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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Why should sp's get checked more than someone you pick up at a bar. Alcohol can often influence behaviour/judgement (or lack of it) at a bar, whereas for the sp the activity is sober and in spite of the intimate nature, it is business I just find it condescending that the testing question seems to focus on sp's...std's come from sex, is hobbying the only activity where sex goes on, no. RG
  2. It would be considered impolite. And for all this concern about STD/STI in hobbying, why isn't there the equivalant amount of posting about STD/STI for singles doing the bar scene, or frankly, even so called committed relationships. Not saying this passing judgment, but affairs do happen. STD/STI are from sex, no matter whether hobbying, going to bars, sleeping with your partner who is cheating on you etc etc etc. I believe (I may be wrong) hobbiests/sp's, generally speaking, would be more aware of the risks, therefore show more precautions My thoughts, for what they are worth RG
  3. Isabella Right on. You may have lots of friends, but you only have one mom, and she is not replaceable. RG
  4. Your worrying too much, this is supposed to be fun. Find a lady on CERB that interests you, check her reviews, and if still interested, set up a date. Believe me, after your first time, seeing SP's becomes easier, and you'll wonder why you didn't start sooner RG
  5. The only 100% guarrantee against STD's is abstinence, and that's just not going to hppen...the only person's sexual history you can know, even in a monogomous relationship is your own (not even your partner you can know for sure) Why are SP's going to be required to be tested, yet the woman in the bar who is sexually active and not in a monogomous relationship not required to be tested Why if you are demanding sp's to be tested, you don't make the same demand of hobbiests...it takes two to tango after all. Sounds discriminatory to me, STD's come from sex (duh pretty obvious I guess), so EVERYONE in any sexual relationship should require STD testing all the time, not just the SP/Hobbiest Just some late night thoughts before I go to bed RG
  6. I thought that's why we go to see ladies, to relieve tension, anxiety and stress RG ;):rolleyes:;)
  7. Had a friend who worked for Bell, he told me not to answer the phone if it comes up on call display as blocked/private/unknown name-unknown number/number long distance-and you don't recognize it He said alot of telemarketers have computerized systems that dial numbers (how many times have you answered, only to be put on hold waiting for someone to talk too, and they are the ones who call you!!!) If you answer, their computers now record that there is someone at that phone number...don't answer, the computer eventually deletes that number off their list Bottom line, don't answer any numbers you don't know/or are unlisted RG
  8. Alot of people don't understand. I don't have kids myself but I am lucky to be the uncle of a 7 year old who is special needs. Born premature, given 6 months to live (that was 7 yrs ago)...he is a happy boy. People who don't know would think he's slow for his age (in terms of certain things, such as eating, toilet training etc)...in fact the strides he has made, people wouldn't know how far he has really come Sorry for the rambling, and good for you, family, especially your kids, comes first, always RG
  9. I'm going to add one more thing. When I started hobbying not all that long ago, I was more focused on the menu of services the lady provided, and asked for certain "services on the menu" in my emails. Now I'm more focused on having a good time with a lady, and let the encounter run it's course normally, with no expectations ahead of time. Hope that makes sense RG
  10. THESE ARE THE BEST FIVE RIDDLES I HAVE SEEN IN AWHILE....THE ANSWERS ARE AT THE BOTTOM. RIDDLE #5 IS AMAZING. IT SHARPENS THOSE GENES IN YOUR BRAIN AND STALLS ALZHEIMER 'S FOR YEARS! 1. A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him? 2. A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be? 3. What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away? 4. Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday? 5. This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious as to just how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so ordinary and plain that you would think nothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it. It is highly unusual though. Study it and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out. Try to do so without any coaching! THE ANSWERS TO ALL FIVE OF THE RIDDLES ARE BELOW: 1. The third room. Lions that haven't eaten in three years are dead. That one was easy, right? 2. The woman was a photographer. She shot a picture of her husband, developed it, and hung it up to dry (shot; held under water; and hung). 3. Charcoal, as it is used in barbecuing. 4. Sure you can name three consecutive days, yesterday, today, and tomorrow! 5. The letter e, which is the most common letter used in the English language, does not appear even once in the paragraph.
  11. The only person who never made a mistake is the person who never did anything You do alot for all us CERBITE's, this is really just a little hiccup in the greater scheme of things...don't sweat it. RG
  12. The most attractive asset a woman has is her personality. Physical attributes are icing on the cake, but a good personality (friendly, intelligence etc) goes alot further, at least for me And open communication, between sp/hobbiest, really good Good thread Megan RG
  13. Agreed...first sp experience was with a lady (I'm being nice calling her a lady) off CL was bad, and my last with CL The ladies from CERB (and they are ladies) are the best, and I'm sticking to CERB ladies from here on in My 2 cents RG
  14. I know I'm no marathoner LOL. I like the date to start off with a glass of wine (water in my case, I don't drink) and either sit on the couch (or jacuzzi, even better) and talk, get to know one another, or if a your seeing the lady again for a second, third, forth...well you get the idea, talk like old friends catching up Then let nature take its course It should be mutually enjoyable, (and thus far, throw in a massage, the ladies seem to love that) and listen to what the lady likes (she'll like you for listening and responding)...yesterday the lady requested something I didn't expect, but I was very happy to oblige. And good advice P Pete about head to toe, ladies seem to like their feet pampered too RG
  15. Me either. The only thing I require from the lady is she is a female LOL and a personal preference, at least 25 years old...personality is a more important attribute IMHO RG :D
  16. Sounds very time consuming for the sp/mp, and reeks more of voyeurism than anything else. Read the sp/mp's profile/website and her reviews. If interested email/pm/text/phone her, set up an appointment I don't see what a webcam will provide to either the hobbiest or sp/mp that existing availble methods of contact already provide My 2 cents RG
  17. As one (and I'm sure not the only one) who works for the government, that reason (italics mine, but post is Grasshopper's) is another reason not to provide a sp your work number, it could lead to violation of the law RG
  18. Forgot a couple Das Boot Inglorious Basterds (definitely not a historically accurate picture of World War 2) Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2 (I preferred Vol 1) RG
  19. A place called Safeway should carry condoms Sorry, couldn't resist RG
  20. Agreed...just a good idea to be prepared for winter's challenges And lets not forget ice fishing, another winter pastime RG
  21. Saw Little Girl That Lives Down the Lane many many years ago (back in the '70s)...should get the video, watch it again, recall it was a good movie For war movie lovers, Where Eagles Dare with Clint Eastwood and Richard Burton taking on the German Army RG
  22. Meg I'm no techie but laptops are (compared to a few years ago) pretty cheap You should be able to get new for around $500.00 or less Not endorsing this store (nor criticizing it either) but here is an example of Future Shops prices on laptops http://www.futureshop.ca/en-CA/category/laptops/1002.aspx?path=b8f0a0d0431371126a8b49f025af4455en01 Just a matter of shopping around and getting the best value for your dollar Good luck RG
  23. Going ice fishing...there are ways to warm up in the ice huts And when you go home with no fish, just say skunked again Hey, that could be code for a good time RG
  24. I have no problem providing a reference,(or references) if needs be I have no problem with CERB handle, I mean good god, we all know why we are here...anyone not forthcoming with their CERB handle, something to hide. My guess, they have had issues on the board and they would be flagged as someone to avoid Contact phone number (unblocked) no problem Contact email, no problem Name (first & last) well some hobbiests have to show discretion in their real life, just as most of the ladies don't use their real names in their escorting life. I'll leave that one open for debate Work number, no. In my case I work for the federal government in a shared office. I'm not ashamed of hobbying, but it's my private life, not something where a lady can potentially call in, and the conversation would be from my end, in a public area (not all of us have privacy at work) Not arguing, but some thoughts from a hobbiest's point of view RG
  25. One I can use, and it's sorta true Got a blind date, but I've been told she is beautiful and has a great personality too That so far has been pretty much true in my experience. But you need to be single...oh, I am single RG
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