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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Make sure its not one targeted by the American's nuclear arsenal...Donald may also have a finger itchy to push the button LOL RG
  2. Area code 867 is for NWT and she is advertising for Yellowknife Have no knowledge of her, but area code isn't suspicious under circumstances RG
  3. I think there are a number of reasons for his appeal (not to me) He comes across as independent and anti establishment. To this end the bulk of his campaign financing is with his own money. He also doesn't appear to be handled by political advisors, instead he speaks his own mind And some of his thoughts, while on the bizarre level, cater to the simplest prejudiced thoughts of the American public. Such as labelling Mexicans rapists, saying Muslims celebrate 9/11 and proposing building a wall on the US/Mexican border. Anyhow as bad as Trump is IMHO, what is really scary is there is an electorate that likes him...and if god forbid he gets elected, what does that say about the electorate A rambling RG
  4. Cold Plate...salami, cheddar cheese, mozzarella with caraway, blue cheese and garlic stuffed olives Washed down with a Becks no alcohol beer For desert, mixed berries RG
  5. Having an unproductive and relaxed day after yesterdays trip to hell. Added bonus, not only pretty well over the flu, but today is the first day I haven't had any coughing RG
  6. Happy Birthday spud Hope you have a good day RG
  7. Making plans for a Very Special April Escape with a Wonderful Lady RG
  8. Enjoying day two of six free days to myself Just doing nothing After the past two weeks I deserve it It seems busier, and not in a good way since I've retired than when I worked RG
  9. Shepherd's Pie w Mashed Potatoes Washed down with a Becks no alcohol beer For desert fresh pineapple RG
  10. And those are the ones the public knows about. I've seen evil people (convicted criminals), not just some that were in the media spotlight, but many more who the vast majority of the public hasn't heard of. Some of their crimes as heinous if not worse than the criminals we know about. What they did to other human beings would make someone sick. And then lets look at the world, dictators like Hitler and the genocide of six million Jews and Stalin with the Purges, the Rwanda genocide where 800,000 Tutsi killed by Hutu, Srebrenica massacre, Pol Pot and the killings in Cambodia, and so on. The list sadly is likely endless. Does evil exist, yes...and unfortunately, when you look at the world, is more the norm than the exception What causes evil and why does it exist, I just don't know. RG
  11. Happy Birthday Redskin44 Enjoy your special day RG
  12. Happy Birthday Capital C for Cougar Enjoy your special day RG
  13. Sucking back a no alcohol beer (some days I wish I could drink LOL) and relaxing and psyching myself up for a trip to hell tomorrow Usually I have one trip a week, lasting about a half day, so far last week and this week I've had three lasting a day each...tomorrow looks like a long day too RG
  14. I'm going to sound somewhat selfish here. First it is incumbent on each and every person to prepare for his/her own retirement. And a person needs to retire when he/she is prepared, financially and emotionally to leave work. People when they start working should prepare for retirement, be it get a job with a pension plan, save RRSPs/TFSA's etc. Thinking some young worker starting out is going to support you in retirement is in my opinion just wishful thinking But he/she shouldn't worry about someone looking for a job and retire just to create a vacancy for them. Why should a employed person's employment be less important than someone looking to be employed if that makes sense There is also the other consideration that some jobs once a person retires are gone, never to be replaced. So someone may retire thinking they are helping someone, but in fact when they retire, the job is gone for good. Personally retire when ready and for yourself. Don't retire for someone else A rambling from a retiree RG
  15. Breakfast for Dinner Bacon & Eggs with fried potato's RG
  16. Happy Birthday NorthernOntarioGuy Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  17. Wishing a Very Happy Birthday to Emily Rushton Hope Your Special Day Is All You Deserve and More RG
  18. Happy Birthday Cato Enjoy your special day RG
  19. BLT on pumpernickel bread Mixed berries for desert Washed down with beer Valentines Day dinner for one LOL RG
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