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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I just don't understand, these guys lucky enough to be in a city with lots of beautiful woman and rudely cancel on them Me, a close date is 1 1/2 hour drive away (Kingston), but I find that alot of the SP's are further away (Toronto 2 1/2 hrs,Ottawa 3 1/2 hrs drive) I have to plan way ahead to schedule an encounter....so if I cancel, it'll be because of an emergency and I'll have (unless hospitalization or something prevents it) the decency to immediately notify the SP, along with picking an alternate date. RG
  2. Well for an activity that is generally frowned upon by the public at large (or so it seems) and the public (or so it seems) looks down on both SP's/Hobbyiests alike, why is it then, from the posts in CERB (and setting up this group specifically, as an example) that there are alot of good people out here that show concern for one another Why should this activity be stigmitized...what consenting adults do in privacy is their own business. RG
  3. Some blasts from the past (not that I ever listened to them):roll: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHWeuQyFouo (song sucks, but she looks hot) Thank god for some good music http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x234k2_bruce-springsteen-born-in-the-usa-v_music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62diHTKQ-N8 Just a few RG
  4. Something you want to share with the rest of us...don't worry, your secret is safe:roll: RG
  5. Reading some of these posts got me to thinking. I know of a few people in my life that have regrets (touch wood, not yet for me) in their interpersonal relations with other friends or family members My sage advice is this. If you have a family member or (ex?)friend that for whatever reason you are estranged from, maybe try to re-establish a connection with him/her...a phone call, email etc I've seen a few too many regrets. Once a person passes away, it's too late. It doesn't matter who is right and who is wrong, be the one to make the first call My 2 cents RG
  6. I don't know if it's a phobia per se, but kind of a fear of heights. I can't stand looking over a balcony in a hi rise apartment (if I'm up high that is) I could sit in a chair on a balcony, it's just looking over it that bothers me And I could never be a roofer, just standing on a second floor balcony holding a ladder for a guy going up a roof I got kinda quesy. But flying, airliners, small planes, love it Wanted to take the jump course in the army when I was in, only timing screwed that up (was overseas in Germany instead) No problems climbing the obstacle course including climbing a net hanging from a cross beam log, going over a cross beam and climbing down (you fall, you're going to break something) So I don't know why roofs and balconies bother me RG
  7. Tess and I had pm'd, and emailed after I saw her profile a few weeks ago. Because of where I live a trip to see her would not be in the works till November, and I wanted to see her. Got home from work on Friday, opened up my email, and surprise, Tess emailed me with 3 words, "Kingston this Sunday" (she made me feel special driving to Kingston so I wouldn't have to drive as far) No brainer question, yes was my response. Fast forward to Sunday. There came a knock on the hotel door. Standing in front of me a beautiful young woman. I let her in. Details of our time together is between us, but I will say that after our time together, I didn't get enough of Tess. She is a real gem and knows how to make you feel special. Definitely another visit is in the future. She is in my books, a special lady. She drove to Kingston from Ottawa to spend two hours with me. We discussed our next encounter...November, which seems a long ways away. Guys, treat this lady right, she's a gem. She's worth a 3 1/2 hour drive to Ottawa And Tess, thank you. The only down side was me picking the wrong motel with little privacy but that's my fault RG
  8. My first time was with an older woman...she was 18 yrs old, I was 17 (both virgins...does that count) Yes older woman are better lovers. (for me, 30+, or at least mid to late 20's) Also at least for me, when it comes to SP's, those who are legal age teenagers 18+ to early 20's, well I find it hard to get past age difference (I'm 49)...that could be (under different circumstances) my daughter...and to me, untill at least 25, they are kids. I would feel like a dirty old man. BTW this isn't condesending towards those under 25, it's just me RG
  9. Excellant idea, just joined There are alot of people who have challenges visable and some not so visable. I'm in the latter group (and more now statistically challenged than really challenged), and to people who see me, wouldn't even know I have a challenge. But together, we can all offer advice, solutions and offer to help. Good idea Isabella RG
  10. My first experience was in a motel. Found it lacked privacy, now prefer hotels (or motel that has privacy) For high end vs economy...the only thing I would want is clean, comfortable and private...if you can get that in economy, works for me Single room works for me. As for downtown, east or west end...no difference...I've got a 3 1/2 -4 hr drive to Ottawa, I just need the address to punch in my gps My 2 cents RG
  11. I'd go back a few years so I wouldn't get involved with my last and (now) ex girlfriend. She turned out to be a very unstable person and it turned out to be a few good months followed by alot of months of hell. I'd also use the time machine to get involved in hobbying sooner. RG
  12. Meg You ever get self esteem issues again, just look at your pics on your profile and comments from us on CERB....you are thought of quite highly here. RG Additional Comments: Why do these posts remind me of the Seinfeld episode http://ca.video.search.yahoo.com/search/video;_ylt=A0oG75Ums29M0G8ABYHrFAx.?ei=UTF-8&p=seinfeld-muffin%20tops&fr2=tab-web&fr=mcsaoff BTW I luv eating muffin (tops) and I'll leave it to your imagination what I'm referring to when I use the word muffin:cooter: RG;)
  13. Me thinks I understand, but looking at Meg's pics, I don't see any, and she looks good RG
  14. WTF!!! Guess I'm pretty much vanilla (and hopefully normal) in my tastes and requests compared to that RG
  15. And if that food court is filled up, there are lots of other malls and food courts in Ottawa, actually Canada to sit and watch normal people Also, for fun, go to a Tim Horton's late at night...see how many normals there are out there then (might want to bring some pepper spray, just in case) RG
  16. Megan If you don't mind a guy who doesn't think he's gods gift, I'd love to console you....I see lots of trips to Ottawa in my future RG
  17. I forgot to add. 1st is have a threesome (mff)...which I plan to do in 2011 2nd is go a little outside my comfort zone sexually. I've never let myself be tied up (not hard core bondage...just tied to a bed) and let a woman initiate/control the playtime. After meeting a few sp's and establishing a level of trust, then I just might do it 3. If 1 & 2 go good, combine the bondage and mff, see what explodes RG
  18. Thanks for the feedback. Reason for asking is twofold. First didn't know if there was an industry standard for tips. Second, if no industry standard, too low a tip can be more of an insult than no tip at all (here's an extra $5.00, get yourself a Timmies...you see what I mean) RG
  19. 2:My friends call me horse and it ain't because I run fast. 5:I was a part time firefighter until October last year(quit after an explosion). Your called horse because of a scratchy voice (just kidding);) BTW greatest respect for firefighters and any and all Public Safety workers who risk their health and safety for the protection of society RG
  20. I had a pos vw rabbit turbo diesel too Bought it when I was young and dumb Turbo equated to me at the time speed Problem with it was I bought it in the summer...diesels didn't like (at that time, don't know about engine technology now) winter...many many times I couldn't get the car started due to the cold And the oil pressure light kept going off. Every time I took it in, mechanic would say, oh, just a fuse...and "fix" it. Finally, in exasperation (after a few years of this) I took the pos in, told them to just disconnect the oil pressure light/buzzer...mechanics response, we can't do that, it indicates a problem"....well duh, why didn't you fix the problem to begin with Turned out most oil spraying out, very little getting in the engine...and took it to another dealership...they said needs new engine Fortunately they verified with the first dealership about all the times my pos was sent in for repair...VW Canada replaced the engine free...I just paid the labour...not the best, but not the worst outcome either But no more vw's for me RG
  21. I got a question about tipping, for me it's not should you or shouldn't you, I will. The question is, is there a rate. For instance waiters/waitresses it is 15% Is there a percentage rate for tips for sp's? Thanks RG
  22. There's lots of museums in Ottawa And Parliament Hill for changing of the guard Me, I like the fishing thing, but for some of us not free...boats and hi end tackle cost money...but it can be low cost too RG
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