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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Remember sitting at the kitchen table, dad giving me the talk. This was the talk (keep in mind I was just a young pup teenager, not even old enough to drive) Every girl you go to bed with you must be prepared to stay with her for life, because if she gets pregnant, you HAVE to support her and marry her. That was my home sex ed talk...got a better one at school How did everyone else's parents deal with the talk RG
  2. My viewpoint from a hobbiest's point of view. I don't think I can say a lady undervalues or values or overvalues herself. Only the lady herself can determine her value for her time, companionship and services. If the lady feels she is undervaluing herself, she should raise her rates Don't know if that helps RG
  3. Happy Birthday MG Have enjoyable time on your special day RG
  4. Nitty Gritty Dirt Band-Fishing In The Dark http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=nitty+gritty+dirt+band&mid=F63A6312802056140937F63A6312802056140937&FORM=LKVR6# RG
  5. Well she has just recently retired and is moving out west but Gina Leigh. I have three favorite ladies (they are memories, not just ones I remember) and Gina is one of those three RG
  6. Although not a movie about escorts per se, the Clint Eastwood western, "Unforgiven", in which Clint Eastwood and Morgan Freeman are hired to avenge the brutal assault/slashing of a prostitute by the madam and her girls RG
  7. For those wanting only one service and want to dicker with the ladies for a lower price, maybe this guy is who you need in your corner, after all negotiation is negotiation right Sorry, couldn't resist On a serious note, I'm only looking for one service each and every time, the lady's companionship. RG
  8. Two more things popped into my head First. Seeing escorts is not an anonymous impersonal momentary time spent together, it is an intimate (and more than just in the sexual sense of the word) time between two adults, and very special. With that having been said a person's reputation and character actually mean something Second. Life happens,...to everyone. We all hear about guys who are no shows and ladies that double book. But in (if my history is an example) alot of cases, it's life happens (things unavoidable go wrong and appointments have to be rearranged) Be philosophical, roll with it. People, for the most part, are not generally by nature ignorant towards others. Some more ramblings RG
  9. I'm about to deal with this as one of my favorite ladies is retiring. I'm happy for her moving on to another stage in her life, but knowing I won't see her again, well sappy as it sounds, I'll miss her She is one of three ladies (thus far) that not only I'll remember, but I'll think of our time together as a memory But it's interesting to note, I have a couple of friends (this btw is my work life) who have retired, but we stay in touch, go fishing etc etc etc. They all say the same thing, they don't miss the workplace, but they miss the people. Now I don't know about the ladies, if they miss the guys (probably some, not everyone) but they are happy to move on to the next stage in their life. Whether a friendship outside of the escort/client relationship can exist, don't know, think it depends on the people and the expectations Some thoughts from someone seeing a 4-9 year window for my retirement RG
  10. I read your post, re-read it, and read it again, you used the phrase overinflated, not me. And that term is disrespectful to the ladies no matter how you want to spin it now. Ladies charge what they think their time and companionship are worth. If you find for you it's too much, or your words, value for that $200, then see another lady...but to call her rates overinflated, it's not a fair comment towards the ladies I stand by my original comments RG
  11. I believe monogomy exists, when two people just click, it works. But alot of people enter into a relationship too fast, and the focus of the relationship is the passion. But when things like bills, housecleaning, kids etc etc etc come into the picture, well then the relationship can get strained. And your lady may look GREAT, but what about when she is sick with the flu. A relationship is more than passion, it is about two people sharing their lives. From someone who thought he found Miss Right, twice, only to find out Miss Right #1 (already a single mother) got pregnant with another man's baby, and Miss Right #2 turned into psycho stalker (yes true) So I'm the philosophical sort now, enjoying meeting new ladies Signed Dr. Phil aka roamingguy
  12. Have you wondered why there are braille dots on drive up bank machine keypads and in response to Angela-Have you wondered why girls don't stand to pee like boys RG
  13. Randy Newman-I Love LA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0b5LzCOc98E RG
  14. Don't know about all that, but I'll bet if you taught math when I was in high school I would have paid real close attention and passed RG
  15. Loretta Lynn-You Ain't Woman Enough To Take My Man RG
  16. Just a comment. As someone who has to drive (one way) from 2 1/2 hours up to 3 1/2-4 hours, I certainly would appreciate a lady who would take the time and expense to travel. And in my opinion if you committed to a time/date with a lady (irrespective of travelling or not travelling) you should live up to the committment. It's all about being a gentleman, and treating the ladies like ladies How many guys would be the first to chime up if they had an appointment and the lady was a no show Respect, it's a two way street RG
  17. Bang garlic or crawfish scent Anyone who fishes knows what they are RG
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