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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I've learned that it isn't the sex (and menu of services) that counts, it's the entirety of the encounter that is pleasurable...the companionship, relaxing etc. And it's great when there is a certain chemistry. I've learned that there is mutual respect (if CERB is an example) between the ladies and gentlemen I've been hobbying (btw surprised that that is the term) since July 2010. Contrary to what mainstream society would have you believe, I have yet to meet a whore, hooker, or prostitute...but I have met a number of wonderful ladies Hobbying beats dating hands down, and has filled a void in my life when I gave up dating (after I broke up with my last g/f) When looking for a lady to meet, CERB is the place to go RG
  2. Masturbate...just thought that was a neccesity of life, like food and water And at my age, don't need help sleeping, it's staying awake I find to be a challenge:-) RG
  3. My stress relief Well I like to fish, believe me, nothing more of a stress relief than escaping on the water and fishing Second, I try (if you haven't guessed it already) to look at the lighter side of life...hence my posting alot of jokes (I figure if I get a laugh or chuckle, others will too) Third, hobbying. I thoroughly enjoy meeting ladies and making new aquaintances and renewing older (poor choice of word) ones RG
  4. Congragulations and thanks for your contributions Keep posting away RG
  5. Paying up front with an envelope with the donation in a gift back along with a gift (I try to pick something the lady I'm seeing would like) can in fact, if you wish, lead you to believe that this is not a paid encounter, you provided a gift for your date (if your worried about the illusion being ruined by paying...actually I really never completely understood this line of reasoning) And the lady can see the gift bag plain as day when she comes to my hotel room. Some additional thoughts RG
  6. Tonka Toys-and back in the day, they were all metal, built to last Also, GI Joe, and they aren't dolls, they are action figures And back before politically correct was in vogue, we played cowboys and indians...had a cowboy outfit complete with toy 6 shooters, and friends had indian outfit complete with bow and arrow (toy arrow)...all innocent fun back then, now, well not PC RG
  7. My apologies for posting this one Young Jeezy-Vacation RG
  8. I don't think it's fair to refer to higher rates as high over inflated prices. Ladies charge what they think their time and companionship is worth. If you feel she is charging too high, or you can't afford her rates, then don't see her. But it's not fair to refer to her rates as over inflated. Some thoughts RG
  9. You know, the more I see ladies, the less I'm concerned about the services than I am about the entirety of their company. And it really isn't, at least for me, about the alphabet soup of services offerred, it's about the their company. A nice relaxed date with no specific expectations has turned out for me to be the best encounters of all. Maybe that's because I'm older and the companionship aspect of seeing a lady means as much if not more than just the sexual side of the encounter. Don't know if that helps at all, but thrown in for discussion RG
  10. Just happened to me. Got an email from Purolator DHL saying they came to deliver my package but I wasn't home, they will be back to deliver. The attachement was the invoice. Dumb me, I opened it. Nothing happened except spyware. (my anti virus/anti anti spyware didn't pick it up btw) Since I actually was expecting a parcel to arrive, the email didn't seem out of the ordinary. What a mess, finally ended up reloading the operating system disk (fortunately I don't have alot of files, and the back ups of those are on my work computer) So anyone who gets an email from Purolator DHL, DELETE IT, if not it'll cause you grief RG
  11. Sha Na Na-Blue Moon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NyK3df0xaw RG
  12. Well I like the light hearted, the jokes and music threads...but I do pipe up on the meatier subjects from time to time, hopefully with a usefull comment or two I think it's great that a board like CERB can allow such a cross section, if that's the right word of threads/posts and ideas. And I have seen a couple other boards, CERB seems to have a sense of community and positive atmosphere that the others don't All (well most) contributions to CERB make it the positive board it is RG
  13. I've said it before, I'll say it again, but differently "Ladies, you are ladies, not labels" RG
  14. Some Movies Maltese Falcon The Longest Day The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Some TV Cheers Seinfeld MASH RG
  15. Probably sent by someone not deserving of your companionship, and showing sour grapes now. RG
  16. Tae Kwon Do...wow, that could add another dimension in an encounter with you...and all you have to do is not pay. How rough do you play Meg BTW just kidding, I pay up front, as you know RG
  17. Well for me, the labels really don't matter. I'm looking at meeting a lady, and that's how I view the encounters, time spent with a lady. Probably doesn't help the discussion, but I'm less label focused than I am on meeting and spending time with a lady RG
  18. I like handling the donation end up front...with it tucked in a gift bag with a gift (after all, I like the gfe, and don't you provide your girlfriend with a gift) I have money matters set up ahead of the encounter, tucked in an envelope. It is as much a part of preparing for an encounter (in great cases a date) as showering, shaving, etc etc etc My thoughts RG
  19. Samantha I remember all the ladies I have seen Some (in the minority) I remember not so fondly. Some I remember as good encounters But the ones that I not only remember, but look upon as memories involved so much more than the sex, the conversation, relaxation, getting to know one another, so far I have memories with three wonderful ladies RG
  20. Even if licensed and legal, I wouldn't go to a brothel. For me, seeing a lady is much much much more than paying for sexual services. It is the initial meeting, sitting down, talking over drinks, kissing/cuddling, and yes the sexual side as well. But it's part of the encounter, not the whole reason for the encounter...at least for me. I couldn't see myself having this type of encounter in a brothel, people coming and going. My preference is an outcall to my hotel room or to the lady's incall. And as a final thought, brothels feed into the sterotype that escorting is just about sex for money, I think for alot of guys, it's much more than that, and the ladies provide more than just sex, they provide companionship. RG
  21. And Samantha I certainly see your point, and I do agree, the ladies are in the position of greater risk than the guys, it is two strangers meeting By the same token, the first encounter can also be looked at as the ultimate blind date As for screening methods, both the ladies and guys have to do what is comfortable for them, and hopefully it works out and they get to meet Thanks for the answer RG Additional Comments: BTW I should add one more thing, and speaking only for myself and about myself, if there was any problem (fire, bomb squad etc), I'm not running away every man/woman/child for him/herself. I'm discrete about what I am doing, but not embarrassed or ashamed of it...after all, what is embarrassing or to be ashamed of being seen in the company of a lady And I'm not just saying that, I treat people the way I would like to be treated, with respect and courtesy RG
  22. The issue about being married, no one but you can answer that. Only you know your relationship and whether seeing an escort will destroy or damage it, or have no impact whatsoever. But that only you know, and no one here can be your moral compass, what is right for some, is wrong for others As for number two, being scared to call. I'm single, and one of the scariest things I did was my first email an escort, setting up an encounter...my stomach was turning over, heart pounding, nervous, thinking everyone knew what I was doing (this was the initial email). When the day came, I booked into my room...then the phone call, letting her know place and room number. Then right after the call, all I thought, omg, what the hell did I just do, no turning back now. Now I'm no longer nervous about setting up a rendevous. I still get the pre-date jitters, but it's the nervous excitement akin to the nervousness you get just before going out on a date (and it's a good thing btw). And a little secret, when I'm sending the final confirmation text message, my hand is just shaking in nervousness and excitement while typing the text message. But if your not going to be able to relax and enjoy the time with a lady, don't see one...at least until you can resolve your conflict with being married and seeing an escort. And whatever you decide, do it because it's right for you. Good luck RG
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