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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Happy Birthday Jody Enjoy your special day RG
  2. Lunch out...Bleu Cheese Burger with Caesar Salad And for desert, a Caramel Carrot Cheesecake After the past week I deserve it RG
  3. I was the same in my newbie days. I thought seeing escorts was about anonymous encounters. When I booked a date with a lady who required full verification/screening, I gave my name to her...it was like, OMG she knows who I am. It felt like Batman unmasked and known as Bruce Wayne LOL. But I've learned especially from this board about screening/verification and it is a normal part for many ladies of booking dates and seeing companions RG
  4. Back when I worked I wouldn't give my office number (and where I worked I'll wager if a companion called there she might get a heart attack...but I digress) I fully gave all other screening information Name, board handle confirmed by PM, phone (including cell phone carrier company) email, and reference and in all cases but one was that acceptable for screening The reason I didn't like giving my work number out is first I worked in LE (no not police) and second the office I worked in was small and shared with two other people...there was no privacy if I got a phone call One lady I wanted to see didn't care about all other screening info, she just wanted my work number. I found this strange, and I didn't book her All that said, when a prospective client won't trust you with his personal information, why should he expect you to trust him to be alone with him intimately? One is a matter of privacy, one is a matter of safety and security. And a lady's safety and security trump a man's privacy every time A rambling RG
  5. I must say no, I wouldn't. I'm comfortable being screened but I fail to see the need to provide a picture to a prospective companion And many companions don't have face pictures of themselves Now I have given a couple pics to a lady that I know One we were talking about fishing and I sent her a photo of me holding a fish I caught The other, I wanted her opinion (a trusted opinion btw) of me with a beard. I'm now clean shaven LOL But I fail to see the need to give a lady I don't know a photo of myself A rambling RG
  6. Putting socks and shoes on, about to head out in the winter :-( to pick up groceries, especially and most important, coffee and beer RG
  7. It seems so much more simple to exchange money for time. If a client has a certain skill set that gives him money, use it to make money and use that money to buy time with a companion Hypothetical, lets say a lady has car problems and says to a prospective client fix it and an hour date in exchange. Turns out the problem is a simple fix, maybe a 10 minute job. Is it fair to get an hours time from a lady for that Or what if the repair job doesn't work, and the car has continued problems after the encounter...what sort of warranty guarantee comes with bartering, if that makes sense All that said if a companion and client can mutually agree on a mutually beneficial bartering arrangement it's up to them and only them to decide if this is an acceptable method of payment Me, besides not having barterable skills LOL, I prefer the old fashion way, money for time and companionship A rambling RG
  8. It likely depends on the degree...a liberal arts degree probably now, (and just my opinion) means as much as a high school diploma did back when I went to university. (BTW I got liberal arts degree) For those graduating with for lack of a better word, professional degrees, such as B.Eng, B.Comm, LL.B even M.D. etc the career options likely much brighter But is a university degree the end all I'm no expert, but some trades seem to have a career future. And there is no university. But education takes on different forms...and who is to say that a trades training education is lessor than a university education. Anyhow a rambling from someone streamed into university and had no say from grade 9 on way back in the 1970's, and actually wished I could have had a career in a trades field RG
  9. Watching a tv series on Netflix, its about smoking, drinking and sex Its Madmen Watching season 2 right now RG
  10. Hmmm when someone says they hope they aren't insulting anyone, guaranteed, they want to insult someone And this character posting five posts in this goodbye thread. He has a total of twenty four posts since he joined...five just this thread He reeks more of a troll now, not member...don't feed him RG
  11. Congratulations on 500 posts Looking forward to your next 500 posts RG
  12. Does the Keg need to justify its prices because McDonalds sells a Happy Meal for under $10 Just saying that's all RG
  13. T is for Travelling...something some ladies do so guys are fortunate enough to see them, and what I must do to a somewhat lessor extent to have wonderful rendezvous with ladies RG
  14. R is for Redheads just because there are a couple I know and like :-) RG
  15. Congratulations on achieving this milestone Looking forward to your next 1000 posts RG
  16. No that's not what I said...I said it's not a client's place to complain or criticize any lady's rates. RG
  17. First it's never a clients place to complain or criticize any lady's rates. If her rates are too high for your budget then contact a lady who's rates you can afford. Each lady has a business model which works for them. Some ladies have higher rates because they have business expenses such as touring expenses, professional photographs regularly done, maybe have someone handle the business end (look after bookings, scheduling etc) and so on. Expenses that a companion who stays local , handles her own bookings and may just use cell phone photos etc doesn't have Also, dependant on where the lady lives may affect rates. I'm sure rates in a major city like Toronto are higher than say a smaller city like say Kingston Irrespective this lifestyle is a luxury for clients and it's not up to any client/prospective client to question a lady's rates. Only a lady knows her business model and expenses and knows what works for her A rambling RG
  18. Happy Birthday Emma Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  19. Having coffee number one, mustering up the strength for the dreaded weekly trip to hell RG
  20. Although I really didn't feel like going out getting groceries, it was a nice mild day out...+7, and to boot, last nights rain took away a lot of the snow and the ice in the parking lot gone RG
  21. Groceries (especially some fresh fruit, orange juice and coffee) RG
  22. Happy Birthday Toine Enjoy your special day RG
  23. Happy Birthday YOW4 Enjoy your special day RG
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