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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I use Virgin pay as you go Phone I have is a LG RumourII Guess the only virgins we'll find on this site are cell phones LOL RG
  2. Answer: Some including myself have on occasion used last name...lighten up, its supposed to be fun And back to the game David Lee Roth-Just A Gigolo RG
  3. After scheduling conflicts (the usual life happens) I finally got to meet Emily. Meeting her was well worth the wait. It was an two hour outcall to my hotel in Toronto, a very unrushed two hours (thank you Emily) I had the normal pre-date pitter patters, you know, the excitement in anticipation of a first date, plus the nervousness waiting for the knock on the door. Not to mention the nervousness of meeting a lady of such high calibre and elite status. The knock came, I answered, and Emily, every bit as beautiful as her photos, was there. In spite of it being our first encounter, we greeted like old friends. Emily is a very down to earth, personable , intelligent, classy and yes, beautiful and sexy lady too. Details of our time together are private, between Emily and me. I will say that it was a gfe in the real sense of the word. She is definitely a lady I will see again
  4. Bruce Springsteen (last name begins with S)-Born In The USA http://www.wat.tv/video/bruce-springsteen-born-in-ksl8_2frhb_.html RG
  5. In my opinion, Daniel Craig could be a great James Bond if the movie producers made a great James Bond movie. They spent too much time trying to develop/invent (re-develop/re-invent) his character...just a newly minted "00", not subtle (the whole world knew he was a British agent after he killed a bomber at an embassy, the focus on a love interest (he's supposed to be a love em' and leave em' type of guy) etc etc etc. Daniel Craig just needs a great, even a good JB movie...thus far that hasn't happened, imho RG
  6. Nancy Sinatra (I know, again LOL) These Boots Are Made For Walking http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRkovnss7sg RG
  7. Rod Stewart (last name begins with S-Some Guys Have All The Luck http://vodpod.com/watch/1367006-rod-stewart-some-guys-have-all-the-luck RG
  8. Agree with you 100%. Honestly, as a guy who includes a tip and gift when I see a lady, I am baffled over those who are worried about an extra $10.00 RG
  9. I really should cut back, at work, seriously, 3 pots of coffee a day amongst 3 people, but I'm the biggest consumer. My coffee intake starting increasing back in 1980 when I quit drinking and at work it's readily available On weekends much better, 3 cups at the most RG
  10. A pot a day!!!...a rookie, a pot just kick starts me into the day, couple more to keep going LOL Hello, my name is RG, I have a problem, I'm a coffaholic. LOL RG
  11. Best James Bond...Sean Connery hands down...he defined James Bond, the benchmark by which all other JB's will be measured. Best James Bond movie, imho, From Russia With Love The worst James Bond, George Lazenby...James Bond isn't supposed to cry, he did RG
  12. I factor getting the right amount for donation as part of getting prepared for the encounter...as much as shaving, showering, fresh breath etc I've got an encounter booked for this weekend, and I've already looked after getting the donation counted, put in an envelope, and ready...no last minute worries here But that's me RG
  13. with all the talk of a roaming wild wolverine, why am I wisping, sorry lisping about a woaming wild wolverine wooking for the women on cerb RG
  14. while not a rabid wolverine, roaming the streets of cerb with a million buck would be a wonderful thing would it not RG
  15. Congragulations Shortcake. Keep your posts coming, you are a valued and respected member of the CERB community RG
  16. Although my first time it wasn't a case of false photos, it was advertising all sorts of services. But when she arrived at my room, because it was that time of the month (according to her) the only thing she could do was bbbj. (I booked 2 hours btw) Should have, in a perfect world, said no, sent her on her way, and done without (I did anyway, she was my first bad bj) but just a quick read of her personality, there would have been a scene, hotel management comes running, maybe cops called, not to mention the cab that drove her in never left (her security???) Sometimes discretion is the better part of valour But I would not repeat RG
  17. Well I was having brain lock one day, sort of like today, MA, thought it meant Master of Arts RG
  18. My bad...been a long day at work today RG
  19. Speaking for myself, and only myself...I go to see an MA if I am looking for an erotic massage/body slide etc. I'm not looking for escorting services I'm looking for massage. When I see a SP, I'm looking for escort services...in my case the gfe, which is my preference But it's not a case of one is a better service vs the other, each fills a niche, and at least in my mind, one is not better than another, each are different and unique And just as I would go to a MA it's not for escorting services, I don't see a SP for massage purposes RG
  20. How do you get this stressed stomach...I'd love to lose a few pounds...just kidding btw Alot of us are not GQ or Muscle and Fitness magazine cover material But it's the guy inside that counts...be a gentleman, treat them with respect, always good hygiene, that's what is important...and that's what the lady wants A male model that treats a woman like crap, well no sp/ma wants to see someone like that, but a guy who's a few pounds over (or under) and shows respect...it goes a long way My 2 cents RG
  21. What comes to mind if you had a million dollars and know lots of ladies on CERB RG
  22. Bonnie Raitt-Something To Talk About http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z04r_tlWdRs RG
  23. Not arguing, different strokes for different folks...but for me, the WHOLE encounter is more than just sex (and I was surprised when I first started hobbying, I thought it was only about services off a menu) If it was just sex, I'd need a half hour total. The conversation, getting to know the lady and vice versa is all part of the encounter, it's not just about the sex, at least for me RG
  24. Something else, from a hobbiest's perspective. If it is your first time with a paticular lady, you may be less inclined to be, for lack of a better word, assertive, or willing to take the initiative. My second time with a SP, she gave me some advice and pointers (she knew I was a newbie) on proper etiquette. One thing she said, don't be rushing in, kissing, hugging etc etc etc. Let the lady let you know when she's ready (btw I wasn't rushing in) So I'm pretty laid back, relaxed on first dates If I repeat with a lady, and we at that point have for lack of a better word, a relationship, the second date, well more assertiveness. Just a thought RG
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