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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Mustering up the energy to go to the Pharmacy to pick up a prescription and some head cold meds RG
  2. Well after my furry grey feline alarm clock woke me up yesterday before 4am and as a result my ass was dragging all day, today he let me sleep in till after 6am. I feel so wide awake and refreshed Only sad thing is that I now consider getting up at 6am sleeping in LOL RG
  3. From their website http://www.virginmobile.ca/en/support/manitoba-hspa.html?itcid=LP:29#FAQ http://www.virginmobile.ca/en/support/manitoba-hspa.html?itcid=LP:29#FAQ It looks like Dauphin is an extended coverage area. The second link should answer your questions about Extended Coverage This is their number to call if you have any questions 1-888-999-2321 Good Luck RG
  4. Are you talking about contacting ladies you know and have seen and just saying hello. Or are you talking about contacting ladies out of the blue saying hello Most if not all ladies will tell you being contacted out of the blue for just a hello is for them, a time waster, and a turn off And if it is a lady you do know, and have an existing for lack of better word "relationship" well she would let you know boundaries and if contacting her with a hello is OK RG
  5. Happy Birthday Maraena Enjoy your special day RG
  6. Happy Birthday MistressPandora Enjoy your special day RG
  7. Went out for my weekly breakfast get together with friends/fellow retirees today (highlight of the day right there). Got my usual, bacon and eggs. When served instead of the usual three slices of bacon, I got six slices, why I don't know :-) RG
  8. Happy Birthday Monique Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  9. Agreed it does seem strange that it appears to have been purged from CKWS's newsfiles along with other stories relating to it From the Whig Standard, this related story though http://www.thewhig.com/2015/12/04/i-felt-so-comfortable-here RG
  10. X is for xenodocheionology For those who tour,both lady and gentleman, this could be beneficial I had to Google this one ;-) RG
  11. I've used this one many times before but I never tire of this place...because I go there in anticipation of a wonderful date with a lady So V is for RG
  12. Lana Lux or Lonna Lux If Lonna she retired a few years ago RG
  13. Seeing as Q and R missed Q-Quintessential Girl Next Door ;-) and R-Rapture And then for T Temptation RG
  14. Personally I consider the term milf a term used in the same way as terms like spinner, bbw, cougar and so on, well insofar as this lifestyle is concerned. While I don't look for ladies based on acronyms whether it terms like milf etc or services (btw my personal choice not faulting those who do) I think milf doesn't imply a lady's age or anything. It just means what it stands for "mother I'd like to f***" And from the Urban Dictionary (yes I know gospel :icon_rolleyes: lol) comes a few definitions http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=milf The excerpt (last line) from the first definition is this A MILF is any mother that is sexually desirable. That to me is the definition in a nutshell. A rambling for whatever it's worth RG
  15. While I'm not in St John's a lady I do know tours there That is Emily Rushton, and I can strongly recommend her as a wonderful lady to see. I've seen her once or twice and here are some reco threads of Emily's which I happily contributed too. OK, I've seen her more than once or twice :-) https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=E&t=46726 https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=E&t=111874 https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=E&t=68254 https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=E&t=139979 https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=187359 https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=216458 So if Emily has a tour to St John's on her schedule, contact her, and you'll have a Date Of A Lifetime and you'll be left with Magical Memories Em's Profile https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/member.php?u=22822 and her website http://www.emilyrushton.com/ RG
  16. Happy Birthday Peachka Enjoy your special day RG
  17. Happy Birthday Ann Margret, 'er Meg ;-) Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  18. Happy Birthday Reddog Enjoy your special day RG
  19. Chicken noodle soup...well more accurately homemade chicken noodle soup done in the slow cooker For desert, an apple RG
  20. For A Few Dollars More RG
  21. Couple of sweatshirts from Marks WorkWearHouse RG
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