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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Randy Travis-On The Other Hand http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbvaEFCVAjg RG
  2. Happy Birthday Emily. Wishing you all the best on your special day RG
  3. Very good idea, and thank you Isabella for getting this group started Even if some of us find we don't need support, likely in our past we have experiences which can help us to help others You truly are a lady with a big heart Count me in, I'm going to join and offer my support RG
  4. Got 15 out of 20 RG http://www.cbc.ca/cgi-bin/quiz/quiz.cgi?quiz=canada-day-sample4
  5. Sex Pistols-My Way and the one who did it the right way Frank Sinatra-My Way http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKxMzc6Rig4&feature=related RG
  6. It happens when people are treated as second class, or for that matter, third or fourth class citizens. And it's wrong and repulsive SP's are someone's daughter, sister and/or mother. And it's why when people use terms such as whore, hookers, streetwalkers etc it objectifies and demeans, and allows "mainstream" society to see SP's as something less than a real person. And IMHO using such terms reinforces the negative view that mainstream" society has of SP's. Finally as a closing note, I've been hobbying since July, and all I have had the pleasure of meeting are ladies RG
  7. Everly Brothers-Wake Up Little Suzie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbLuWciXFcM&feature=fvwrel RG
  8. My thoughts, it's ok as long as the lady asks first In much the same way as (at least I do) ask a lady if it's ok if I post a recommendation (and I let her read it first) RG
  9. The shortest that was booked was the lady contacting me (she knew I wanted to see her btw) on a Friday evening to tell me she was free Sunday afternoon. I could never envision an encounter booked 30min-1hr ahead of time I like the planning ahead, not only because of travel and my personal schedule requires a freed up weekend (not always available for me), but I get to look forward to meeting a lady (either someone I haven't had the pleasure of meeting, or someone I've met, and want to see again) RG
  10. Two things ice is good for...as cubes in drinks, or something to fish through RG:wink:
  11. Like the idea, in cyberspace it's nice to know a little about the person posting, and the lady you plan on seeing. In a sense, first time encounters with a sp are the ultimate blind date RG
  12. Seeing as the guys can look up recommendations on the ladies, and threads come up about no shows, and proper etiquette with a lady, perhaps a addition to the hobbiest's profile could be done. Just as there is a friends list, have a SP approved list (for lack of a better term) When a hobbiest sees a SP/MA/Agency lady and it was a good encounter that SP/MA/Agency puts their name on the list in the same way you would add to a friends list The difference is this, only SP/MA/Agencies that the hobbiest has had good dealings with would submit their names. Any bad encounters would be reported under the SP Thread This would not be a substitute for any screening methods the ladies have in place already, but if a CERB member requests an encounter, a quick check on his profile could show whether he has a good track record. Lack of one may be due to being a newbie, so it's not a strike out either And access would be only to SP/MA/Agencies, and to the hobbiest who "owns" his own profile (on the premise you should know what is on your own profile) Other hobbiests would not have access, on the premise that "you put an approval on his profile but not mine...why?" A idea And the ladies would know whether this is of benefit to them or not, so feedback appreciated RG
  13. Some things to add 1. Some,(not all) ladies should know that for some hobbiests, planning an enounter a few months in advance is not a game for the guy. In my case to schedule an encounter, due to my location, (which involves me travelling and booking a hotel) I plan my encounters a couple months (3-4 months at least) ahead of time. Some ladies are very accepting of my situation, others seem to think I'm just wasting their time when initial contact is made 2. Life happens. To hobbiests and to ladies. Show courtesy if you have to cancel, postpone, or are going to be late. I was late once, but called. And it happens to ladies too, couple postponements, couple that were late, one that wanted the time changed. EVERYONE has life happens. Show courtesy, let the lady or hobbiest know, and when you get the information, roll with the punches. 3. Abide with the lady's screening methods. If she requires just email/phone fine, if in addition a reference fine, if your name, fine If any of these screening methods make you uncomfortable, then see another provider. I realize the last one causes some discomfort, so assess the information you provide vs the integrity of the lady you provide the information too (if that makes sense) Just some more to add to the discussion RG
  14. Alexiss Being the lady that you are, you as you put it "ALWAYS inform my clients" and that being the case, donation rate for time is completely fair But, in my case, (and keep in mind my very first time with an SP) this lady had ahead of time told me the list of services she offerred, I booked two hours with her, but when she showed up at the door, only one service (and kinda bad too) offerred. Not to mention her saying at the outset, "gotta pay the bills hun, gotta pay the bills"...felt ripped off. She told me in exchange for x amount of dollars I would receive these services off her menu. (hope that is worded right) Only received one service, but paid for two hours. But I have discovered during the short time I have hobbied, that the pleasure is the time with the lady, not in the menu she offers. Whatever happens during that time is private. And I find the initial meeting over drinks, and lying in bed kissing and cuddling as important and pleasurable as the sexual side of the encounter...maybe i'm slowing down, but I prefer to think I appreciate the company of a lady Some ramblings and hope I didn't go off track RG
  15. It has happened to me If the lady informs ahead of time so you can reschedule or a reduced rate for reduced service that would in my opinion be ok But showing up at your room after setting up the encounter a month and half ahead of time, announcing she's having her period, but "got to pay the bills hun, got to pay the bills" kinda ruined the whole mood As long as the hobbiest knows ahead of time, and an informed decision made, no problem. But to spring it on the guy when you show up, can leave a bad taste in your mouth...so to speak RG
  16. I like the planning ahead myself, mostly because my location requires me to schedule a date well in advance But it's also allows me to reserve a hotel (I prefer outcall), and the excitement and anticipation of meeting a new lady, or a repeat with an ATF (btw can you have more than one ATF) But to address doc's concerns, maybe a reputable agency could acommodate his needs Just a thought RG
  17. Donna Summer-Hot Stuff http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRwjYZzvGkY&feature=related RG
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