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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Second that one Slow down on snow/ice covered roads RG
  2. Winter's around the corner, here are some helpful hints Keep your headlights clear with car wax! Just wipe ordinary car wax on your headlights. It contains special water repellents that will prevent that messy mixture from accumulating on your lights - lasts 6 weeks. Squeak-proof your wipers with rubbing alcohol! Wipe the wipers with a cloth saturated with rubbing alcohol or ammonia. This one trick can make badly streaking & squeaking wipers change to near perfect silence & clarity. Ice-proof your windows with vinegar! Frost on it's way? Just fill a spray bottle with three parts vinegar to one part water & spritz it on all your windows at night. In the morning, they'll be clear of icy mess. Vinegar contains acetic acid, which raises the melting point of water...preventing water from freezing! Prevent car doors from freezing shut with cooking spray! Spritz cooking oil on the rubber seals around car doors & rub it in with a paper towel. The cooking spray prevents water from melting into the rubber Fog-proof your windshield with shaving cream! Spray some shaving cream on the inside of your windshield & wipe if off with paper towels. Shaving cream has many of the same ingredients found in commercial defoggers. De-ice your lock in seconds with hand sanitizer! Just put some hand sanitizer gel on the key & the lock & the problems solved!
  3. The only Ottawa lady I've seen thus far, is Meg (Meg For Fun) a sexy hot sweetie...left with a smile on my face for about a week, :D and with fond memories :rolleyes:, and definitely will repeat If I saw more Ottawa ladies, I probably would have more recommendations, call me in March ;) RG
  4. Two advantages of the gift card. First, no offence here, but woman especially find money as a present very impersonal, no thought involved Also with money, you might find it being put towards a bill, or gasing up the car/truck, or something essential, definitely not the intent of a present And second, a gift card shows thought in that you know the store (s) the person buys at. They get a guilt free shopping trip at their favorite store to buy what they want, instead of standing in line returning a present you thought long and hard about, but they don't like RG
  5. Meg You'll be caught on number two...you certainly don't need to join a gym, you look great already RG
  6. Unless I know the person wants something specific, I have found gift cards/gift certificates the way to go For the ladies here, thus far it's been a gift card either to Victoria's Secret or LaSenza (unless a specific store is mentioned on their profile) and/or a tip For family/friends a gift card to their favorite store This doesn't apply to children of course LOL-toys (not those kind) are the way to go Me, I like a gift card to one of my favorite stores, Bass Pro Shops RG
  7. Soleil I've had the pleasure of viewing your pictures, my thoughts, why fix what definitely doesn't need improving...keep setting that timer, your a good model and photographer RG
  8. Started hobbying July 2010. Don't tell a soul about it...not that I'm embarassed or ashamed, but it's my private life, nobody's business. Also, I came into hobbying after decades of dating...none worked out, and tired of the games. Hobbying allows for a fun time, with no long term expectations. Being single, there is no risk to me if someone found out. My friends might razz me a bit, till I tell them it only cost me a few hundred dollars (depending on the lady), and I certainly haven't risked losing my property, salary, pension etc (yeah, some of them have in so called legit relationships) And one more note, the ladies I've thus far met have been great, not only personable and intelligient, but great looking too...certainly not the stereotype the public would have us believe RG
  9. If he currently has a girlfriend and in a relationship I would agree, but he said he had girlfriends in the past. And in this day and age, I don't think any future girlfriend would fault him for not being a virgin...likely potential future girlfriends won't be virgins either Also, Mrs Right may never come along (happened, or didn't happen depends on how you look at it, to me, and I'm 49) , and he may be saving himself for a woman that he may never get Like others have said, read reviews and profiles, and go from there Good luck, and have fun RG
  10. Just a minor point, Corrections Canada doesn't administor or provide the pension to inmates, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada is the government department responsible for the pensions As for taking the pension money to pay for their incarceration, good idea....better still, put it towards victims of crime RG
  11. Since I live in small town Ontario I need to plan ahead of time (2-3 months) for my hobbying. That's so I can ensure I have a weekend freed up (I do have other obligations in my life) to travel either to Toronto (2 1/2 hour drive, or Ottawa 3 1/2-4 hour drive) to meet a lady. I've got specific dates planned for Nov, Dec and Jan, and once Dec hits, I'll plan specific dates for Feb (already know who I'm seeing), March and April. It works for me, and if I contact any lady well ahead of time, I'm serious when I contact you, just need ample lead time due to where I live and the demands made on my time RG
  12. Serving time in prison after being convicted of a crime is IMHO the best option. It takes the offender off the street and protects society. And as Williams himself said to the detective when asked, he didn't know if he would continue to stalk/kill (words to that effect) if he hadn't been caught. His incarceration is protecting the public. What has to be understood is prison is not where criminals go to receive punishment, the incarceration (and loss of freedom) in itself is the punishment As for the options. Well a wrongfully convicted individual can be released from prison, but if executed under the death penalty, there is no release from that. As for prisons being wrong, no better option has been suggested that I know of. Wouldn't want Bernardo, Picton, Williams, Olsen plus the hundreds of little known murderers (only because their cases didn't make headlines) out on the street. RG
  13. Hasn't happened to me, but being single, if it happened (especially if my friends were around)...a beautiful woman coming up to me, let's just say you wouldn't see the look of fear:D:cool::D But knowing the ladies have private lives too, better to walk by like I'm passing a stranger RG
  14. I can relate...what I hate the most about glasses is constant cleaning, or so it seems If your glasses bug you (sound like heavy frames), try Nike frames, really lightweight...got mine last year, changed my life RG
  15. Personally my opinion on the death penalty is that it is appropriate for First Degree Murder, and Bernardo, Olsen and Williams are poster boys for it...but, and BIG BUT, there is no justice system, in Canada or the world that guarrantees 100% that only the guilty will be caught/convicted, and the innocent won't EVER be convicted Look at the list of wrongfully convicted http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2009/08/06/f-wrongfully-convicted.html What if any one of them had been executed So life with no parole is what I would advocate for (yes get rid of parole for murders, and abolish 15 year Judicial Review for parole eligibility) My 2 cents RG
  16. I am in agreement with the getting to know you. My initial email will be more asking general questions. But if the lady responds asking questions, more of an email dialogue I respond in turn. But some people are not good at writing, and email dialogue of an interpersonal nature can be hard to do. I have also found that some ladies on emails do like to keep it more business, and by that arrange the appointment, location etc etc etc. Some others, even with an email, prefer talking on the phone to email For me, what I do, is schedule a 2 hour appointment, and at my age, it's not because I have 2 hours stamina LOL. It's time to meet the lady, sit down, chat, get to know them...for me it's all part of the encounter. If it was strictly just services, why not go to a streetcorner My 2 cents RG
  17. On my MSN when I opened up the internet RG http://money.ca.msn.com/savings-debt/insight/article.aspx?cp-documentid=26127123
  18. Meg's thread about toys got me to thinking (I know, dangerous LOL) but for SP's/Hobbiests who use toys, does the sp provide them, or the hobbiest. If the sp, does she have 1 set of toys for a paticular client or does she use the toys for all her clients. Or does the hobbiest bring his own toys More wondering about the health/hygiene aspect. And I didn't want to hijack Meg's thread RG
  19. Can't think of my all time favorite, not much of a fan of the horror movie genre (that's my big word of the day) However, there's Christine...lovely movie about a boy and his car For comedic type horror movies...Scary Movie series (a couple made) That's about all I can come up with now RG
  20. Alex To answer the question, "keep him...or leave him?", leave him No job, or relationship is worth having someone demean and disrespect you...no matter how much money he gives you Obviously his abuse (yes abuse) bothers you. No need to keep him as a client, lose him. He'll find the loss is his, not yours. You deserve to be treated better RG
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