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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Randy Bachman These Eyes http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=randy+bachman+these+eyes&docid=168685011501&mid=BB91FBCED314D21C719CBB91FBCED314D21C719C&FORM=LKVR# RG
  2. Supertramp Breakfast in America http://www.livevideo.com/video/0DFD432ACDB04A43BD3E08133C0CB97F/supertramp-breakfast-in-amer.aspx RG
  3. Growing up, my dream career was to be a pilot in the military...and not flying fighters, I wanted to fly Hercules transport planes But I have to wear glasses, nyet to flying in the military So I still wanted to be in the military as a career, either infantry or armoured corp (did 2 years in the infantry) but got diagnosed with a medical condition which bars military service, and got me medically discharged Thought of the police, but couldn't pass the medical Found a job (not career) in a government department which falls under Public Safety and Security. I've spent 25 years, 5 more till retirement I guess one highlight of my job (and this is pre 9/11) was a terrorist was in Canada applying for refugee status. In my dealings with him, well lets say he didn't like me...and wrote a threatening letter to me, the gist of it was he wanted Alah strike me down dead (this is true btw) Dept of Immigration wanted him removed from Canada, but Immigration & Refugee Board were going to let him stay in Canada, but the evidence I presented plus his letter got him removed from Canada BTW Alah didn't strike me down dead RG
  4. Duran Duran View To A Kill http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsiBhQ60rJE RG
  5. Yikes, early morning appointments, I'd have to be on the road at 3am at the latest to be on time for 6am:shock: RG
  6. Shania Twain Who's Bed Have Your Boots Been Under RG
  7. To be honest, it sort of just came to me. Needed a name when I set up my hobbying email account, and I used that name on CERB too But I seem to be doing alot of roaming since coming on CERB, both on the site, and my travels hobbying will take/have taken me from Hamilton to Toronto to Kingston to Ottawa....might even take me to Nova Scotia next year RG
  8. Moonlight thru a window in a cabin (going back to when I was 17, and lost my virginity) RG
  9. I like proper grammar, spelling etc in writing. But her blog is part diary, and outpouring of emotion, straight from her to the keyboard. I think it might loose something if the writing was polished up. RG
  10. I envy you Ottawa guys. Tess is a real gem, and my next visit to see her is in November, just counting down the months She is hard to forget. RG
  11. I believe this applies to the United States. It was done, I believe, at the insistance of the District Attorny. Maybe Canada will follow suit, but I think it applies to the United States for now RG
  12. Very powerful writing. It's hard to read, and hard not to read RG
  13. Just occured to me, but your friend should get the locks changed on her doors so her kids can't enter her home and steal her stuff. RG
  14. This thread got me to thinking. People nowadays need not only their cell phones, but they need it with internet/email/texting/ messenger/ camera/ video, etc. But growing up (pre cell phone/home computer-you know, the days of the dinasour lol), I don't recall line ups of people at pay phones because of the need to stay in touchJust something that makes you (well at least me) go hummm.....RG
  15. I hope promises of Slap Chops ok, because she might like your nuts RG
  16. Don't like ads where the sp writes as she is too good for you, almost as if you are wasting their time by even contacting them Big turn off for me, and they don't need to worry, I'm not wasting my time contacting them RG
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