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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. The std perception is, imho, a misperception. How can a non sex worker, who is sexually active, claim fewer sexual partners and less risk The risk for std's comes from sex...not sex for money, not sex if your picked up at a bar, not sex in a relationship etc etc etc...just plain simple sex no matter what the circumstances A few cents more to the conversation RG
  2. I don't understand why people need to be in judgement of anyone. Who in life is so superior that they can look down in judgement at someone else. And why is it that society in general looks down at someone who is a sex worker. I try my best to be judgement free of others, and even in pre hobbying days I didn't judge ladies who were/are sex workers The important things in life are how you treat others, are you a good, honest and ethical person, and to not hurt others...long and short, treat others as you want to be treated Don't know whether this post applies to this thread but posted anyways RG
  3. This is a legend of the candy cane. As you watch do not click on anything (except "Start") as it will automatically flip for you. http://www.angelrays.com/fla/legend.html RG
  4. Yes, I particularly like the "hi, remember me". I don't save numbers so I do need a reminder; like a name :) But Meg, I've only had the pleasure of meeting you once (so far), but I'd never forget you ;) RG;):rolleyes:;) Additional Comments: Jeez, after a day dream about Ann Margaret, forgot the rest of my post. Yes, I'll use texting, only after introductions via e-mail or pm's are done. And then I make sure I include my phone number, so they'll know it's me texting/calling RG
  5. Emily It astounds me that anyone would communicate with you, or any other lady in such a fashion. I don't think any amount of email etiquette would work. That sort of person needs basic life lessons in courtesy, manners and respect for others before even being taught proper email etiquette, and it's probably too late for him now You saw the type of person he is, without even meeting him Seems so simple, treat others the way you'd like to be treated, but alas, lost on many RG
  6. Never, touch wood, happened to me...but on a side note Loralee, no fish pies on Jan 7th RG:D
  7. Nicolette Ouch, feel your pain...been there done that...and yes, brings a tear to your eye Nothing worse than the tailbone Hope for a speedy recovery Just don't mix T3 and Advil...if using one, don't use the other Take care RG
  8. Cat You may be uneducated formally, but there is alot to be said for the school of hard knocks. Yes, many moons ago, I got my degree...but I have learned lots more from life than I ever learned in school And having been in discussion with you, you articulate your point of view very well and intelligiently. Even though we disagreed, I certainly saw, understood and appreciated your point of view. As for negotiating, thats just rude and ignorant and plain not right...not something I would ever do RG
  9. A sp, irrespective of grammatical/spelling mistakes or perfect spelling and grammar would lose lots of customers fast, whether using "not tonight honey" or "not this evening honey"... LOL Sorry, saw the post, couldn't resist RG
  10. When she comes to your door or vice versa, she is as excited and happy to meet/see you, as you are to meet/see her A nice place, be it a nice hotel room or her incall Pleasant conversation, nice to get to know the person you are seeing...especially over wine (soft drink in my case) No smoking, no drugs No tv (unless your watching a porn movie together and it's a planned part of the encounter)...but soft music in the background ok Instead of a planned schedule of activities , relax, let the date run it's natural course...so far I've found that to be the most satisfying. Maybe I'm slowing down in my old age, but I find kissing and cuddling provide as much pleasure as the sexual side of the encounter Just my thoughts RG
  11. Me just don't understand:-?...would any hobbiests out there be willing to negogiate their salary with their boss for a reduced income. And don't the hobbiests who do that to the ladies (I hope few and far between) realize how demeaning, disrespectful and insulting it is. And as much as the ladies provide a illusion of a date, and do so very well, they have bills to pay, mortgages, car payments, rent, food etc...how would any guys like it if at the end of the month they couldn't pay some/all of their bills If you can't afford to see a lady, don't book an appointment with her...at least she can get an appointment with a hobbiest who will treat her like the lady she is...with respect. RG Additional Comments: Employee: Excuse me sir, may I talk to you? Boss: Sure, come on in. What can I do for you? Employee: Well sir, as you know, I have been an employee of this prestigious firm for over ten years. Boss: Yes. Employee: I won't beat around the bush. Sir, I would like a raise. I currently have four companies after me and so I decided to talk to you first. Boss: A raise? I would love to give you a raise, but this is just not the right time. Employee: I understand your position, and I know that the current economic down turn has had a negative impact on sales, but you must also take into consideration my hard work, pro- activeness and loyalty to this company for over a decade. Boss: Taking into account these factors, and considering I don't want to start a brain drain, I'm willing to offer you a ten percent raise and an extra five days of vacation time. How does that sound? Employee: Great! It's a deal! Thank you, sir! Boss: Before you go, just out of curiosity, what companies were after you? Employee: Oh, the Electric Company, Gas Company, Water Company and the Mortgage Company! LOL
  12. Don't worry Loralee, I have no intentions on dying, with you or anyone But I would be somewhat of a legend amongst family and friends if that did happen;) But that would happen sooooooooo far in the future you will likely be retired And I'm looking forward to other things when we meet in a few more weeks RG;):rolleyes:;)
  13. I had the pleasure of seeing Jordan Hahn (EC site) for a two hour outcall while I was staying overnight in Toronto. The anticipation of meeting her was well worth the wait. Her pictures are accurate, she is very easy on the eyes. She is very much in control, no signs of first time meeting nervousness...meanwhile my heart just a pitter pattering away...hope I didn't come across as nervous as I felt That having been said, Jordan is a very pleasant and personable lady. We had the normal first time meeting conversation over wine for her and juice for me. She has head turning looks, and soft silky skin. But she can change her facial expression from that of a beautiful woman to that of a sexy tigeress...a good girl being bad, a real turn on. Jordan gives a great sensual massage, head to toe and a safe gfe experience I won't go into details of our time together, what happens behind closed doors, stays behind closed doors. But I will say I had a good time with Jordan. It was a pleasure to meet her. She is a lady I will see again
  14. My sport of choice is fishing, requires patience and finese, willingness to try spots not normally the focus of your attention...then you get a bite:D RG
  15. This got me to thinking, irrespective of when I die, I want it to be in the arms of one of the ladies here on CERB, and they have to give the eulogy describing my last happy hour Thats going out with a bang and everyone looking saying WTG RG, WTG RG
  16. You forgot the hallway sex part of the RWE...you pass each other in the hallway and she says "fu*k you" and you reply "fu*k you too" And they wonder why the divorce rate is about 50%...could it be the other 50% don't realize divorce is a option LOL All that money spent on a lavish wedding, better spent hobbying RG;):rolleyes:;)
  17. And you know, this is probably closer to the truth than most would admit Thank Gawd I'm Single RG
  18. When I started, if not stated in their website/profile, I would ask if they provided the services that I would like...using the acronymns. Now I (unless posted) ask what is off limits, since you have to respect the lady's boundries. But most of my questions focus around the meeting (preferred method of contact, reference if needed, which hotel acceptable, refreshments etc, clothing request etc) But no matter what, always be respectfull RG
  19. Well hair, no problem for me, I'm bald, touch wood, no foot burn Hand, isn't that if you want to do a G. Gordon Liddy imitation RG
  20. To add to WIT's post 1. You have developed a certain respect in the community, from both the ladies and fellow hobbiests 2. You learn to accept, as one lady phrased it to me in an e-mail "life happens"...you don't get upset when plans change, you roll with the punches 3. You become open to try new things, and even if not, your not judgemental about what activities "winds anothers clock" 4. Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes and ages...it really is the person inside that matters. 5. You respect the ladies boundries, just because you provide money isn't an excuse to do whatever you want And to add to antlerman's post about peppers, garlic, chives and cayene...got me to thinking, maybe try honey and chocolate syrup Just a few more thoughts...now I'm hungry RG
  21. Another question for the ladies When initial contact is made by the hobbiest, do you prefer e-mail, text or phone call I only ask because for the most part I use email (I can think of all the questions I have and write them, with a phone call, I'm sure to forget something, also you never know if your calling at a bad time or not)...but one lady preferred initial communication via phone And one other question. For most guys that live in major cities, they don't need to book way ahead. For me, living in smalltown Ontario I have to schedule a free weekend (even single guys have responsibilities) ahead of time, plus travel (2 1/2 hrs to T.O, 3 1/2-4hrs Ottawa). Question is this, would someone like me (or me) booking around three months in advance make you suspicious, or would you take the appointment request seriously. And for all the ladies that have, are endulging my need for planning ahead of time, THANK YOU RG
  22. First, I take exception to comments that it is his military background...bullshit!!!...I was in the infantry, never any sort of the training we had would even remotely make you want to do what Williams did. By that logic, since Bernardo and Williams both went to U of Toronto, I guess U of Toronto produces serial killers...same dumb logic. It also demeans every man and woman serving/have served in the Canadian Armed Forces (some in harms way), and especially those that have lost their lives serving to make such generalizations. Williams would have done his murders even if he was a night manager at a convenience store. And his first murder victim served in the Armed Forces. Second, they finally caught him...I don't think these two murders are his first. I'll bet he has a string of bodies to his name, and I bet there will be cold cases that end up solved. Third, the speed in which he was caught and convicted. While to the layman, it may have seemed a long time, in fact the first murder was in Nov 2010, by Feb 2011 he was interviewed by police, arrested, and in October 2011 sitting in Kingston Pen beginning his Life Sentence. My sources (very reliable) tell me that Williams is in Segregation, on suicide watch, doesn't shower, doesn't take yard. Bernardo is in a completely seperate isolated area for high profile inmates...they are not in cells side by side as media would like you to believe. Finally don't refer to him as Col. He lost his rank, commission, medals. He is just Convict R. Williams RG
  23. 1. I liken the anticipation/nervousness to going on a blind date. Except you know the lady is attractive. But her personality/friendlines is the unknown. Is she going to like you, are you going to like her, will you two hit it off. But to me at least, that's part of the fun, the excitement of meeting a new lady. 2. I wouldn't use the word worse. To me it's a natural normal feeling. Part of the fun is excitement and nervousness. If I don't feel excited, nervous or filled with anticipation, call the Paramedics, I'm probably dead 3. Nervousness ends for me (I only have 1 lady thus far I've repeated with) But my anticipation and excitement levels increased second time. But whether a repeat or first time, the final hour, counting down excitement/anticipation building 4. Don't really think about it. First time, knew she was only in it for the money (she said so), third time, no chemistry, she probably wanted the time to end as bad as I did. With the other ladies, they either feel the same way, or similar, or they deserve the academy award for best actress. For the lady I repeated with, first time together, certain boundries which she said. Second time, she did something, without me asking, which was off limits the first time. And the second time she asked me to do something to her which she said turns her on It is (a secret btw) something which left her exposed and vulnerable and only something she would be comfortable doing if there was a trust level. Only say that because if she didn't feel the same (similar) about me, she wouldn't have included those activities the second time 5. I would find it sweet if she was had the same anticipation/nervousness. But it wouldn't change anything, I'd still be filled with anticipation/nervousness whether she was cool and in control or nervous too RG
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