Hotel California http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCklH9gQAAg RG
  8. Recommended late last night (these are ladies I've met, and would meet again) Megan (Megan's Touch, for massage) Meg (Meg for Fun) Isabella Gia There are other great Ottawa ladies, just I haven't met them.....yet RG
  9. Stevie Nicks-Landslide http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhNrrrCCTdA RG
  10. Sounds, based on what you have said, at least three guys have seen her all around the same time...her boyfriend, the guy she left her boyfriend for, and you...who knows, maybe others too I know (believe me I know) it's hard, but cut her loose. You need to focus on yourself and emotionally speaking with her, your in deep water and she's an anchor that will drag you down. Good luck RG
  11. Another thing, MP's (talking about your run of the mill MP's here) may make less than a comparable job in the private sector...but alot of these MP's aren't qualified, nor could hold a comparable job in the private sector. They raise their hands when the party puppet masters tell them too, and reap the rewards of party loyalty They serve 6 years and are entitled to a full pension...on the other hand, to get a full pension, I need to work 35 years...and thats in one of the front line public safety fields, dealing with the dregs of society RG
  12. Megan (Megan's Touch) for the massage...I got my first ever (and only...so far) from Megan and will repeat...btw go for a two hour session. As a side note, I have 4 ladies total that would be ATF, 3 are SP's, 1 is a MA, and that's Megan As for SP, can't help there, given your location...if you headed east end Ottawa, there's Meg (Meg for Fun) RG Additional Comments: Forgot to add, and I just recently saw her (I am up past my bedtime) is Isabella Gia, another great Ottawa lady. RG
  13. Well when it comes to notice, couple examples from my experience. BTW these ladies I won't name, but they are, to use the term, All Time Favorites. One I booked my encounter with her in July 2010 for an October 2010 date. I just recently booked again with her for a July 2011 repeat. Second lady I booked in July 2010 for a September 2010 encounter. A week after the date, I booked again for a November 2010 encounter, and in January 2011 booked a May 2011 threepeat A third lady I booked an encounter with in September 2010 for December 2010...life happened, had to be rescheduled to March 2011. And I'm looking forward to her travel schedule coming out for the fall, she's a great lady Point I'm making, these ladies are not out of the ordinary, explain to them your circumstances, long term planning does take place, and you will be rewarded by meeting great ladies RG
  14. You know, reading this thread, it's been a couple years since I had a soda (Dr. Pepper), and brought back memories, so I had one today.................. YUCK!!! sickly sweet...one sip, dumped it out I'll take coffee (and I know, bad for you) any day or water, or fruit juice, or milk, or 0% alcohol beer (can't touch alcohol) RG
  15. Doobie Brothers-Listen To The Music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29RvK7OI2Fg RG
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