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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Since I only began hobbying less than a year ago I don't know about trends. But I do know I was fortunate enough to meet a great lady and MA who was doing a tour, and from this guy's perspective, the time with her was as fulfilling and rewarding as any encounters I have had with my favorite SP's RG
  2. Sister Sledge-We Are Family http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6t26FXONisQ RG
  3. For point one about being attracted and having feeling for a woman, been there, done that, more than once But point two about a new life being a gift...couldn't have said it better RG
  4. Myself, I went to a normal school (tongue in cheek here) I went to regular public school, and secondary school, and then Carleton University. During my schooling years (secondary and university) I was a rebel, only because I was a small c conservative in outlook, and in the minority, while most students and professors (in university that is) were of left wing leanings (be it NDP, Marxist Leninist, some Communist) According to mainstream society I'd be normal, but in university circles, I was the rebel RG
  5. One thing I should add, from this guy's point of view, that I'm not interested in writing out a script for how the encounter should go. The most enjoyable encounters have just naturally unfolded like a date. I don't like knowing in advance what is going to happen, the encounter should have it's own ebb and flow IMHO Just added for conversation RG
  6. You should accept your daughter's relationship, including accepting the child without reservation. Your concerned is about crossing a bridge that may never have to be crossed...if and when that time comes, then deal with it My nephew was born premature and given 6 months to live...that diagnosis was over 7 years ago...he's a happy bright boy I only say this because if our family believed the experts we all would have been emotionally detached from him, just so our feelings could be spared if the worse happened As I see it RG
  7. Kenny Chesney-She Thinks My Tractors Sexy http://vimeo.com/13714323 RG
  8. If the choices are Pepsi or Coke...I'll take a Dr. Pepper RG
  9. Personally I don't believe the Bloc, nor the PQ for that matter really want an independent Quebec. An independent Quebec would turn into a Third World country, but while a province of Canada, threatening independence, look at how the feds capitulate to alot of their demands. Quebec is more powerful as a province in Canada than as an independent country At least that's how I see it RG
  10. Huey Lewis & the News-Happy To Be Stuck With You RG
  11. I know for initial contact I prefer to use email or pm. And I'll make my enquiry well in advance (3-4 months). I like to confirm the encounter about two weeks prior to the scheduled date, with a final confirmation a day or two prior to the date During the course of contact I provide a brief bio of myself, and if the lady has any verification requirements I'll provide them (except my work number) I will say this, when I contact a lady I am serious about seeing her, I don't go about wasting someone's time. Using a phone I find I don't like. I'm likely to forget a question, and not come across as suave and debonair as I do in an email LOL As for guys asking for a discount because of being handsome, now the ladies know why I give a tip and gift in addition to the donation LOL RG
  12. My idealism is long gone, but I still intend to exercise my right to vote. But for me, my vote has turned out to vote on which is the less of all evils...pretty bad when you think about it. As for Gilles Duceppe, maybe he has the passion. He has that luxury since he knows he'll never be in power Likewise, Elizabeth May, a one issue party, who has the luxury since the Greens won't form a government, not even a third party If the Bloc Quebecois or Greens came to power, you would be very disillusioned with them as the rest of the parties. But I'm still voting RG
  13. A tragedy losing your life at such a young age. Parents shouldn't have to bury their children My prayers out to her family RG
  14. First and foremost raise your children the best you can with all the love you have. As for your mother, you might want to tell her how hurtful she is being by cutting you out of the will (not because of monetary loss, but because you believe that she doesn't love you) Tell her that in spite of her not loving you as a mother should love her daughter, you will always love her. And don't use your children as a weapon against your mother. Let your kids see their grandmother, if not for your mother's sake, for your kids sake. But be the person you want to be, not the person your mother wants you to be...the most important person to please is yourself, not others RG
  15. I see the humour too Alexandra...I just think you could put any one of the political leaders, hell, even any MP or MPP's faces on those shirts for the same results RG
  16. Like alot of the ladies, I too have a few TRUE friends...ones that I can count on one hand with a couple fingers left over And from this guy's perspective, seeing ladies has become my social/dating life now. After years of dating/failed relationships, I gave up. The ladies that I really enjoyed my time with provided MUCH MORE than sexual services. Conversation, companionship, kissing, cuddling. For the few hours we are together it is like being on a date. And I am interested in the lady as more than a sex provider, I am interested in her as a person (no, not trying to sound sappy, and not trying to establish a relationship) And whether I see the lady again or never again, all ladies I remember, and respect. How I see it anyway RG
  17. Get fresh pineapple, tastes alot better than tinned, and if you go to the produce section at some grocery stores (Sobey's for example) it comes pre chopped...no prep work needed RG
  18. Only problem with politics is the choices, do you really think we'd get better with Iggy, Jack Layton or Gilles Ducieppe. Not one of the leaders or parties really gives a rat's a$$ about Joe and Jane Q Public. RG
  19. The hell with half clothed fishing...them hooks, especially on muskie bait are sharp:icon_eek: I practice safe fishing RG
  20. Just a heads up, got another one from Purolator DHL, which has the attachment which has a virus. Anyone getting this email, DON'T OPEN IT, you don't need the grief with a virus/spyware on your computer RG
  21. One guess...yup, you guessed it, fishing RG
  22. One thing that amazed me (not any more) when I first joined CERB is the mutual respect that the ladies and guys have for one another...definitely not the stereotype that mainstream society would have us believe. Just thrown in to add to the discussion RG
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