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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Johnny Cash (last name begins with C) Folsom Prison Blues http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5Ts4M3irWM Refreshing to hear good music RG
  2. Kenny Chesney-She Think's My Tractor's Sexy RG
  3. Apology for this so called music Young Jeezy-Vacation RG
  4. Frank Sinatra (last name begins with an S) The Girl from Ipanema RG
  5. Louis Armstrong Mack The Knife http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLIrS5dtTZI RG
  6. XTC-King For A Day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00ELxYWgXmQ RG
  7. Nick Gilder-Hot Child In The City http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=El6iQ2_dvlc RG
  8. The only problem with squid (and octopus too) is the suction cups sticking to your tongue:tongue: RG
  9. Seeing as it's my last supper, in keeping with original traditions, instead of with 12 disciples, I would have supper with 12 favorite ladies, and on a Friday Since I haven't got to 12 favorite ladies (but I do have a couple)...yet, I have time before the last supper takes place But back to the supper Start off with a breakfast, coffee, juice, buffet of pancakes, french toast, waffles, eggs benedict, sausages, bacon, and back bacon (plus whatever the ladies would like added to the buffet) Then we begin saying goodbyes properly Then we have oysters on the half shell, steamed mussels followed by a lobster dinner (served for lunch) The lunch menu would include any special requests from the ladies Then continue to spend the afternoon relaxing, saying goodbyes properly Then at supper we have a menu so the ladies can get what they want, but for me, a greek salad to start, porterhouse steak, fried mushrooms and baked potato We finish dinner, go back to saying goodbyes. Then a late night desert and coffee/tea...black forest cake sounds good to me Then it's over But on the Sunday, the rock is rolled away from my tomb...I'll peer out, and if I see my shadow, in 6 weeks I'll be back and hobbying RG
  10. That nervousness and excitement in anticipation of meeting the lady is all part of the enjoyment of the experience...if I don't have any nervousness/excitement anymore, call the paramedics, because I'm dead (or very close too it) RG
  11. But those snowstorms were much much worse...not to mention the uphill climb, both ways mind you, to and from school...school that was 20 miles from the nearest town, not to mention, these snowstorms hit year round, even in summer. :icon_rolleyes::icon_mrgreen::icon_rolleyes: RG:biggrin:
  12. A nice thick tbone steak from my favorite butcher, along with a baked potato smothered in butter and my special garlic sour cream...with, since I don't drink alcohol, a becks 0% alcohol beer Followed by hagen das ice cream (flavour depends on my mood) or if I am feeling real creative, bananas flambe And as my tv snack for the evening, ruffles chips with homemade dip RG
  13. I originally posted happiness...and stand by it, if we are proceeding on the assumption that this is a wish and can come true. Think about it for a second...if everyone is happy, problems go away. Conflict goes, people get along, if day to day problems in your life (finances, relationships etc) cause you unhappiness, well those problems would disappear in order for you to be happy Just my rationale for my answer RG
  14. I'll add a suggestion to what Loralee posted, back into your parking space/driveway, that when when you go out you can just put her into drive and go RG
  15. Now I'll play devil's advocate for a second, and I'll add the caveat I don't know the background to the sign or anything about this paticular situation. But maybe the focus is on street prostitution, where the ladies (or girls...might be underage too, don't know), are controlled by a pimp, addicted to drugs, and the men are not hobbiests who treat ladies like a gentleman should but johns who think by paying a woman money they can do what they like for the time they paid for If it is the street level prostitution they are targeting, no issues If it is targeting escorting, where it is two ADULTS (a lady and gentleman) involved in a discrete, private, consensual interaction, complying with Canadian law, then I do have an issue with the sign and the message Some thoughts...and only playing devil's advocate RG
  16. Wishing you good luck and happiness in your future Take care of yourself RG
  17. I took the first step into a new and wonderful hobby, and joined CERB Since that time I have met (through posts/pm's and emails) through CERB many great people, and in person met some great and wonderful ladies. And my introduction to hobbying has had me discover that time with a lady isn't just about sex and the menu offered. It's about spending time with a lady, from conversation over drinks to lying together in a bed cuddling and kissing. In fact that has been the more important and pleasurable aspect of any encounters I've had. Anyway I just wanted to thank the ladies and all CERBITES for allowing me to be part of this wonderful community RG
  18. That is true...I use a cell phone for my phone (no landline) but to hook up to the internet I still needed to hook to a phone jack...what the internet provider calls dry loop...cost me $10.00 month just to plug into the jack to get internet RG
  19. Most of them I haven't even heard of before...and to me, most look like kids. And since the list doesn't include Catherine Bell, Mariska Hargitay, Katherine Erbe, and Halle Berry (just to name a few), this list is wrong. And had the ladies of CERB been included, well lets just say none of the ladies on the Ask Men list would have made the cut RG
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