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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. As a hobbiest I can only answer for myself. If one of the ladies I have met sees me in a public place (especially if my friends, or better, ex girlfriends are around;)) I'd like them to come running up, give me a big hug and kiss, and ask "when are we going out again, you never call" OK, dream over, reality has set in. I would pass the lady as if I don't know her, and hopefully vice versa...afterwards I would pm/text/email just to let her know I saw her, and wasn't being rude by not acknowledging her You never know if she is with family/friends, and she doesn't know about you either RG
  2. Just adding a few more thoughts. First, talking about the FLU SHOT ONLY...I got it once, got sick almost immediately afterwards, sick for a week. Not conspiracy theory, just my personal experience. Never got it since then, never sick since then (not a cold, fever, flu etc) except ONCE when I visited a family member in a hospital (patients in hallways, family member in a ward) because room she was first in had another patient who was contagious with "something"...and I visited family member first time in the room with the other sick patient present. I'm not spouting conspiracy theories, not saying vaccinations are evil, just I have been flu free without the flu shot As a sidebar, I share an office, the other people in the office got the flu shot, and got the flu, me, not sick at all. RG
  3. I've said this before and will say this again. All a review is is a hobbiest's opinion on his encounter with a certain sp at a certain time When 2 or more humans interact, chemistry comes into play. Not everyone gets along with everyone. A bad time with an sp doesn't necessarily mean the sp was bad. Maybe the hobbiest was bad (poor hygiene, unreasonable expectations, crossing lines) or the lady and man just didn't click. I had one encounter with a lady, no chemistry. Should I write a bad review. No, I'm mature enough to realize it was chemistry, and why should I do something that could affect her livelihood. Likewise she is (I hope) just as mature and not writing bad things about me. Just two people who had no chemistry. Also, another sp I have seen (twice) was great! But she prefers to not be reviewed, and I have to, and will respect her wishes. No review from me about her doesn't mean she was a poor sp, actually she was one of the best. Keep in mind 2 things about reviews when they are read. First is ymmv, and second, they are subjective, not objective Some more ramblings RG
  4. I got the flu shot years ago, guess what, sicker than a dog for about a week after getting the shot. Got the flu one other time since them, and that was right after visiting a family member in the hospital, got the bug in the hospital. Other than that, never got the flu, or a cold RG
  5. I believe Cherry Kiss is out of Belleville. She has a profile on CERB RG
  6. By long term relationship, do you mean living under the same roof, or do you mean relationship as in portraying a girlfriend in social occasions. If the latter, take whatever you would budget for hobbying, and when required, use that money to get a lady to accompany you on social occasions As for cip??? some already mentioned, unless both partners are monogomous, no...and escorts by definition, and hobbiests by practice, just aren't. And if that is what you want, get a girlfriend Some ramblings RG
  7. All above sounds like me too. Don't judge, who here or anywhere can say they are better than someone else If on a bus/subway, be a gentleman, give up your seat to a lady Common courtiesies (hold the door, letting someone into traffic, saying please, thank you etc.) Bad things happen in life, try to let go of any hate/anger (sometimes very hard) and instead move on with your life. Overall you'll find yourself a happier person Just a few more thoughts to add to the great thoughts already posted RG
  8. One thing I would add, even if right now you focus on all her bad qualities, when the wounds are healed, chalk it up as you two weren't meant to be together. Don't hold a grudge and don't hate her. You two were just not compatable Believe it or not, at least in my experience it's easier to move on and be happy if you don't have any hard feelings towards her Good luck RG
  9. For an outcall, which is most of the time for me, I provide a gift card to either LaSenza's or Victoria's Secret, plus the tip tucked away with the card. If the lady's website (or the lady herself) indicates a preference to another store, I would get a gift card for that store. For incalls, few and far between, in one case the gift card was tucked in with the envelope containing the donation, and I awkwardly fumbled the tip from my wallet at the end of our encounter. As for refreshments, since I mostly prefer an outcall, I have a bottle of wine (if white chilling, red room temp) plus some water and fruit juices in the hotel fridge...no matter what anything to be consumed is unopened...and I don't open except when the lady is present As a side note, I also have a bottle of unopened mouthwash in the bathroom, one lady I saw told me it was a very thoughtful thing to do RG
  10. We've all been there and feel your pain. Right now it doesn't feel good, but in a few months you'll realize that the intensity of the relationship wasn't good, and you'll be happy. My last g/f was very intense (amongst other things)...hurt when we broke up, but the flip side, it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders too. Another benifit of the breakup happening so soon, is no splitting of property, support payments etc...what if you found out a couple years into the relationship (and you were living together or married), you could end up losing half. It hurts, but wasn't meant to be. In the meantime, enjoy the company of the CERB ladies. Keep your dating casual for awhile RG aka Dr. Phil
  11. Nice review Jack. Hope she comes to Ontario more, unfortunately going to miss her on her upcoming trip to Ottawa:cry: RG
  12. I had one, just recently, a (not cancellation) but postponement. But she let me know well in advance (I wasn't in my hotel, waiting in vain for the knock on the door) I wouldn't call the lady I ended up seeing Plan B. Instead, the lady I saw I planned on seeing at a future date. So instead, I contacted her, set up a date that was originally intended for the lady that postponed. And in the New Year, I am going to set up a encounter with the lady that postponed, and reschedule it. In short, all that happened is I changed the dates on seeing two ladies I wanted to see There are some benifits with having to plan a few months in advance, some freedom to juggle if the unexpected happens. Life happens, if it hands you lemons, make lemonade :D RG
  13. Cathy Not much more to say that hasn't been said except good that you acknowledge his being a gentleman, and good for him to see you to explain what happened. He probably didn't expect any acknowledgement, being a gentleman is done, because it is the right thing to do. Kudos to him and to you Cathy RG
  14. Geez, almost the same here, except instead of calling myself a free spirit, I prefer being a happy single guy, I get my sex through hobbying (not work...and you don't want to know where I work) and I have friends and a pet very shortly RG
  15. I'll bet that you can keep number one and three, number two, good luck, I've thought about woman and sex even more since I started hobbying...I also walk around work with a goofy grin :-Don my face most of the time, reminiscing about past encounters:rolleyes: and looking forward to future ones;) RG
  16. My personal preference is outcall to my hotel, just the anticipation of waiting for that knock on your door, and when you answer, a beautiful woman is there, waiting (in my case, not long) For incall, depends on the incall...very fond memories of a certain house in Ottawa, knocked on the door, to be greeted by a very beautiful woman Then the other incall was to a condo in Toronto, after paying a hefty parking fee for two hours parking, had to follow detailed instructions, remember buzzer codes etc, reminded me more of going through security checks when I go to work...would have preferred an outcall to a hotel For whatever it's worth RG
  17. Good point Rachel. Got me to thinking (oh oh, there I go again :shock:), and fondly reminiscing :rolleyes:. One lady I had the pleasure of meeting would not, by any stretch of the imagination be catagorized as bbw (she is a bw btw;)) She does weight training, but looks toned, not muscular. She told me her weight (won't say what it is) but it is muscle...and if straight height/weight info was given, without seeing her, you would think she is heavy. Anyone seeing her would be surprised at what her weight is, and for the guys, if you saw her out in public, never having met her before...well your heads would turn...see her in a bikini, she could pass for SI Swimsuit Model But irrespective of body type, at the end of the day, the most important quality a person has is his/her personality, looks are just the icing on the cake RG
  18. Alexis I've seen your pixs, why are you worrying, your beautiful And bald is sexy, guess I won't buy shares in the Hair Club for Men then Happy New Years RG
  19. Bad enough for a client to do this. But a repeat client, not only to be stolen from (yes he stole from you), but betraying a trust which gets established over time, no excuse, just despicable behaviour on his part It is a lesson learned, always get payment up front. I can only speak for myself, but I have no problem giving payment up front. As Emma says, blacklist him. If he is a CERB member, I believe you can report this to the Mod. It is not a matter of vindictivness, it is a matter that if he does this once, he'll do it again Sorry to hear that this happened to you RG
  20. She was looking to marry a guy that reminded her of her grandfather:rolleyes: Good gawd, my cut off age hobbying wise is 25 and I'm only 49...one good thing, now I feel young:D RG
  21. For me, it runs a 60-40 split sexual/social Thats why I like a two hour session normally. Time to get aquainted with the lady, then time for the sex side Now there is a grey area, lying in bed cuddling and talking, or in a jacuzzi talking over drinks...is that sexual or social, or both RG
  22. That can work if you live in a major city and hobby locally, but in my case I have to travel to either Toronto(2 1/2 hours) or Ottawa (3 1/2-4 hours)...if a appointment cancelled, I'd be disappointed, but with a paid hotel, I'm going to plan "B" RG
  23. May seem?????..., I always thought, and still do think, you ladies are goddesses;):rolleyes:;) RG:D
  24. First, don't let the last minute cancellation leave a bad taste in your mouth...as it was phrased to me in an email, "life happens"...and one day in the future you may be late or have to cancell too. As for the review/no review...remember, underlying all reviews is a ymmv, since encounters are with two people, and the chemistry between an sp and hobbiest won't be the same with the same sp and another hobbiest Also, irrespective of any reviews/or no reviews, I go into each encounter with a positive attitude, and a toftt philosophy. That's because besides reviewing the lady, who reviews the reviewer. The reviewer's opinion is only his opinion on his time with the lady, and is subjective (hope that makes sense) And some ladies don't want to be reviewed btw, so no reviews are not necessarily a bad sign Some thoughts RG
  25. Congragulations. I became a uncle 7 years ago to my nephew who they said would live 6 months. BTW he had a big smile on his face with all the toys I bought him for Christmas this year...who says doctors know everything You get the fun part, spoiling him, the parents have the job of raising him RG:-D
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