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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. http://news.ca.msn.com/canada/cp-article.aspx?cp-documentid=26592917
  2. I used to see dancers, and I'm dating myself here, but in the late 1970's early 1980's. At the time, ok, sit at the table drinking a beer (jeez I am dating myself since I don't drink anymore). Saw dancers at the Manor in Kingston (now gone) in my high school days (omg, I was underage too) and just prior to going overseas with the Forces, went to the Barefax a couple of times in Ottawa. It was a way to kill an afternoon, but I don't think I would find it all that enjoyable (for me) now Massage, never had one. But I am going to get one. Just need to schedule a time/date for myself (due to travel), and treat myself to an erotic massage I have seen a few sp's. I find the pleasure of the company of a woman enjoyable. A couple hours together, and I have discovered, to my surprise, it is more than physical gratification. In bed, or a jacuzzi, talking, getting to know each other a bit, there is a connection made, almost like friends with benifits, judgement free and no strings. All that having been said, I would say imho, that I can't do a hierarchy of services, dancers, massage providers, service providers each provide a different service, and each fills a certain niche Some ramblings RG
  3. Victoria You are not in the wrong, No means No...not maybe, not later, not I'll think about it...No means no. Escapes me why someone would want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with them. And I can't imagine an encounter being enjoyable under those circumstances. But if I was in your shoes, I would be first and formost concerned about safety. These individuals sound possessive and controlling, rather than hobbiests interested in the company of a lady Don't really have any advice on what to do. But I'm sure if your screening methods changed the majority of guys, even if inconvenienced, would understand. You have to think of your safety and welfare first, before anything/anyone else Hope that helps Good luck RG
  4. And one thing I have said from the begining everyone has to do what is right for them I just don't believe it is a red flag that a man is being controlling to want his wife/g/f to be monogomous as long as that is a two way street, and the man is monogomous too. But I think we've flogged a dead horse over this, I'm tired from posting Peace Out RG:D
  5. I didn't see it, but for a couple ladies (in the Toronto area) I've seen, they really like the Victoria's Secret gift card. It would certainly be a gift option for the Ottawa ladies, except there is no Victoria's Secret in Ottawa RG
  6. Seems like a great idea in fantasy, had a female prof in university, would have loved to get some extra tutoring with her. But in reality, professor/student affair/fling is no different than a boss/employee affair...someone has the power, someone doesn't, and it will turn out bad most of the time...what happens when there is a break up, will the student's grades suffer from a vindictive prof, will the prof be forced to leave the university, or lose tenure, etc etc etc My two cents RG
  7. It sounds like people confuse addiction with normal needs. We all need food and water, that's not an addiciton. Sex is a normal need, but being sexually active is not a sign of addiction, it's part of a normal need Couple more cents to the discussion RG
  8. Cat First I believe everyone has to do what is right for them. That having been said my first point is that it is a two way street (yes, in a relationship I would like my wife/g/f to be monogomous, but I too,would be monogomous...I don't like double standards ) That in my opinion, is not control, that is two people entering a relationship, and everything that goes with it. Second point, I think it is unfair to catagorize all men asking a lady to stop as controlling. Yes there may be some controlling men, but there are probably lots more that want a wife/g/f who will see only him, as he will see only her. I do agree with you on one point. Getting involved with an SP in the hopes of a relationship not such a good idea. Someone hobbying for that purpose would be better advised to use Lava Life or eHarmony RG
  9. Meg I'm flattered that you used that...so soon Bet since posting that new avatar the emails and pm's haven't stopped, what guy wouldn't want to be with an even more beautiful Ann Margaret RG
  10. Well Brad Paisley summed it up in his song "I'm Going to Miss Her" Well I love her But I love to fish I spend all day out on this lake And hell is all I catch Today she met me at the door Said I would have to choose If I hit that fishin' hole today She'd be packin' all her things And she'd be gone by noon Well I'm gonna miss her When I get home But right now I'm on this lakeshore And I'm sittin' in the sun I'm sure it'll hit me When I walk through that door tonight That I'm gonna miss her Oh, lookie there, I've got a bite Now there's a chance that if I hurry I could beg her to stay But that water's right And the weather's perfect No tellin' what I might catch today Well I'm gonna miss her When I get home But right now I'm on this lakeshore And I'm sittin' in the sun I'm sure it'll hit me When I walk through that door tonight That I'm gonna miss her Oh, lookie there, I've got a bite Yeah, I'm gonna miss her Oh, lookie there, I've got a bite RG:D
  11. Seems appropriate, politicians screw us there every day. RG
  12. Just looked in the mirror :shock: what's hair again Sorry, couldn't resist :D RG ;):rolleyes:;)
  13. Meg That answers that question...but really, you look more like a blonde Ann Margaret than Elizabeth Montgomery. But no matter what, you look real good RG
  14. I am going to have to respecfully disagree with point number 2. As many of the ladies have posted in other threads, escorting is unlike other professions, in that it requires the lady to give (if thats the right word) herself intimately to a man. If a potential boyfriend/husband asks or wants a monogomous relationship it doesn't necessarily mean control as long as that is a two way street. Personally, I've never cheated in any relationship I've been in, but I would expect my g/f/wife to be monogomous too And I'm not judging, because everyone has to do what is right for them. But it's not neccesarily a red flag to control a woman by asking for a monogomous relationship, any more than a girlfriend/wife asking her boyfriend/husband not to see any other woman Just some thoughts RG
  15. My first avatar, which can still be seen if you pull up my profile, speaks to two things about me, my offbeat warped sense of humour, and second, my interest which is fishing. My current avatar, a picture of John Malkovich, is because 3 ladies I have had the pleasure of seeing said I look like him...well when I take my glasses off. I personally don't see any resemblance, but all the ladies can't be wrong Now that some of us have shared, tell us where you got your avatar RG
  16. roamingguy


    Bucken, Boomer Thanks for the info. Wasn't looking to get skype, but I've heard about it and been curious. Don't think it's a program/system I would need for my day to day computing needs Thanks again for the info and answering my question RG
  17. roamingguy


    I'm even newer when it comes to this...my question, what is skype, and what does it do RG
  18. Speaking for me only. If I was in a committed relationship, then I wouldn't hobby. And in every relationship I've been in, I have been 100% faithfull. And as a hobbiest I would never be presumptious to ever tell a lady to give up the business...actual kinda hypocritical imho (unless the sp/hobbiest fell in love, and both quit to pursue a relationship...but does "Pretty Woman" really happen except in the movies) RG
  19. My two cents. I think, in a very small minority of people, sex addiction does exist. And it likely exists for both men and woman. But people who can't (or won't) stay monogomous in a relationship, that isn't sex addiction. And if they use sex addiction as an excuse for their infidelity, well that imho makes suspect the legitimate cases of sex addiction. A laymans perspective who really knows nothing on the subject. As for Tiger Woods (only because he was referred too) he brought his infidelities into the public eye and publicly humiliated his wife...I'm not judging individual relationships but to publicly humilate his wife in the process...why not use some discretion, keep it private Then to market the affairs (the nike ad, "What have you learned") for sponsership, gas on a fire, and obviously no regard for his (then) wife and family, only concern, the almighty dollar RG
  20. Megan You are right and thank you for putting the human face on this. We all have received the unwanted phone calls, we just forget, or didn't realize that it is a likely minimize wage person doing what his/her employer tells him to do RG
  21. You know, nothing sexier than a female cop or soldier...something about a woman in uniform I guess RG
  22. As an additional thought, any hotel that offers cash only with no id is likely seedy, and ladies that go there are not likely ones you want to see. I've found most hotels will take cash, all you need is a credit card to make the reservation, no charges go through the card. And if you are really worried about s/o finding out, get a secured credit card in your name only, with a couple hundred limit and use that for hobbying I know your new to this, just remember when getting a hotel, there isn't a big red "H" (for hobbiest) tattooed to your forehead...you'll be one of hundreds of customers the hotel sees every day, and the front desk will give you no more/or less thought than the rest of them RG
  23. I may be off base, but an agency offerring incall I'd stay away from, that could come under LE radar (since incall illegal, and agency depending on reputation could be on the radar too) As for hotel, I've found most take cash. For a reputable hotel you'll probably need a credit card to hold a reservation, but they will take cash as payment. I think your worrying too much about the id thing...hotels have privacy requirements and can't just give out your info to anyone. One more thing, what city are you located in, it would help us to provide you with hotels etc Good luck And have fun RG
  24. First, not offended, sorry if the my post came off that way (it was late at night when I posted and past my bedtime:shock::D:shock:) and yes, I agree, everyone has a right to their opinion. I agree about the testing and safe sex practices. My only point is that the risk for STI/STD's comes from sex, not just sex through hobbying...but going to bars, dating, and even in committed relationships (how many affairs take place in committed relationships) I just think the focus of sti/std testing on sp's only is a societal way of stigmitizing this hobby. The focus of sti/std testing should be on ALL sexually active people, equally RG
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